Savior Simulator

Chapter 1178

Chapter 1178
"According to our observations, this sinkhole is likely to be a wormhole connecting the lower planes. From yesterday morning to now, various types of Obiris demons and Batezu demons have been observed to be transmitted from the wormhole." Yao Guang said to Gao Fei.

The so-called "lower plane" usually refers to the Abyss, the hometown of demons, and Bator Hell, the hometown of demons.

The strange wormhole on Ghost Realm Island has been teleported by demons and even appeared in the presence of demons. At present, Tiangong is not sure whether the opposite side of the wormhole is connected to hell or the abyss.

"The first few waves of demons that appeared were not high-level, and the Naval Self-Defense Force stationed on Ghost World Island could handle it."

"Yesterday evening, the situation took a turn for the worse. Groups of insect-shaped monsters flew out of the tiankeng, causing a devastating blow to the troops stationed on the island."

"Miss Kaiyang has already sent two elite special police officers who are second only to Tangning in the No. [-] station to be on duty on Ghost World Island. They are still worried, so they have to put down their reserve and ask me for help. She even personally called for help. Please go to Ghost World Island for support. Stop the spread of the abyssal worms, and investigate where the wormhole leads to."

Yao Guang looked at the young man across the desk, with mixed emotions in his eyes, both relief and concern.

Gao Fei stroked his chin and thought to himself: "The second and third special police under Ms. Kaiyang, if I remember correctly, one is Sato Kosuke and the other is Onitsuka Sakura, they are both locals, send them to the nearest ghost police It is reasonable to be on duty at the boundary island."

Yaoguang nodded, and introduced: "Sato and Onizuka are both level 15 special police officers. Sato's main sub-professional artificer has been upgraded to level 13, and Onizuka's main sub-professional is level 13 Swift Swordsman. In reality, he is still a kendo heir to the museum."

"Satou and Onitsuka are both very strong. Even if they are placed in our No. [-] station, they are only second to Jiang Feng and Lin Qi. Could it be that they can't deal with a group of bugs together?" Gao Fei frowned slightly, "Or Say...the abyssal swarms from the lower planes are even more dangerous than red dragons and fire giants?"

"For humans, yes!"

Yao Guang got up, turned on the projection screen, and showed Gao Fei the monitoring video of Ghost World Island captured by Magic Satellite yesterday evening.

"How terrifying the group of bugs are, you can see it with your own eyes."

Gao Fei looked curiously at the projection screen. The first thing that appeared on the screen was a small island that was spewing thick smoke. As the angle of view zoomed in, the camera locked on the huge sinkhole in the northeast of the island.

The black smoke from the bottom of the pit blocked the view, and the situation at the bottom could not be seen clearly. Only the humming and roaring from the bottom of the pit could be heard, as if the noise of a high-power diesel engine.

The noise became louder and louder. Under Gao Fei's gaze, groups of strange insects flew out of the wormholes. The dizzying noise was the resonance produced by thousands of strange insects flapping their wings.

This group of flying strange insects, shaped like huge wasps, is nearly one meter long from head to tail, with a brownish red shell, four pairs of monocular eyes on the head, flashing crazy and ferocious gazes.

The strange insect has eight legs, three pairs of membranous wings, and a whip-like organ like a scorpion tail is dragged behind its buttocks, with sharp stinging needles raised.

Gao Fei has seen quite a few monsters both in the game and in reality. The group of monsters that appeared on the projection screen looks like a mixture of giant bees, spiders and scorpions, and there is nothing ugly and terrifying beyond imagination. But for some reason, just watching this group of strange insects through the screen made him inexplicably upset, as if he was disturbed by some mysterious supernatural power.

Gao Fei collected himself, suppressed his boredom, and couldn't help but feel apprehensive, what kind of monster is this?

In the next video, the perspective switches to the sky above a military camp.

This is the base of the troops stationed on the island, with a radar station.

The sky had already darkened, and a sharp siren sounded over the base.

The eight towering sentry towers turned on their searchlights at the same time, and the cone-shaped beams swept across the night sky, capturing the figures of the swarm.

The 105nd Brigade of the 2th Division of the Naval Self-Defense Force stationed at the base, more than 3000 officers and soldiers are fully armed, nervously watching the buzzing cloud of insects in the sky.

When the swarm approached the sentry tower, the machine guns fired immediately, and the tracer bullets shuttled through the night sky, illuminating the dark sky.

The swarm of insects dispersed loudly and became sparse.

Only a very small number of machine gun bullets hit the monster insects, but they couldn't shoot them down.

The shot monster rolled in the air, and after dissolving the impact of the bullet, it regained its stability.

Cracks were faintly visible on the body of the strange insects, and strange black body fluids leaked out. A little trauma did not affect the flight, but enraged them, and they swooped down in groups, chasing the officers and soldiers who fired the shots.

Gao Fei noticed that the brown-red chitinous carapace on the surface of the monster worm not only provided high natural defense, but also gave off a faint magical halo, which obviously had damage-reducing armor, and it was difficult for even machine gun bullets to hit it. wear, and the wounds heal quickly, and seem to have a rapid regeneration physique.

More terrifying things appeared in the next scene.

The officers and soldiers stationed on the island are all elites selected by the Navy Self-Defense Force. Not long ago, they had a conflict with a small group of low-level demons sent from the wormhole. They used machine guns, grenades and armored vehicles to teach the invaders a lesson. It stands to reason Facing a group of strange insects, they will not be confused.

However, the strange thing is that these well-trained elite soldiers seemed to be possessed by the evil as soon as they were approached by the swarm. Instead of dealing with the strange worms, they shot and killed the companions around them.

The officers and soldiers in the camp, with distorted faces, roared hysterically, with horror and hatred intertwined in their eyes, crazily killing each other, and fell under each other's guns one after another.

Only a very small number of officers and soldiers did not fall into madness and tried to escape from the cursed barracks. However, they were overtaken by insects and surrounded by swarms before they reached the pier.

Gunshots echoed over the island, gradually becoming sparser.

The soldiers who escaped from the camp were finally overwhelmed by the swarm of insects. The fireworks exploded violently in the black tide, and it was the desperate soldiers who blew the grenade, trying to die together with the strange insects that were biting their own flesh.

The gunpowder smoke cleared, and the sound of the guns fell silent, only the humming of the wings of the strange insects was still echoing in the night sky.

The insect swarm dispersed, revealing several mutilated human corpses, but not even a single insect corpse could be seen.

The courage of the soldiers stationed on the island is commendable, but unfortunately the lethality of the grenade is not enough to kill the strange insects with hard shells and supernatural armor.

In less than an hour, all the troops stationed on Guijie Island were wiped out, and more than [-]% died of inexplicable cannibalism, as if they had gone crazy collectively.

After the massacre, the abnormal performance of the monsters has just begun.

The swarm dispersed, each lying on a corpse, and piercing the tail sting needle deeply into the abdominal cavity of the deceased.

Some soldiers were just injured and comatose, or had broken legs and feet, and were stung by strange insects. They instinctively struggled and moaned, but soon gave up resisting and lay stiff and motionless on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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