Savior Simulator

Chapter 1181 Mind Barrier

Chapter 1181 Mind Barrier
The "crazy aura" of the Obiris demon is vicious, but it also has flaws.

If a certain creature is as chaotic and evil as a demon, then it can be immune to the "crazy aura" of the Obyris demon.

This means that the crazy aura of the Obiris Zerg is not only ineffective against the same race, but also has no effect on another large race in the abyss - Tanari Demons.

The reason why the Obiris Zerg's dominance in the Abyss was replaced by the up-and-coming Tanari, from the original main ethnic group to a minority that was squeezed out and suppressed, was a very critical factor.

It's a pity that Blue Star is not a bottomless abyss, and human beings cannot learn from the successful experience of the top of the Tanari Demon Race.

Both Obiris and Tanari are the products of the will of the abyss. They are both chaotic and evil in nature, but the proportion of chaos and evil in their spiritual levels is different.

In the human world, the vast majority of people are law-abiding citizens, neither evil nor chaotic.

Even extreme anarchists, even terrorists, have a clear set of standards of good and evil, and their ideas have a noble side.

Mental patients may be able to meet the standard of demons in the dimension of chaos, but being crazy is not equal to evil, and their diseases are more worthy of sympathy.

Only a very small number of outright perverted murderers can approach demons in the two dimensions of chaos and evil, and are not affected by the crazy aura of the Obiris Zerg. However, only this kind of scum survives and will not change the world. better.

Is there any other way to fight "crazy aura"?
Gao Fei thought for a while, and asked Ms. Yaoguang: "Station Master, the 'Crazy Aura' of the Obiris Zerg is a spiritual attack, so in theory, spells that can resist mental attacks, such as the third-level 'secondary mind barrier' , should also be able to block the 'crazy aura'?"

"It's true that the 'Secondary Mind Barrier' can resist the crazy aura of the Ovipositor, but in the face of the crazy aura of the high-level Obiris demon, this level of defensive barrier cannot withstand it."

Yao Guang smiled slightly, and held Gao Fei's hand.

"If you are only sent to Ghost World Island on a business trip, just ask your company commander to pass on a message. The reason why I asked you to come here for an interview is to give you an amulet specially used to restrain the crazy aura."

Gao Fei held the slender hand of the station master's sister Liang Sisi, confusion appeared in his eyes, he didn't quite understand what the so-called amulet was?
"You can now switch the sub-class to 'Spell Thief', and then configure the legendary specialty 'Spellcasting Wizard'. I have specially prepared a spell for you today, and you can tell it at a glance." Yao Guang said softly.

Gao Fei vaguely guessed her intentions, followed the instructions of the station master's sister, and silently opened the "eye of insight" to spy on her spell list.

Sure enough, the magic specially prepared for him on Yaoguang is the "spiritual barrier" that is immune to all enchanting magic and supernatural spiritual attacks below the legend!
"Soul Barrier" is an 8-ring magic.

Gao Fei is a level 13 "Spell Thief", including the additional 12 spellcasting levels provided by "Spellcasting Wizard", which is just enough to copy 8-level magic... Is this also in the calculation of the station master sister?

Gao Fei restrained his mind and stole it from Yao Guang... To be precise, he accepted a precious gift to replace the original "secondary spiritual barrier". ?

Yao Guang let go of his hand, with a gentle smile in his eyes.

"You go to Ghost World Island now, and connect with the two colleagues at Station No. [-]. Your first task is to prevent the Obiris Zerg from spreading outside the island. In addition..."

Yaoguang paused for a moment, as if he was concerned.

"Also, if you still have the energy, go and inspect the Tiankeng of Ghost Realm Island to find out where the wormhole leads."

"There's a more dangerous and mysterious monster hiding at the bottom of the pit. It's the guy who launches beam intercepting missiles and summons meteors to sink the aircraft carrier. You must be careful!"

"Don't worry, webmaster, I will not let you down!"

Gao Fei stood up, saluted Ms. Yao Guang solemnly, left her office after saying goodbye, and teleported directly to Ghost World Island where the abyssal swarms were entrenched.


In the waters of the Western Pacific Ocean, Ghost World Island.

At 10:15 in the morning, on the beach in the eastern part of the island, a teleportation beam of light suddenly rose, and two figures, a man and a woman, walked out of the beam of light.

The man is in his early 20s, wearing a suit and leather shoes, with a side-parted hairstyle and a neatly combed hair. He wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses. His figure and appearance are bookish. He is carrying a briefcase in his hand, like a man who is about to catch the subway. office workers.

Next to him was a girl in a sailor suit, with clear features, delicate and fair skin, waist-length long hair, black and soft, with a satin-like luster, if not for the samurai sword on her waist, she would look ordinary JK girls.

"This island... has a strong bloody smell, and the rancid smell of demons." The female high school student wrinkled her nose, held the handle of the knife with her right hand, and asked her partner calmly, "Satou-kun, can I kill demons? "

"Don't worry, Sakura, let's wait for that big shot at Station No. [-], he is the person in charge of this deworming operation."

Sato Kosuke smiled wryly to appease the murderous beautiful girl beside him.

Onitsuka Sakura frowned delicately, and said lightly, "Why don't you clean up the insect nest before Mr. Gao arrives? If that's the case, that gentleman will definitely give us a high look and admit that we are qualified to cooperate with him. "

"It makes sense for you to say so." Sato Kosuke adjusted his glasses, "Mr. Gao is ranked number one at Station No. [-], and he is also the only official special police officer who has graduated at the full level so far. Even Ms. Tang Ning admires him very much. We should Make a good impression on him."

"Then get ready to do it."

Onitsuka Sakura caressed the star patterns on the back of her left palm, and with a flash of silver light, she took out a mask from the astrolabe and put it on her face.

It was a black mask, with red crystal flakes inlaid in the eyes, shaped like a crow about to fly, covering the girl's face from the bridge of the nose to the forehead.

The eyes of the crow mask overlap with the pupils of the girl, and the eyes look through the red crystal lens, adding a bit of enchanting temperament.

"The Obiris Zerg is not easy to mess with. You take the medicine first, so as not to be affected by the 'crazy aura' and suddenly swing a knife at me."

Sato Kosuke took out a small medicine bottle from the astrolabe, poured out two light yellow pills, swallowed one himself, and handed the other to Onitsuka Sakura.

The girl didn't reach out to take it, her eyes drifted to one side.

"Do you have to take this sour and astringent pill?"

"Vitamins are good for the body."

"Gummy bears are good for the body too!"

"I really can't help you..."

(End of this chapter)

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