Savior Simulator

Chapter 1167 Task List

Chapter 1167 Task List
In addition to its mouth full of sharp teeth, the purple worm also has a natural weapon, which is the large stinging needle on its tail.

The giant worm twisted its tail, stretched out its sharp stinging needles, and pierced deeply into the cracks in the crocodile angel's scales, injecting the toxin.

The crocodile angel struggled desperately, trying to get rid of the shackles.

However, the more intense the struggle, the faster the onset of the toxin injected into the body, making it weak and weak, gradually numb.

At the critical juncture, a beautiful shadow dragging an afterimage flew over, lightly jumping onto Zi Chong's back.

Jiang Feng poked the crocodile angel with a brow-level stick in his hand, and used the "magic technique" through the stick to inject a golden magic power into the crocodile angel.

The crocodile angel got the blessing of "freedom of movement", shaking his body, like a slippery loach, finally got rid of the entanglement of purple insects, and ran towards Qitian without looking back.

The prey slipped away, and the purple worm roared furiously, turning its head and biting the girl on its back.

With a sneer on the corner of Jiang Feng's lips, he easily dodged the purple insect's bite, and raised his hand to return a "Yang Yan Palm".

The air trembles and the heat waves roll!
The golden palm pushed it flat, causing Zi Chong to throw his head back. His huge body smashed down a wall, but soon he raised his head again, and cloudy liquid came out of his eye sockets.

Jiang Feng's Yang Yan Palm caused 34 points of brilliant damage to the purple worm, and it also "blinded".

However, this damage is less than one-tenth of the purple worm's health. Besides, the purple worm is an underground creature, and its eyes are not good at all. It mainly relies on the sense of smell and touch to sense the surrounding environment, so it doesn't matter if it is blinded.

Jiang Feng stared at the increasingly violent giant worm on the opposite side, frowned slightly, activated the legendary specialty "Offensive and Defense Switching", and prepared for a protracted battle with the purple worm.

She is confident that she can single out the purple worm, but if she wants to kill this giant worm without injury, she will inevitably spend more time and energy, and deal with it patiently.

"Honey, come to me."

Gao Fei's call came from his ear.

Jiang Feng shrugged, put away the stick, turned around and ran towards her boyfriend.

Zi Chong's eyes hurt, as if he had been nailed into two red-hot steel needles. All his hatred was locked on Jiang Feng, and he chased after him.

Gao Fei clapped his hands with his girlfriend who was running towards him, and walked towards Zi Chong unhurriedly.

When the purple worm entered the "earth domain", Gao Fei immediately reversed the gravitational field, forcing this huge giant worm to leave the ground and slowly float up.

Purple worms have lived in the depths of the earth all their lives, and have never experienced the feeling of floating off the ground, let alone the ability to fly.

The heavy body without the support of the ground was suspended in the air. This strange experience made it feel inexplicable fear. It twisted its body desperately and curled up into a ball, but it couldn't get rid of the traction of anti-gravity, and it circled in mid-air in vain.

Gao Fei focused on maintaining the anti-gravity field, and slowly raised his left hand, index finger, middle finger and ring finger, and at the same time, fiery magic waves emerged.

Three fiery red light beams burst out from the fingertips, each split into two in the air, a total of six rays, all piercing through the hard skull of the purple worm, reaching the inside of the skull, burning the brain.

After the "Scorching Rays" of the "Ray Splitting" super magic, each of them can be brought into the sneak attack special effect, plus the enhancement of "See Through the Gate of Life", the six rays in total caused a terrifying 369 points of damage to the purple worm!
After casting the spell, Goofy cancels the anti-gravity field.

The purple worm fell down and hit the ground heavily, twitching twice before becoming stiff.

On the head of the giant worm's corpse, there are six holes arranged in parallel, each of which is as thick as an adult's wrist, and turbid steam with a strong bloody smell is gushing out - it is the product of brain boiling, like a row of water tanks being overheated. A steam train that broke down halfway.

As soon as Zi Chong died, the earthquake near the Great Mosque subsided.

The remaining earthworms in the square were quickly wiped out by the special police.

Gao Fei used the "Earth Domain" to rescue many refugees who fell into the ravine. By the way, he killed a purple worm with a challenge level of 13 and gained 10000 experience points. He felt that the gain was not small, but the company commander had a different opinion .

"Gao Fei, you are the only official special police officer in our Tiangong, and you can't show your true strength by acting with the team. It's better to let go of your hands and feet and challenge those more difficult tasks."

When the company was resting, Po Jun Thirteen said to Gao Fei.

In fact, Gao Fei also had the same plan, but he was worried about his teammates, so he didn't fly solo for a long time.

After listening to the company commander's suggestion, he was too embarrassed to continue to stay in "New Village", so he followed Pojun Shisan's instructions, opened the astrolabe, and checked the real-time updated task list.

Tiangong divides secret service tasks into several levels, and each level corresponds to different rewards.

The lowest level is the E-level task, which rewards 1 astrolabe energy, 1 special service point, and 1000 experience points after completion.

For a slightly more difficult D-level mission, the reward is +2 energy from the astrolabe, 10 special service points, and 3000 experience points.

C-level task, reward astrolabe energy +3, secret service points 100 points, experience value 1.

And so on, until the most difficult s-level task, reward astrolabe energy +6, secret service points 10 points, experience value 30!
The rewarded astrolabe energy and experience points are easy to understand, what is the use of special service points?
The first is to determine your own position in the secret service standings.

The more points you accumulate during your duty, the higher your ranking on the leaderboard.

Gao Fei had participated in two disaster relief missions before, both of which were points leaderboards. This kind of fame is no longer important to him. Now he values ​​the exchange value of special service points more.

That's right, secret service points can be used to exchange for real gold and silver prizes!

Every 1 point can be exchanged for a bonus of 10000 yuan, and this is the least cost-effective exchange method.

If Gao Fei is willing, he can exchange points for magic items, weapon enchanting effects, spells, feats, and even professions.

The higher the level of prizes, the higher the points required for redemption.

For example, exchange points for magic potions or scrolls.


The reward profession that can only be obtained by working hard to achieve the perfect clearance conditions in the game, the official special police can directly buy it with points.

The lowest-level c-level occupations, such as the classic warriors, rangers, and thieves, can be exchanged for only 10 points.

High-quality and cheap B-level occupations, such as Trickster, Berserker, and Four Elemental Warrior, are worth 100 points.

Stronger A-level professions, such as Sunflame Monk, Thunder Warlock, and Astrologer, need to spend 1000 points to exchange.

Redeeming S-level occupations, such as Dragon Warrior, costs up to 10000 points!
There are also very few SS-level occupations, such as Gao Fei's Imitator and Spell Thief, Jiang Feng's Templar, and Tang Ning's String of Nature. They are all exclusive occupations tailored by Tiangong for specific players. Points cannot be exchanged.

(End of this chapter)

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