Savior Simulator

Chapter 1182 Mecha and Sailor Suit

Chapter 1182 Mecha and Sailor Suit
Kosuke Sato shook his head helplessly, then dug out another pack of jellybeans from the astrolabe, and used the "Artificial Craftsman" professional ability "Item Infusion" to infuse the colorful jellybeans with "Secondary Mind Barrier", " Shield", "Protection from Evil" and "Attribute Enhancement".

"Thank you, Sato-kun."

A smile appeared on the girl's small, ruddy lips, and she took the fudge from his hand, eating it with gusto.

Sato Kosuke swallowed a handful of vitamin tablets infused with various buffs and protective magic, hiccupped, and muttered bitterly: "It's a little sour..."

"That's right! That's right! So, you still have to eat candy!"

Onitsuka Sakura chewed on the gummy bear, shaking her head happily.

"Sakura, walk away, I'm going to turn on the phone."

Sato Kosuke put the handbag on the flat and open beach, and stepped back ten meters away, chanting the mantra softly.

The black handbag suddenly opened automatically, bursting out with a strong magical light.

When the light faded, the handbag had turned into a mighty black humanoid mech, five meters high from head to toe, with a gun in his right hand and a thick prismatic shield hanging on his left elbow, standing quietly like a steel giant on the beach.

Kosuke Sato snapped his fingers.

The sound of gears turning came from the chest of the mecha, and the hatch was slowly opened, and the escalator that reached the ground was lowered.

Sato Kosuke walked into the cabin along the escalator, sat in the driver's seat, and the cabin door closed automatically.

He nodded in satisfaction, and tapped his hands on the main control panel like flying, operating skillfully.

Power program unlocked.

The Mecha Magic Engine starts.

With the roar of the motor, the mecha seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, slowly opened its eyes, and shot out two blue beams.

Through the window of the mecha, Sato Kosuke can see the holographic scene outside the cabin.

After loading the reconnaissance program and obtaining the authorization of the magic satellite, the map of Ghost World Island is projected on the corner of the main control screen, with two flashing red coordinate points, representing the wormhole leading to the Demon World and the place where the plant egg demons transformed into a lair. barracks.

"Sakura, follow me."

The mech sprayed out a stream of golden particles, and its heavy body floated into the air, flying to a high ground near the insect nest.

Onizuka Sakura's figure flickered, and the afterimage remained in place. She herself jumped onto the shoulder of the mecha like a ghost, standing against the wind, with her long hair flying.

Two minutes later, Sato Kosuke landed on the hill with his mech, and Onitsuka Sakura lightly jumped off the shoulder of the mech, and stood in front of the steep cliff, looking at the military base covered in corpses.

In the pile of corpses that had begun to rot, squirming larvae could be faintly seen.

In another half a day, the first batch of larvae produced by the ovipositors will mature, drill out of the corpses, join the swarm, expand towards the nearby islands, search for and slaughter the islanders, and breed the next generation of ovipositors frantically.

Sato Kosuke and Onitsuka Sakura, the two top three elite special police officers at Station No. [-], came to Onikai Island under the order of the station chief, Ms. Kaiyang, with the main purpose of preventing the swarm from expanding its territory.

The Obiris demon doesn't listen to any reason, let alone the slightest sympathy. The only effective way for human beings to prevent the abyssal swarm from flooding is to use violence to control violence!

In the cabin, Kosuke Sato unlocked the weapon program, mounted a grenade launcher on the large machine gun dedicated to the mecha, and blasted out an oval shell with a bang.

The cannonball drew a graceful arc in the air, and as Kosuke Sato calculated, it precisely hit the center of the insect nest. It first made a dull explosion sound and sprayed out a large amount of flammable aerosol, followed by a second wave of more violent bombardment.

boom! !

The cluster cloud bomb exploded in the center of the insect nest, and the aerosol burned violently, draining the surrounding air, and the flames converged into a fiery red mushroom cloud, shining a dazzling light.

The high-temperature radiation instantly ignited the insect nest, and the corpses of the larvae were burning.

Kosuke Sato thought the fire wasn't burning enough, so he fired four heavy napalm bombs in succession from his mech, turning the entire insect nest into a sea of ​​flames, and even the erupting volcano next door paled in comparison.

The corpses in the lair were scorched in an instant, and the eggs in the body crackled and burst, accompanied by the dying screams of the demon larvae.

It's a pity that adult ovipositors are not as fragile as larvae, and have fire resistance. The killing effect of cloud bombs on adults is not as good as expected.

The ovipositors came out of their nests one after another, rushing out of the sea of ​​flames in groups, humming and roaring towards the hill where the mechs stood, like brown thunderclouds, with the idea of ​​revenge.

"Open the casting port!"

Kosuke Sato's mecha is a semi-intelligent construct similar to a golem. It has 7 points of intelligence and can automatically execute basic offensive and defensive procedures. The pilot can also operate the mecha's OS through telepathy, remote control or directly. .

"The casting port is loaded!"

The on-board intelligent brain emits a cold electronic synthesis sound.

On the screen of the bridge, a pair of glowing palm silhouettes appeared.

Sato Kosuke freed his left hand and pressed it on the outline of his palm, his eyes were solemn, he focused on meditating on the gestures of casting spells, and chanted the casting spells in a low voice.

At the same time, the mecha slowly raised its arms, and a pair of huge mechanical hands smoothly made a spell-casting gesture,

Kosuke Sato and the Iron Giant he was driving shouted the spell calling for the storm at the same time.

The magic power was guided from Sato Kosuke, passed to the mech through the spell casting port, and then outside the cabin, a 5-ring "wind direction control" spell configuration was generated.

Raging magic power gushed out from the palm of the steel giant, transformed into a violent tornado, and swept towards the swarm of insects.

The thick tornado column has a diameter of thousands of feet. The lower end rolls up yellow sand, and the upper end shoots straight into the sky. It advances along the beach, whistling and circling.

The strong air flow sucked the phyllogens in the air, and with the whirlwind rotating at a high speed, the swarm of insects was swallowed up in a blink of an eye.

Sato Kosuke maintained his focus and controlled the tornado, then pressed his right hand on another spell port, and cast another more lethal spell at the abyss swarm bound by the tornado.


A bright electric light shot out from the hand of the mech, pierced through the whistling and circling tornado column, hit an eggplanter, instantly blasted it into powder, and then exploded countless tiny electric snakes around, bombarding the surrounding 40 feet Other phyllogens trapped in the whirlwind.

The Obiris Zerg is resistant to fire, acid, and cold, but lacks resistance to electric shock.

The 6-ring "chain lightning" is undoubtedly the most suitable magic among all the magic mastered by Sato Kosuke to deal with the ovipositor.

When he cast the spell, he also added the supermagic specialty "Spell Expansion" to "Chain Lightning", which doubled the killing radius of the lightning.

One shot of "Extended Chain Lightning" killed more than 20 Oculophores on the spot, and almost the same number of Oculophores were severely injured, unable to resist the powerful whirlwind, and were quickly torn off by the high-pressure airflow and their limbs were broken.


It's the end of the month again, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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