Savior Simulator

Chapter 1166

Chapter 1166
Most of the soil worms in the 50-meter cone-shaped space in front of Gao Fei were instantly killed on the spot, and those who survived were left with blood.

Gao Fei didn't make any more moves, and left these residual blood monsters with a challenge level of only level 2 to his teammates with lower levels to hunt and kill them.

With his current level, the experience points gained from killing the moth worms are really too little, and it's not worth grabbing the legs of the mosquitoes with his teammates.

boom -

There was a low roar from the buildings across the square.

Gradually intense tremors were transmitted close to the ground, arousing Gao Fei's vigilance.

Under his gaze, a towering minaret, like a big tree hit by a hurricane, shook violently with the ground tremors, and finally collapsed with a bang.

Gao Fei raised his hand in time, and the shiny ring activated the "anti-gravity field" to support the fallen minaret.

Gao Fei flipped his wrist, reversed the local gravity field, and landed smoothly with most of the broken minaret supported.

The lower half of the minaret, together with its base, has been reduced to a pile of brick and stone ruins in the earthquake.

An astrolabe scan showed no signs of human life in the ruins.

It is fortunate that no one was killed, but Gao Fei did not relax his vigilance.

A huge snake-shaped figure was scanned on the screen of the astrolabe, and the strength of the life signal radiated was comparable to that of an adult dragon!

The ruins of the minaret suddenly exploded, and a huge worm appeared in front of Gao Fei and the others, like a train painted with dark purple paint, slowly driving out of the deep pit.

This giant worm is covered with a smooth and thick chitin carapace, and has a big mouth full of sharp teeth, which can easily swallow a bull!
"My god! Zi Chong!" Hao Le exclaimed.

Gao Fei turned to look at him with questioning eyes.

"Brother Fei! I've seen this kind of giant insect in the game!" Hao Le wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and introduced: "At that time, I teamed up with seven dwarf NPCs to hunt for treasure in the abandoned mine, and encountered a challenge on the way. The purple worm with a level of 13, the main task is to escape the mine within a limited time!"

"In the end, I was the only one who escaped. As for the seven poor dwarves, they were all swallowed alive by the purple worm!"

"Purple worms mainly inhabit the underground world, such as the Underdark. They especially like to devour metal ores. If they encounter living things, they will swallow them unceremoniously."

Hao Le took two steps back, staring at the purple worm who was devouring the metal building materials in the ruins, and whispered to his teammates beside him:
"Zi Bu's intelligence is very low, and he doesn't know magic, but his skin is thick and his blood volume is super high. It's hard for physical professions to fight against it. We'd better use magic to control it first."

Gao Fei nodded knowingly, turned around and gestured to Li Jiajia and Ma Yun.

Li Jiajia picked up the harmonica and began to play "Ecstasy".


Student Xiao Ma shook the crystal staff and shot a cyan light beam at the purple worm.

The result was unexpected.

Li Jiajia's "Ecstasy" and Ma Yun's "Monster Charm" didn't seem to work on the purple worm. Instead of controlling it, they enraged the giant worm, turning its head and hissing at the two of them.

Gao Fei frowned, opened the astrolabe database, and retrieved the data of Zi Chong.

The average perception attribute of this monster is 15 points, which is not too high, but it has the two specialties of "strengthening the heart and body" and "steel will" to increase the will resistance. No wonder it resisted the mind control of Li Jiajia and Ma Yun.

Hao Le saw the purple worm crawling out of the ruins, and quickly shot at it.

He wanted to attract Zi Chong's hatred and give his companions a chance to besiege Zi Chong, but the pistol bullets couldn't penetrate the hard shell on Zi Chong's body that was comparable to the armor of a tank, neither causing damage nor attracting the opponent's attention Notice.

Zi Chong ignored Hao Le, bowed his head and glared at Ma Yun and Li Jiajia, suddenly opened his mouth wide, and sprayed a pungent acid from the depths of his tunnel-like dark throat.

The gastric juice of the purple worm is highly corrosive, and there are also a lot of ores and metals that have not been digested by the gastric juice, which is like a large shotgun bombardment.

Wang Daqing, Xu Zhigang, and Huang Hansheng, the three strong men in the special police team, had already stood in front of the two girls and waited for them. Each of them held up a tower shield to form a shield wall to block the acid and flying stones.

The shield was corroded by the acid and smoked, and there was also the sound of thumping stones.

Wang Daqing, Xu Zhigang, and Huang Hansheng all allocated their free attributes to strength, and also blessed them with "power of the bull" and "magnification". The impact transmitted by the shield made his footsteps sway, and he retreated again and again.


Seeing that the shield wall was about to collapse, Ma Yun promptly cast the "thunder wave" that had been super-magically shaped by "magic shaping".

A ring of pale golden shock waves visible to the naked eye spread out from her body, accompanied by sharp roars, and shattered all the stones flying through the gaps in the shield.

Li Jiajia, Wang Daqing and others who were within the attack range of "Thunder Wave" were included in the safe zone created by "Spell Shaping" in advance and were not harmed.

Zi Chong realized that the breath attack could not tear apart the opponent's defense, so he rushed over to fight melee.

Ma Tao quickly opened the "spiritual body guard", raised his gun and fired at Zi Chong's head.

His shotgun has two special effects, "Thunder" and "Burst", which, in addition to physical damage and sonic damage, can also knock the target back 10 feet.

But the size of Zi Chong was too huge, with a physical attribute as high as 28. Ma Tao fired three shots in a row, but he couldn't shake it at all.

"Beauty, don't watch the show! Hurry up and stop that big bug!"

Qi Tian was also in a hurry, and hurriedly urged his monster partner "Spider Angel" to attack Zi Chong.

The spider angel with a human-faced spider body swallowed a modified version of the hero medicine, took a deep breath, her gorgeous face was flushed with blood, and suddenly opened her mouth to scream!
The shrill screams echoed over the square, as if a stone had been thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples of magical power.

The ruins of the building beside Zichong gathered together automatically, forming twelve giant spiders made of reinforced concrete, and rushed to besiege Zichong.

The construction spiders tried their best to bite, only causing some flesh wounds on the purple worm.

As if impatient to be bitten by mosquitoes, the giant worm rolled on the spot, crushing twelve construct spiders under its body in a blink of an eye, crushing them to pieces one after another.

"Damn! This monster is too fierce, the beauty can't stand it! Dazui, I can only rely on you!"

Qi Tian took out a hero medicine and threw it at the giant crocodile lying beside him.

The crocodile angel opened his mouth wide, swallowed the pill that fell from the sky, his body suddenly doubled, his power attribute soared to 35, and roared, he rushed forward to single out the purple worm.

Compared with Zi Chong, the crocodile angel who stimulated his potential after taking the medicine is still a bit smaller, and his strength attribute is also 3 points lower than the opponent. After a fierce scuffle, it is inevitable that he will lose the wind. I can't even open my mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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