Savior Simulator

Chapter 1188

Chapter 1188
Lying down a big trough! !

Are you so hung up? !

Goofy's scalp is numb!

From his hiding place to the bottom of the pit where the magic scorpion lives, there is a straight-line distance of 800 meters.

With such a long distance, and the thick smoke blocking his vision, he was only a little bit hit by the light beam fired by the magic scorpion.

This quasi-head is too perverted!

Ning is the sharpshooter of the bottomless abyss? !
Gao Fei didn't dare to stay for a long time, so he directly activated the "teleportation technique", bye bye!
At this time, another scarlet light beam shot over, piercing through the beam of light, and only had time to penetrate Gao Fei's afterimage.

With a flash of light, Gao Fei appeared on the top of the sinkhole.

"Mr. Gao, did you succeed?"

Sato Kosuke and Onitsuka Sakura ran over and asked eagerly.

Gao Fei wiped off his cold sweat, and said in a deep voice: "I stole all the spells of the magic scorpion. Unfortunately, the most powerful moves of that monster do not belong to the category of magic."

Before the words were finished, a scarlet light beam shot out from the bottom of the pit, sticking to the pit wall and shooting into the sky, before disappearing deep in the clouds.

"Wow! The magic scorpion's laser is so powerful!" Sato Kosuke couldn't help exclaiming, "The visual range is nearly two kilometers..."

"There's nothing to worry about. Unless the scorpion crawls out, the shooting angle will be blocked by the wall of the pit, so it's impossible to hit us." Onitsuka Sakura pretended to be calm.

"The magic scorpion has been hiding at the bottom of the pit, but it's troublesome." Gao Fei looked at the deep pit, his eyes turned cold, "Sakura, Kosuke, get ready to fight, I'll blast the magic scorpion out of the bottom of the pit right now."

Onizuka Sakura and Sato Kosuke shuddered, and hurriedly retreated to the distance, each blessed with buff spells and engine armor, ready to face the powerful Abyss Scorpion.

Standing alone on the edge of the tiankeng, Gao Fei first slapped himself with "see through the gate of life", increasing the damage of sneak attacks by 5d6, and then drew 19 points of magic power in one breath, learned and sold, and cast the 9-level spell that he just stole from the magic scorpion "Meteor Burst".

"Silme... Ambar!!"

The moment the mantra symbolizing "starlight" and "destruction" floated out of Gao Fei's lips, it seemed to have life, stirring in the air, causing violent fluctuations of magic power.

Over the cloud-shrouded island, shining stars suddenly appeared. Four flaming meteors manifested by magic power roared from the sky and approached the surface in an instant. tiankeng.

At the same time, the magic scorpion had already seen the falling meteor through an "Eagle Eye Observation Point" set up above the island earlier, and had a premonition of a huge threat, so he quickly raised his tail and fired a scarlet beam in an attempt to intercept the meteor.

The red Changhong streaked across the sky and hit a meteor.

Amidst the roar, the meteor exploded, and the hot meteorite fragments, accompanied by the fire, splashed and dispersed above the tiankeng, like fireworks in full bloom.

A perfect volley, but only this one chance.

The remaining three meteorites have reached the middle of the crater and continue to fall at an accelerated rate.

Before the magic scorpion had time to emit the beam again, a meteorite fell head-on.

boom! !

The meteorite hit the back of the magic scorpion, smashed him into the soil, and then exploded.

The terrifying explosion roared, echoing in the deep pit.

Immediately afterwards, two other meteorites also fell down, burying the insect swarm at the bottom of the pit in the flames and rubble.

The moment the "Meteor Explosion" burst, flames, gravel, and smoke merged into the high-pressure airflow and erupted violently upwards.

Standing by the edge of the pit, Gao Fei watched the mushroom cloud rise slowly from the pit until it rushed out of the sinkhole and permeated the open air. The scorching air mixed with ash hit his face, making him feel suffocated for a while.

Each of the four meteors can cover a 400-foot radius at the moment of explosion, dealing 20d6 physical damage and 20d6 fire damage to the area at the same time, plus 13d6 universal sneak attack damage.

Facing the catastrophe of the catastrophe, the ovipositors in the deep pit were too fragile, and they were killed collectively at the moment the meteorite exploded, and their bodies were all evaporated.

Only the huge magic scorpion was hard-resistant to the meteorite bombardment. Numerous cracks were smashed into its back carapace, exuding purple blood, but its vitality was still vigorous. Its six legs moved together and climbed up the pit wall at a surprisingly fast speed!

When the roar that almost shattered the eardrum subsided, the ferocious head of the demon scorpion appeared in the sight of Gao Fei and the others.


A pair of black pincers bigger than a car grabbed the upper edge of the pit wall, and with a sudden force, the huge body of the magic scorpion suddenly jumped out of the pit, like a moving hill, rushing straight towards Gao Fei and the others!
At this time, Gao Fei had switched his career to "imitator". With a wave of his hand, a large area of ​​activated vines appeared on the ground in front of him, like green pythons everywhere, entangled the three pairs of lower limbs of the magic scorpion.

However, compared to the huge size of the magic scorpion, the activated vines are as thin as a hair, slowing down the pace of the giant scorpion a little, and being uprooted in a blink of an eye.

The scorpion dragged countless vines, like a whale dragging a fishing net wrapped around its body, and continued to rampage.

Goofy sighed.

Level 1 "Entanglement" is still too weak to be of much use in the face of a strong and huge quasi-legendary monster like the Abyss Scorpion.

"Mr. Gao, get out of the way!"

A girl's voice came from next to her ear, followed by the crisp sound of drawing a knife.

Onizuka Sakura put on the crow mask, activated "Flash Movement", "Flash Dance Step" and "Acceleration Technique", flashed past Gao Fei, and appeared directly opposite the Demon Scorpion in the next second.

Compared with the huge magic scorpion, the girl's figure was extremely small, not as big as a claw of the opponent.

The magic scorpion didn't seem to pay attention to Onitsuka Sakura, and the speed didn't slow down at all, and it directly ran towards her.

Suddenly there was a sharp sound of breaking wind in the air, and five bright blades slashed at the junction of the magic scorpion's joints almost at the same time.


The second forelimb on the left side of the magic scorpion was cut off, and blood gushed out from the section.

Onizuka Sakura held a knife in both hands, with a solemn face.

The scorpion's lower limbs were cut off and did not affect its movement, but the severe pain from the wound made it stop crawling, lowered its head, and stared fiercely at Onitsuka Sakura.

Without any warning, the magic scorpion suddenly waved a pincer and smashed it down on Onitsuka Sakura.

Onitsuka Sakura retreated calmly.

The pitch-black pincers hit the ground in front of it, as if a bomb had been dropped, and a large pit with a diameter of more than five meters was smashed into the ground. A large amount of sand and sand splashed in all directions, and a strong shock wave was transmitted against the ground.

The girl leaped into the sky, avoiding the shock waves coming from under her feet, turned over in the air, like an egret, lightly landed on the huge pincers of the magic scorpion that was sunk in the mud.

Taking a deep breath, Onitsuka Sakura held up the Taidao "Yingxue" with both hands, and the face under the mask turned a strange blush due to excessive force.

The speed of swinging the knife was extremely fast, but there was only a silver-like light of the knife in five consecutive slashes, and the sound of breaking the wind late was like tearing silk.

The high-frequency trembling blade slashed on the scorpion's pincers one after another, sparks splashed everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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