Savior Simulator

Chapter 1179 The Obiris Demon

Chapter 1179 The Obiris Demon
"What are these strange insects doing by sticking their tails into the dead man's stomach?" Gao Fei asked Yao Guang.

"Egg laying." The stationmaster explained in a low voice, "These monsters from the bottomless abyss belong to the Obiris demon group, called the ovipositor, and the ovipositor's sting needle is not only a weapon that secretes paralyzing toxin, but also an ovipositor. , at the moment of stabbing a creature, several eggs can be implanted into the opponent's body."

"The Egg Demon stings its prey and paralyzes its entire body. As the host of the eggs, the eggs quickly transform into larvae in the host's body, greedily devouring the host's flesh and blood, and they can mature in just one day, break out of the body, and look for new ones. The victim serves as the host of the eggs, frantically breeding the next generation of oviposits."

Just as Yao Guang introduced the habits of the Oviposit Demon, another video began to play on the projection screen.

Judging from the clock on the screen, it was already midnight, three hours had passed since the troops stationed on the island were completely wiped out.

The victim's corpse is not only implanted with worm eggs, but also dragged back to the barracks by the ovipositor.

An ovipositor can drag the corpse of a fully armed soldier into the air and fly back to the camp. It can be seen that the strength of this insect-shaped demon is much greater than that of a bird of the same size.

Some kind of strange chemical reaction seemed to have taken place in the corpse implanted with insect eggs. Yellow mucus similar to corpse wax oozes from the surface of the skin, soaks through the military uniform, and becomes sticky all over.

Like a swarm of hardworking worker bees, the eggplant demons used human corpses as materials for nesting. They pasted corpses on the walls of buildings one by one. The mucus oozing from the corpses acted as a fixation effect similar to cement mortar.

The eggplant demon does not have the superb construction technology of bees, nor does it have a unified plan. It just randomly pastes the corpses on the wall according to their own preferences, and finally wraps the entire building in the messy corpses, forming a bloody mess. And a huge worm nest with strange shapes.

The satellite camera zooms in and overlooks the military camp on the island.

There are a total of seven buildings in the camp, all of which are covered with dead bodies, young faces, wounds and flesh and blood, all of which are exposed to the moonlight.

The corpses covering the doors and windows of the bloody worm nest trembled from time to time, and then the oviposit demons crawled in and out.

Gao Fei looked at this group of close-up shots, couldn't tell whether he felt horrible or disgusted, and silently turned his head away, unable to bear to watch any more.

The demons he had come into contact with in the game and in reality all belonged to the Tanari tribe. It is true that they are evil and crazy, but at least they can communicate with each other, and even reach limited cooperation based on common interests.

In contrast, Obiris demons have no reason at all, and seem to prey, reproduce, and kill only by instinct.

After witnessing the tragedy that happened on Ghost World Island, Gao Fei really understood why the documents about demons in the Tiangong database repeatedly emphasized a fact:
The Obiris demon first born in the Abyss, the so-called "Abyssal Zerg", is more extreme than the rising star Tanari Demon in the two dimensions of "evil" and "crazy", and is more representative Chaos will of the abyss.

The officers and soldiers stationed on Guijie Island lost their minds and killed each other when they saw the egg-planting demons, and they didn't even have time to report their encounters to their superiors.

It wasn't until dawn the next day that the Ministry of Defense learned that the troops stationed on the island had lost contact, and quickly dispatched the helicopter carrier "Koka" to the waters where Onikikai Island is located to investigate what happened on the island.

The last video that Gao Fei watched in Yaoguang's office truthfully recorded how the "Jiahe" went to destruction step by step.

This Izumo-class helicopter carrier is about 250 meters long, has a full load displacement of 26000 tons, and a speed of 30 knots. It is equipped with 14 anti-submarine helicopters on the flight deck, like a black giant whale, covered with silver moonlight, sailing on the choppy sea .

Looking from the deck, Ghost World Island looks like a large chimney standing on the sea level, billowing smoke and dust.

The magma overflowed from the volcano on the island poured into the harbor along the slope, and when it was cooled by water, a large cloud of steam came out, making the whole island shrouded in smoke, which looked hazy and mysterious.

The helicopter took off from the deck of the aircraft carrier and flew to Ghost World Island two nautical miles away to investigate, and soon discovered that the garrison base had become a terrifying nest of flesh and blood.

Communications within the base have been cut off, with no one answering.

The helicopter formation lowered the flying altitude, intending to land near the base, and sent people into the base to search for survivors.

The abyssal bug swarm occupying the base was alarmed by the sound of the helicopter's motor, and the ovipositors flew out of their lair one after another, rushing towards the helicopter overwhelmingly.

The roar of machine guns shook the night sky, but was soon overwhelmed by the buzzing of insects.

The sharp teeth and stinging needles of the Ovipositor are equivalent to magic weapons. They can penetrate the steel shell of the armed helicopter and get in to hunt and kill the crew.

Even if the helicopter's aviation cannon directly hits the Phytophthora, it is difficult to cause serious damage to it under the obstruction of the hard carapace and damage-reducing armor.

What's more, the number of ovipositors is hundreds of times that of helicopters.

The eight helicopters were destroyed by the swarm in a blink of an eye, and the six helicopters that came after them realized that the situation was not good and turned around quickly.

But it was too late.

The ovipositor buzzed and rushed forward, submerging the helicopter in the swarm of brown-red bugs.

The officers and soldiers in the cabin were controlled by the supernatural aura just by looking at the Eggplant through the window. They lost their minds on the spot, roared and rushed towards their companions, and started fighting crazily.

There were frequent gunshots in the cabin, and the out-of-control helicopters fell one after another, hit the beach, and exploded.

The aircraft carrier in the distance received a warning from the helicopter formation before it was completely wiped out, and hurriedly withdrew from this dangerous sea area. At the same time, it launched air-to-surface missiles, intending to blow up the Onikaido military base that had been occupied by the Abyss Group.

The missile was launched, and as soon as it flew over Ghost World Island, it was hit by a purple light beam and exploded in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and his heart twitched violently.

What's happening here?
The Egg Demon will never come up with laser anti-aircraft weapons, right?

Crazy Obiris Zerg, how can they have such high technology, it is more likely to be some kind of magic or supernatural power.

The red light beam that intercepted the missile did not come from the worm nest, but seemed to be launched from the wormhole on Ghost World Island.

Could it be that on this island, there are otherworldly demons that are more terrifying than the Eggplant?

Just when Gao Fei was wondering, a bright spot of light suddenly appeared in the night sky. It was four huge fiery red meteors, which smashed down at high speed, dragging the tail flame generated by friction with the air.

The falling point of the meteor is exactly in the sea area where the "Kaka" is located.

The first meteor rubbed against the ship's side and fell into the sea, like a heavy bomb that nearly missed, setting off huge waves and almost overturning the "Kakaka" aircraft carrier.

(End of this chapter)

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