Savior Simulator

Chapter 1168

Chapter 1168
Gao Fei is not short of money, nor does he have any urgently needed magic items, scrolls, or occupations. Among the various prizes that special service points can exchange for, he is most interested in specialties.

Specialties are divided into five categories, and the lowest grade is C-level specialties, such as "Powerful Attack" and "Strongness", which can be purchased by spending 10 special service points.

Almost all higher-level B-level feats require C-level feats as prerequisites, such as "Multiple Shot" and "Whirlwind", which are worth 100 points.

There are often more than one prerequisites for A-level specialties, such as "Standing Standing" and "Great Whirlwind", which require 1000 points to exchange.

Finally, there are S-level specialties, which specifically refer to the legendary and mythical specialties that can only be obtained by completing the perfect clearance conditions in the game. Any one of them is worth no less than 10000 points!

It should be noted that the task level can also adjust the weighting coefficient according to the difficulty.

For example, it is more difficult than B-level, but still not up to A-level, it can be adjusted to 2B, and the secret service points and reward experience points are doubled.

What is more difficult than level 2B tasks is level 3B - the difficulty factor is at most 3, and it is level A if it is higher.

The missions that Gao Fei has performed before have also given clear ratings.

For example, arresting the pyramid scheme leader "Hypnotist" Feng Xiaojun is a typical E-level task.

Killing the cult leader Hong Debiao and the undead creatures he summoned is a 2D task.

He was on duty in Jiuzhai last summer, and Gao Fei hunted down the Nine-headed Dragon King, which was a C-level mission.

During the heavy rain in Zhongzhou this fall, Gao Fei was in charge of blasting the dragon turtle entrenched in the Guozhuang Reservoir, and he was performing a B-level mission.

Another month ago, Gao Fei's team went to the Republic of Batavia to destroy the "Holy Blood Knights" with the assistance of Tang Ning and Pep, and obtained the formula of the hero medicine, which was rated as a 3B-level task.

These tasks are carried out by the SWAT team, and the rewards are also distributed according to the contribution made by each member of the team. If Gao Fei performs a task alone, he will of course enjoy all the rewards alone.

Gao Fei turned to the next page of the taskbar, and rows of data immediately swiped across the screen.

Volcanic and seismic zones all over the world are flashing mission prompts.

The Tiangong special police scattered all over the world are also performing disaster relief missions, although some of the tasks are beyond the ability of most trainee special police officers, and no one shrinks from their duties.

Through the number and difficulty of the missions generated, Gao Fei has an intuitive feeling of the severity of disasters around the world.

Comparatively speaking, the domestic situation is not bad. The volcanic and earthquake disasters are still within a controllable range and have not yet caused large-scale casualties.

The disaster situation in foreign countries is obviously more serious, especially those islands and small countries distributed on volcanic and earthquake belts, which have been overwhelmed by densely flashing task prompts.

Tiangong Overseas Station (Station No. 3000) has less than [-] special police officers in total. Even if they don't sleep, they can't take care of tens of thousands of disaster areas and hundreds of millions of refugees scattered all over the world.

No wonder Ms. Yaoguang has been urging the various special service squadrons under Station No. [-] to complete the domestic disaster relief mission as soon as possible so that they can spare themselves and go to support colleagues abroad.

Gao Fei turned his attention back to the domestic task list, and decided to focus on the hard nuts, first to help his comrades relieve stress, and second, the more difficult the task, the richer the reward.

What's more, with his current strength, there is no need to waste time and energy on small miscellaneous fish like earthworms.

With this in mind, Gao Fei narrowed down the scope of his search and searched for tasks above B level nearby.

In the West Kunlun Volcanic Disaster Area, there are only two eligible special missions, one in Crescent Moon Mountain and one in Daheishan.

These two lava eruption areas have wormholes connected to the plane of the fire element, which are transporting large groups of fire monsters.

There is an A-level mission on Crescent Mountain, hunting down the "Fire Elemental Lord" with a challenge level of 17.

Team 01 led by Liu Xingyu and Lin Qi has already gone to Crescent Moon Mountain.

Gao Fei decided to gather his teammates and collectively teleport to Daheishan, where there was a B-level task - to hunt and kill the twelve-headed Pyrolizard.After it's done, we'll take a walk around Crescent Mountain, and maybe we can help Team 01 deal with the fire elemental lord in time.


West Kunlun Daheishan, magma eruption area.

The lava erupted violently from the crater and flowed along the cone-shaped mountain, igniting all the trees growing on the mountain and turning it into a huge torch.

Above the crater, there is a dark red cloud surrounded by black smoke. Deep in the cloud, there are faint noises.

As soon as Gao Fei and his nine teammates teleported to the volcanic eruption area, they felt the ubiquitous heat wave. Even though they had blessed the fire barrier in advance, they still felt short of breath.

Ma Yun took out a set of magic potions from the astrolabe and distributed them to teammates. After taking them, for the next day, everyone will gain the "Environment Endurance" physique, allowing them to breathe normally in the high temperature environment created by the volcanic eruption.

The magma is like viscous molten iron, flowing slowly at the feet of the young special police officers.

If you accidentally step on it, even if you are immune to burns, it will cause an embarrassing situation like being stuck in a quagmire.

Classmate Xiao Ma distributed magic-infused jelly beans, each swallowed one, and spread out the transparent wings with magic power on their backs, and collectively flew into the sky shrouded in thick smoke.

As soon as he approached the crater, Gao Fei noticed the strange red cloud in the sky. The noise coming from the depths of the cloud seemed to be from the fire language, which was automatically translated into a bunch of obscenities that had to be typed by the astrolabe .

After careful observation, it turned out that it was a group of fire mephits, gathered in mid-air, which looked like burning clouds.

This group of grumpy little monsters, when they sensed Gao Fei and others approaching, immediately screamed and swooped over, spewing flames and thick smoke from their mouths, like a group of little devils.

Although the mephit monsters are thin and vulnerable, they have a high agility attribute and will explode when they are severely injured. Hundreds of them act in groups, and being surrounded by them is no joke.

Gao Fei gestured to his teammates, signaling them to retreat, and flew towards the fire mephit army gathered into a cloud of fire alone, holding a magic wand, and blasted three "Frost Nova" shots one after another.

Three huge ice rings exploded in the air, like pale fireworks.

Dozens of fire mephits were frozen by the extremely cold magic power, and they were killed on the spot before they exploded in time, and the body of the ice sculpture cracked and shattered.

The killing radius of "Frost Nova" is less than 7 meters (20 feet). Even if Goofy uses up all the energy of his magic wand, it is still not enough to kill thousands of fire mephits in the air.

His attack was regarded as a naked provocation by the fire mephits, screaming and cursing more frantically, and the swarms caught up.

Flying high in the air, I made a 90-degree turn, turned around and flew towards the sunset.

The fire mephits followed closely behind him, floating across the dusk sky like a cloud of fire, boiling the air where it passed.

(End of this chapter)

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