Savior Simulator

Chapter 1180 Crazy Reiki

Chapter 1180 Crazy Reiki
The three meteors that fell later, unfortunately, all hit the ship. After breaking through the deck, they exploded violently, causing the boiler to explode, and the huge aircraft carrier was almost torn apart.

The sea water rushed in, and the "Kaka" sank irretrievably, and thousands of sailors had to abandon the ship to escape.

There was an ominous buzzing sound from Ghost World Island.

The Egg Demon seemed to know that the "Jiahe" was doomed to sink, and flew over in groups, brutally massacring the officers and soldiers who fell into the water.

Gao Fei was surprised to find that these Obiris monsters not only possess superb flying skills, they are also good at diving, and they are skilled at hunting prey in the sea.

When the eggplanter finds a person who has fallen into the water, it immediately stings and injects the toxin to paralyze the whole body and lose the ability to resist. Then, it hugs the prey tightly with its eight lower limbs, drags it out of the sea, and flies back to the lair to act as a host for the eggs.

Within half an hour, all those who fell into the water were captured by the ovipositor.

There are also some ovipositors who did not catch their prey, unwilling to return empty-handed, and dived into the deep sea, hunting big fish, implanting eggs, dragging them back to the island, and throwing them into their lairs.

Surveillance video ends here.

Yao Guang turned off the projection screen and said to Gao Fei: "The Eggplants can lay eggs on any flesh and blood to provide nutrients for the development of eggs, but they prefer to use intelligent creatures as hosts, and the hatched offspring are more cunning. Also stronger."

"The swarm will not just be satisfied with occupying a small ghost world island. When the second and third generation ovipositors hatch, and there are not enough animals on the island to act as hosts, the swarm will inevitably move towards the nearest land. Expansion, crazily massacring all humans and animals in its path, and producing more offspring."

"Plant demons are not insects in nature. These parthenogenetic demons live longer than humans on average, and spend most of their lives actively reproducing offspring. Perhaps this is the meaning of their existence."

"If we don't intervene and allow the phyllogens to explode in a geometric progression, within a month, swarms of wildly multiplying insects will spread all over the world, bringing a devastating blow to the entire Blue Star biosphere including humans !"

Gao Fei took a deep breath, and looked up at Ms. Yao Guang with a dignified expression.

"Station Master, I want to see the details of the Eggplanter."

"Of course it's fine."

Yao Guang snapped his fingers, and Gao Fei's astrolabe popped up automatically, displaying the data of the Ovipositor.

Gao Fei glanced quickly, doubts appearing in his eyes.

Judging from the data on paper, the Eggplant is actually quite weak.

This small Obiris demon has an average HP of around 40 points and excellent mobility. The statistical averages of various attributes are: strength 16, agility 20, constitution 16, intelligence 7, perception 18, charisma 10.

In terms of racial talent, the Oviposit is amphibious, and has also mastered specialties such as "dexterous movement", "proficient dodge", "weapon proficiency" and "multiple attacks".

The jagged mouthparts and stinging needles on the tail of the Egg Demon are all natural weapons with enchanting special effects, especially the stinging needles, which have the functions of injecting paralyzing toxins and laying eggs, and it will kill you if you get stuck!
The worm eggs implanted in the living body will start hatching as soon as they come into contact with flesh and blood. If the host wants to survive, he must either undergo surgery as soon as possible to remove all the larvae in his body, or receive magical treatment—"remove disease" or similar magical powers. It can instantly kill parasitic larvae in the body.

In addition, spells such as "protection from evil" can also prevent implanted eggs from hatching.

If that's all, the Egg Demon is obviously not worthy of the challenge level 4 rank, and it will not pose a devastating threat to the human world.

Gao Fei also noticed that there is a racial talent called "Obiris Trait" in the Obiris' illustrated book, which does not seem to be a unique ability of the Obiris, but a talent common to all Obiris Zerg.

Gao Fei touched the screen of the astrolabe and clicked on the submenu of "Obiris Characteristics". Rows of data immediately came into view, and his face became gloomy.

Good guy!It's really the devil hiding in the details, the most perverted things are here!

Obiris Features:
·Constant "true seeing"

· Telepathy (the sensing range depends on the Obiris subclass and evolution stage it belongs to)
· Immunity to poison and negative mind effects

·Acid, cold and fire resistance 10~∞ (the specific value depends on the Obiris subtype and evolution stage)
·Damage reduction armor 10~∞/cold iron or brilliance (the specific value depends on the subtype and evolution stage of Obiris to which it belongs)
·Quick self-healing 5~∞ (the specific value depends on the Obiris subtype and evolution stage)
·Crazy Aura (radiation radius and specific effects, depending on the Obiris subtype and evolution stage)

The Ovum is a low-level demon among the Obiris Zerg. Its racial talent is at the lowest level. Its telepathy is only 100 feet away. Round (10 seconds) automatically restores 5 points of health.

Among the many racial talents, Gao Fei is most interested in "crazy aura".

This kind of power is the projection of the will of the abyss on the Obiris Zerg, reflecting the extreme madness of this race.

Any creature exposed to the "crazy aura", if the will save fails, will immediately fall into terrifying hallucinations and cannot extricate themselves, becoming irrational and insane.

Different subtypes of Obiris demons have different ranges and functions of their "crazy aura".

The Egg Demon belongs to the bottom of the Obiris demons, and its "crazy aura" is also the most common popular model, with a radiation radius of about 60 feet (20 meters).

Affected creatures will fall into terrible hallucinations. In his eyes, the surrounding living creatures, including close relatives and friends, will all become vicious poisonous insects. There is only one thought in his mind - before the poisonous insects attack him, he will do whatever he can. Kill it!
This is the reason why the garrison of Ghost World Island immediately began to kill each other after contacting the Eggplant Demon!
The madness caused by the Obiris demon is permanent, and with current human medical technology, there is no cure.

Even with the help of magic, it is not so easy to heal a person who was frightened by the Obiris demon and became insane.

Ordinary medical magic, such as "remove disease", "counter evil", "break barrier", cannot save the victims of "mad aura".

Only the 6th-level "Healing", 7th-level "Advanced Restoration", "Limited Wish", or the higher-end 9th-level "Wish" and "Miracle", can completely cure the victim.

Seeing this, Gao Fei felt cold in his heart...

Even if it is the Tiangong special police, how many people can master the medical magic above the 6th ring?

To treat the victims of the Obiris swarm in this way, frankly speaking, the cost is too high, and ordinary people can't count on it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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