Savior Simulator

Chapter 1189: Petrochemical Beam

Chapter 1189: Petrochemical Beam
This time, Onitsuka Sakura still chose to strike at the fragile joints, but the result made her face change.

He tried his best to slash with five knives, but he couldn't cut off the big claws of the demon scorpion.

The shiny black carapace had a half-foot-deep scar cut by the sword, but not a trace of blood seeped out.

Onitsuka Sakura felt a chill in her heart.

Before she chopped off one of the lower limbs of the magic scorpion with a knife, she still thought that this monster was nothing more than that.

At this time, the broken claw was frustrated, and he realized that the carapace of the exoskeleton of the magic scorpion was not uniform in thickness.

Three pairs of tiny walking legs, if one is broken, it will have little effect, and the armor is relatively weak.

Claws are far more important than walking feet. Moreover, as weapons, they frequently collide with the hardest and sharpest parts of the prey in battle, so the armor is of course thicker.

Unable to cut off the scorpion's pincers, Onitsuka Sakura's confidence was inevitably frustrated. What made her even more frustrated was that the knife marks left on the scorpion's body healed automatically in a blink of an eye.

Obiris demons are born with a "quick self-healing" physique, but the self-healing speed of this magic scorpion is too fast, far surpassing that of the ovipositor.

The magic scorpion suddenly swung out its right pincers, like a fierce punch.

The big claws that opened were like huge scissors, trying to cut off the slender girl standing on his left claw.

Onizuka Sakura quickly put aside her distracting thoughts and jumped up with all her strength.

The giant pincers swept across her feet and closed the pincers suddenly. The air was instantly pinched and exploded with a loud bang, as if a barrel of explosives was ignited.

Onizuka Sakura felt an unusually violent air current blowing under her feet, she knew something was wrong, but she was in mid-air with nothing to rely on, she could only let herself be engulfed by the air current and fly high into the sky, her petite figure was like a leaf falling in the wind.


The rapid and powerful gunfire sounded suddenly.

Kosuke Sato drove the mech, sparks from the 30mm cannon in his hand flew, aiming at the magic scorpion and continuously shooting, forcing the monster to give up chasing and killing Onitsuka Sakura who was drifting in the wind, and raised a pair of pincers close together like a boxer, blocking Cannonballs fired in the face.

The 30mm superalloy armor-piercing projectile hit the magic scorpion, most of which were bounced off by the smooth and hard black carapace.

A very small number of shells that broke the defense were stuck in the cracks in the carapace, and were squeezed out by the strong muscles and tendons in an instant, and the cracks caused by the shells healed automatically.

Yes, Kosuke Sato certainly knows that Obiris demons have natural damage reduction armor, and as they grow and evolve, the damage reduction value of the armor will also continue to increase.

The problem is... the damage reduction armor of this perverted scorpion is too outrageous, right? !
The armor-piercing projectile that can easily penetrate a one-meter-thick concrete wall hits the magic scorpion, and the damage it causes is not as fast as the opponent's self-healing speed. What should I do?
Sato Kosuke became more and more frightened.

The magic scorpion rushed over with the machine gun firing, and quickly approached.

Kosuke Sato was 30% sure that although his mecha had [-] points of power, it was no stronger than a baby compared to the giant scorpion that was bigger than the mecha on the opposite side, and wrestling head-on with it was purely suicidal.

Before the magic scorpion touched the mecha, he hurriedly activated the flight mode. Behind the mecha, he unfolded a pair of wing-mounted jetpacks, sprayed two streams of golden particles, and pushed the mecha soaring into the sky.

The flight mode consumes a lot of energy and can only last for a short 10 minutes. Moreover, the aerodynamic structure of the humanoid mecha is not suitable for flying, and its mobility in the air is greatly reduced.

Kosuke Sato was only concerned about running for his life, and didn't think too much for a while, until he saw through the window that the magic scorpion raised its tail and pointed its sting needle at himself in the air, gathering magic power and shining scarlet and glaring light, then he realized that something was wrong, without thinking Cast that life-saving spell in an emergency.


The magic "Hidden Shield" of the 4-ring protection system is automatically activated instantly, and a translucent spherical force field is formed around the mech.

At the same time, the magic scorpion also emitted a scarlet beam, hitting the mecha in the air.

To Kosuke Sato's surprise, the red light beam also had force field properties, and after colliding with his force field shield, they canceled each other out, and the armor that lost its protection was once again exposed to the "gun muzzle" of the magic scorpion.

At this time, a silver light covered the mecha, and instantly sent it to the ground, replacing the mecha suspended in mid-air, it became a black volcanic rock.

The scorpion tail needle shot towards the sky, and the scarlet beam blasted the stones into pieces.

"Phew... I'm saved."

Kosuke Sato sat in the cabin, wiped off his cold sweat, and cast a grateful glance at Gao Fei outside the window.

If Gao Fei hadn't cast the 2nd-level spell "Shifting", and pulled him back to the ground from the air in time, it would have been Kosuke Sato's head that was blasted to death by the magic scorpion's beam cannon.

"Sakura, Kosuke, hold on a little longer." Gao Fei's voice came from the Xingpan team's call channel, "Holding the magic scorpion for half a minute is enough, and I will handle the rest."

Kosuke Sato could see that Gao Fei's previous profession specialized in sneak attack and theft, which was not suitable for confrontation with the magic scorpion. He had to switch to a profession that was more able to restrain the magic scorpion. Buff spells to be at your best against the scorpion.

During this period, he needs the help of his teammates to buy time.

"no problem!"

Kosuke Sato gritted his teeth, and drove the mecha towards the Demon Scorpion who was fighting Onitsuka Sakura.

He came back just in time.

Onitsuka Sakura used light and agile body skills to deal with the magic scorpion, which is indeed the best strategy to delay time.

The girl moves and dodges under a pair of giant claws, seemingly dangerous, but she can always seize the critical moment and avoid the fatal blow, as if dancing on the tip of a knife.

The magic scorpion soon discovered that Onitsuka Sakura was surprisingly fast, and he couldn't catch this petite and cunning prey with just a pair of large pliers, so he flicked the scorpion tail to intercept the prey, and sometimes shot a scarlet beam of light.

Onizuka Sakura held her breath and was extremely focused, trying her best to dodge the onslaught of the scorpion.

If she continues to deal with it like this, her physical strength and spirit can last for another minute or two.

However, I don't know whether it was the magic scorpion's careful calculation or pure accident, suddenly raised its tail and shot a beam of red light at the girl.

Onizuka Sakura had been on guard for a long time, and dodged sideways without thinking.

The light beam passed by and hit a mirror-like smooth obsidian behind it, and it was refracted back!

From the corner of Onizuka Sakura's eyes, she caught a glimpse of scarlet, her heart trembled, and she hurriedly swung the knife back.

The beam of light refracted from behind hit the smooth mirror-like belly of the knife and refracted again.

After two times of refraction, the energy contained in the light beam has been greatly weakened, and finally only a shallow wound was cut on the outside of Onitsuka Sakura's arm, oozing a trace of blood.

At first, Onitsuka Sakura didn't care, a little flesh injury could be dealt with with a "first aid technique".

However, what shocked her was that the wound after first aid was only healed in a physical sense, but the skin around the wound was turning a strange blue-gray color, becoming hard and losing consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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