Savior Simulator

Chapter 1177 Ghost Island Wormhole

Chapter 1177 Ghost Island Wormhole
As night fell, the Oceania military also sent troops into Yellowstone Park to try to prevent the fire from spreading and eliminate the invaders from other worlds.

The next video is a clip of the nighttime conflict between the two sides.

The tank was driving in the environment of cross-flowing magma, and if it was not careful, it fell into the fiery red and viscous magma quagmire, unable to move.

The tracks and armor were burnt red, the cockpit was as hot as an oven, and the air conditioner couldn't handle it, so it was forced to stop at the periphery of the lava-flooded area.

At the same time, thousands of helicopter gunships are on duty over Yellowstone, and the crews are wearing new firefighting helmets-a device equipped with AR glasses that can image temperature differences to maintain vision in the thick smoke.

This kind of helmet is very popular in the civilian firefighting market, but it is not effective when placed in a volcanic area. After all, the temperature of lava and the coverage of volcanic ash are not comparable to residential fires.

What's more terrible is that the monsters sent from the wormhole are all fire subspecies creatures whose body temperature is comparable to magma. The AR camera can't tell the difference between the lava element and the flowing lava at all. The poor imaging effect can be imagined .

In such a situation where the eyes are smeared, the helicopter can only blindly throw fire bombs.

The powder and dry ice sprayed out the moment the bomb hit the ground, like dandelions blooming in a sea of ​​fire, fleeting, pure drop in the bucket.

Even if all the fire bombs in the world were dropped, it would not be enough to cool the violently erupting Yellowstone volcano.

It is said that in Congress, some members proposed to blast the caldera with nuclear bombs and use the collapsed debris to block the eruption of lava.

This crazy proposal was immediately rejected by the geologists who came to Congress for a hearing: the explosion may cause the underground lava cavity to rupture, making the situation of magma overflow more serious, not to mention the hidden dangers caused by nuclear radiation and nuclear pollution.

Out of the same fear, the military knew that a large group of monsters from other worlds were active in the lava-flooded area, but they did not dare to use heavy weapons such as air-to-ground missiles against them, for fear of triggering a larger-scale lava eruption.

The group of helicopters doing nothing in the sky soon became the hunting target of the alien invaders.

The red dragon was terrifying, but it was the humble mephits that made the crew feel even more desperate.

Especially the smoke mephit and steam mephit, flying in the smoky night sky, acquired a layer of natural camouflage, even if they were flying outside the cabin window, it was difficult to distinguish them.

These little monsters can also transform into smoke and steam, get in through the exhaust holes, and start killing...

The out-of-control helicopters fell one after another, exploding on the ground, turning into fiery waves, and were swallowed by the lava tide in a blink of an eye.

Seeing these terrifying scenes, and thinking about going to Yellowstone Park to fight against the Red Dragon, Lava Elemental and Fire Giant Corps, the young SWAT officers were somewhat nervous.

Gao Fei's mood was also not calm.

But not because of nervousness, but because of excitement.

Red Dragon's reward price, B rank is not a problem.

General Fire Giant looks bullish, and the starting price is at least 2B, so he might have A-level strength.

Go to Yellowstone Park by yourself and kill them all. Wouldn't it make a lot of money?

Gao Fei looked at the group of alien monsters on the projection screen, licked his lips excitedly, and silently calculated how many special service points he could earn and how many prizes he could exchange for this business trip.

Just as he was dreaming, the company commander's voice suddenly came from his ears.

"The meeting ends here, all the team members are ready to teleport, Gao Fei will stay here for a while."

Gao Fei raised his head in astonishment: "Company Commander, is there anything else?"

"You don't need to go to Yellowstone Park with the team, go back to the base right away, the station master has something to look for you." Po Jun Thirteen said in a deep voice.

"What does the station master want me to do?"

"How would I know?" Po Jun Shisan shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, "Maybe there are other tasks for you, anyway, hurry up and report."

Gao Fei had no choice but to say goodbye to Jiang Feng and the others when the leader summoned him, told his teammates to be more careful, activated the astrolabe, and hurriedly teleported back to the base of Tiangong No. [-] station.

The teleportation point is located in the center of the base square. The special police are all performing tasks in the disaster area, and the square is deserted.Gao Fei looked around, but he couldn't even see a ghost except himself.

Full of doubts, Gao Fei knocked on the door of Ms. Yaoguang's office.

"Station Master, you suddenly called me back. Is there something urgent?"

"Of course there is something urgent, otherwise how dare you bother with your trump card?"

Yao Guang motioned for the number one general under his command to sit down and talk.

"Gao Fei, the situation at Yellowstone Volcano is very urgent, but in this world, there are more difficult things that need to be dealt with first, otherwise the consequences will be more troublesome than volcanic earthquakes."

Gao Fei's heart trembled, and he couldn't imagine anything more terrifying than the erupting Yellowstone volcano.

"Gao Fei, have you heard of Ghost Realm Island?" Seeing him frowning and thinking, Yao Guang added, "That place is also called Iwo Jima."

"Iwo Jima, I know! The famous Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II took place there. I have seen a movie about that battle." Gao Fei thought about it.

The ghost world island mentioned by Yaoguang refers to a series of volcanic islands in the western Pacific including Iwo Jima. The main island is about 8 kilometers long from north to south, 4 kilometers wide from east to west, and only 800 meters at the narrowest point. , Because the island is covered with a thick layer of sulfur generated by volcanic eruptions, it is also known as "Iwo Jima".


The bloodiest battle on the Pacific battlefield of World War II was later called the "Meat Grinder of the Pacific".

"Ghost World Island is a relic of a huge volcanic eruption in ancient times. With the eruption of the silver flash, the volcano on the island has also become active, and it is currently in an eruption state again." Yao Guang said to Gao Fei.

"Is the eruption intensity of Ghost World Volcano more serious than Huangshi Volcano?" Gao Fei asked suspiciously.

"Of course not. The scale of the Onikaijima volcano is far worse than that of the Yellowstone super volcano. Besides, it is an overseas isolated island far from land. Except for a small military base, there are no other man-made facilities on the island, and there are no permanent residents. It’s not a big threat to human society.”

Gao Fei nodded, and waited for Yao Guang to continue, the matter would definitely not be that simple.

"The volcanic eruption of Ghost World Island is not too harmful in itself. The trouble comes from the wormhole on the island."

Yao Guang sighed, his expression became extraordinarily serious.

"Not long after the volcano erupted, a huge tiankeng appeared in the northeast of Guijie Island about five miles away from the crater. The profile of the tiankeng was funnel-shaped, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, reaching a depth of a thousand meters."

(End of this chapter)

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