Savior Simulator

Chapter 1187 Meteor Burst

Chapter 1187 Meteor Burst

The observation point created by the "Eagle Eye Technique" is really too small and too hidden. It is impossible for Gao Fei to find out and destroy all the eagle eyes planted by the magic scorpion on the island, so he can only acquiesce in their existence.

But in this way, every move of him, Onitsuka Sakura, and Sato Kosuke also fell into the surveillance field of view of the magic scorpion, and fell into a passive situation where the enemy is dark and we are clear.

Gao Fei also thought that the magic scorpion had clearly seen the three of them, and neither climbed out of the sinkhole to actively hunt and kill the enemies that destroyed the insect nest, nor released "Meteor Burst" to bombard them again, lurking at the bottom of the sinkhole, waiting for more... Many members of the same family teleported over, gathered around him, and silently accumulated power. This forbearance alone shows that its intelligence level is not low.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Gao Fei decided to steal the spell of the magic scorpion, but before that, he had to improve his level first.

"Spell Thief" must be upgraded to at least level 15, counting the additional 12 spellcasting levels provided by "Spellcasting Wizard", and the comprehensive spellcasting level reaches 27, in order to steal 9-ring magic.

Gao Fei is now a level 13 "law thief" with 92000 experience points in his reserves. He spent 45000 points to upgrade two levels in one go. The sneak attack effect has been raised to 8d6. " and "Advanced Remote Techniques".


Knowing Blow: Activated instantly after the attack hits, making the damage dice of weapons and magic automatically take the maximum value.Available 3+ Charisma modifiers per day.

Advanced Remote Manipulation: The reach of "Remote Manipulation" has been increased from 30 feet to 100 feet × caster level.


Needless to say, "knowing one blow", Gao Fei got this ability when he fought the Berserker module.

"Advanced remote techniques" can be used for remote pickpocketing, including stealing magic.

With Gao Fei's current spellcasting level, he can steal spells from as far as 900 meters (2700 feet). Unfortunately, this distance is not enough to reach the magic scorpion lurking at the bottom of the sinkhole.

He told his two teammates about his plan, and then came up with an idea: "The magic scorpion is too far away from me, if you want to steal its spell, you must either lure it out, or I will try to sneak into the sinkhole."

"It's too dangerous to enter the tiankeng. It's safer to lure the magic scorpion out to hunt it down." Sato Kosuke said after thinking, "If it doesn't come out, how about throwing bombs into the pit?"

In order to shrink the mecha and make it easier to carry, he specially learned a 6-ring "advanced shrinking technique", which can reduce the three-dimensional size of inanimate objects—including magic items—to 1/64 and their weight to 1/262144.

Using the "advanced shrinkage technique", Kosuke Sato can stuff an arsenal into a suitcase, and take out a pen-like gadget at will, and it can become a bomb weighing tens of thousands of pounds!
"Airdropping bombs is not a good idea." Onitsuka Sakura frowned and shook her head, "Don't forget, the magic scorpion can shoot lasers, and even supersonic missiles can be intercepted, let alone bombs? How about playing 'Ecstasy' , lure it out."

In addition to "Speed ​​Swordsman", Onitsuka Sakura is also a bard, playing the violin is comparable to a professional performer, and can also play the ocarina and shamisen.

"This won't work either." Sato Kosuke smiled wryly, "Don't forget, Obiris demons are inherently immune to all mental attacks, 'Ecstasy' or 'taunt' are useless against Scorpion."

"Then what about 'invisibility'?" Onitsuka Sakura changed her mind.

"It's useless, the magic scorpion has a constant 'true seeing', which can see through all invisibility and camouflage within the field of vision." Gao Fei said.

Kosuke Sato's eyes suddenly lit up, and his smile gradually became treacherous.

"Hehehe... Mr. Gao, Sakura, I suddenly thought of a good idea!"

"Stop rambling, tell me!" Onitsuka Sakura asked angrily.

"'True seeing' can see through all illusions, but it can't see through real coverings, such as thick smoke and smog. My mecha can fire smoke bombs, and I just prepared the 2-ring magic 'fog vision' today '!"

Gao Fei thought the idea was good, so he asked Sato Kosuke to immediately turn the suitcase into a mecha form and throw smoke bombs.

Sato Kosuke first blessed Gao Fei, Onizuka Sakura, and himself with "fog vision", got into the cabin, and manipulated the mecha to throw smoke bombs into the sky pit.

A gray stick fell into the tiankeng and burned before it touched the ground. With a chirping sound, a large amount of thick and pungent smoke was emitted.

Sato Kosuke threw 20 smoke bombs in one breath, making the inside of the tiankeng so smoky that you couldn't see your fingers.

"Kangsuke, Sakura, I'm going down, you all should strengthen your guard outside the pit, and wait for my news."

Gao Fei put on a gas mask, explained a few words through the astrolabe team channel, and then sneaked down the pit wall under the cover of thick smoke.

The slope angle of the side wall of the tiankeng is nearly 60°, covered with solidified volcanic rock, with an irregular glass texture, steep and smooth, and it is very difficult to climb without rock climbing tools.

Fortunately, Gao Fei has switched his sub-profession to "Dharma Stealer". With his professional ability, he can "fly over the eaves and walls", like a dexterous big spider, climbing freely on the steep pit wall without making the slightest sound under his feet.

The gas mask and "fog vision", together with the professional ability "Pierce the Darkness" that comes with "Spell Thief", ensure that Gao Fei can see normally and breathe smoothly in the smoky and pitch-black tiankeng.

After sneaking down for about 200 meters, the distance between Gao Fei and the magic scorpion has been shortened to within the range of the "advanced remote technique".

Gao Fei felt that there was no need to take too many risks, so he stopped here, silently issued the "Mage's Hand", maintained his concentration, and used his thoughts to remotely control this faintly visible pale palm, and quietly approached the bottom of the tiankeng.

At this time, the smoke had settled to the bottom of the pit, and the vision of the scorpions and ovipositors was blocked. Coupled with the stimulation of substances such as capsaicin mixed in the smoke, they had difficulty breathing and appeared restless.

Under the cover of thick smoke, Gao Fei remotely approached the magic scorpion with his ghostly magic hand, took advantage of the chaos, touched it, and successfully stole the spell!

Suppressing his ecstasy, Gao Fei quickly checked the list of stolen methods.

He stole all the magic scorpion's only four innate spells.

Gao Fei only had two blank spell slots, so he had to throw away "Eagle Eye" and "Teleportation", while keeping "True Sight" and "Meteor Burst".

The magic scorpion is not an idiot. The moment Gao Fei cast a spell, he realized that something was wrong. Immediately afterwards, he realized that all his innate spells had been sealed. He was startled and angry at the same time. At the point, the magic power of the stinging needle at the end of the tail surged, and suddenly shot out a red light!
The scarlet light beam came suddenly and brushed against the tip of Gao Fei's nose.

Gao Fei shrank his head subconsciously, covered his nose, and turned his head to look at the wall of the pit.

On the wall of the pit, where the red light beam just hit it, there appeared a bowl-sized hole, bottomless, and hot magma was gushing out...

(End of this chapter)

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