Savior Simulator

Chapter 1169 Two Flame Snake Lizards

Chapter 1169 Twelve-headed Flame Snake Lizard
While flying in the air, Gao Fei was still comparing the holographic map provided by the astrolabe, and arrived at the expected position, then stopped suddenly, turned his head to look at the rolling fire cloud, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

When the fire mephit swarm approached within a hundred meters, Gao Fei slowly raised his hand, and the "Pope's Seal Ring" on his middle finger shone with silver psychic light.

Earth Domain, start!
Gao Fei increased the gravity coefficient by 30 times in one breath, and the supergravity field spread outward from him, forming a huge spherical barrier with a radius of [-] meters, if there was any substance.

The group of squeaky fire mephits in the air were oppressed by thirty times the supergravity, and their wings seemed to be hung with heavy lead weights, and they fell collectively.

Just under Gao Fei's feet, there is a plateau lake.

In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the climate in the high-latitude West Kunlun Mountains is cold. Although affected by the abnormally high temperature caused by the nearby volcanic eruption, the snow on the lakeside has not completely melted. The calm lake is covered with ice crystals, like a mirror, reflecting The fire mephit.

The fire mephits fell straight down a hundred meters, dragging the flames and black smoke, piercing through the ice layer of the lake, and plopping into the lake. Their scorching bodies encountered the icy water of the lake, triggering a large cloud of hissing steam.

Fall damage, coupled with cold water immersion, dealt a fatal blow to the fire mephit, which is naturally afraid of cold and damp.

The vast majority of fire mephits will be doomed the moment they hit the lake, and a few strong ones can't survive for a minute-the body is soaked in cold water, they can't fly at all, and they will continue to suffer damage every second.

Gao Fei canceled the land domain and landed slowly by the lake.

The water on the lake was steaming, and there was a layer of asphalt-like black substance floating on the water surface, which was the decomposed residue of the dead body of the fire mephit.

After confirming that none of the fire mephits were dead, a beam of light rose from under Gao Fei's feet, and his figure gradually blurred.

After a few seconds, he teleported back to Daheishan again.

Without the interference of a large group of fire mephits, the situation near the crater can be clearly seen.

The lava lake on the top of the mountain was bubbling like a pot of dark red boiling porridge.

Huge bubbles burst, spewing out thick black smoke, among which there were moving figures, mainly three kinds of fire creatures that broke into the blue star through the wormhole.

The smaller ones are soil worms, and the larger ones are fire elementals. The least in number is also the largest. It is a hydra covered in red and breathing flames!

This kind of snake lizard with the blood of the fire subspecies is called the flame snake lizard. It belongs to the same category as the cold snake lizard that Gao Fei hunted on Baoding Mountain in Jiuzhai, but a distant relative of a different subspecies.

Similar to the cold snake lizard, the flame snake lizard also has more than one head. The older it is, the more heads it has, the higher the challenge level, and the more noble its status in the snake lizard group.

Gao Fei took a quick look. There were no less than [-] flame snakes that crawled out of the lava lake, most of them had six heads, and there were five nine-headed flame snakes, each of which was as powerful as a treasure. The nine-headed cold snake lizard known as the "Nine-headed Dragon King" on the top of the mountain!
Looking back at the beginning, the Nine-headed Dragon King was the strongest monster Gao Fei encountered during his first duty. With the assistance of his teammates and the company commander, he worked hard to kill it.

However, less than a year later, monsters of the same level rotted the streets, and five of them came out of any crater.

Damn, the big boss a year ago is now at best an elite monster, is that reasonable? !
If I live in the world of novels or games, I can still explain it with numerical expansion and the collapse of combat power, but this is a living reality. It can only be said that since the outbreak of the silver flash, the entire human world is on the verge of collapse.

Fortunately, the Tiangong special police are not what they used to be.

Take Gao Fei's 05 team as an example, even if he doesn't make a move, his teammates have enough strength to fight against the large group of flame snakes.

The melodious sound of the piano echoed on the top of the mountain.

Li Jiajia is standing on a towering rock, holding an amplified harmonica, playing "Ecstasy".

Compared with the time of the rain disaster in Zhongzhou, her level and actual combat experience have improved a lot, and she has also obtained several high-level specialties in the game that specifically strengthen the poet's performance ability, including "Skill Specialization (Performance)".

The magical sound of the zither reaches thousands of feet. Monsters who hear the sound of the zither, unless their perception attributes are super high, or they have mastered the "Iron Will", will be intoxicated by it, and will involuntarily move closer to where Li Jiajia is standing.

Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian, ​​and Wang Daqing have all successfully cleared the Berserker module "Prince's Revenge" and obtained the mythical specialty "Energy Replacement".

At this time, all five of them switched their sub-professions to "Dragon Warrior" and turned into a red dragon form. They soared over the crater with their wings spread, swooping down in turn, and breathed out the dragon's breath at the flame snake hypnotized by the sound of the piano.

The five-headed red dragon spouts not flames, but extremely cold dragon breath transformed by the mythical specialty "Energy Replacement". Not only does it cause double damage to fire creatures, the cold current can also freeze the wound, preventing the flame snake lizard from regenerating flesh and blood .

Huang Hansheng, Xu Zhigang, and Hao Le's ranks were low, and they hadn't acquired the "Energy Replacement" specialty, so it didn't make much sense to become a red dragon.

At this time, Gao Fei received a prompt from the astrolabe.

Mission target appeared!
Gao Fei looked at the crater, in the middle of the boiling lava lake, twelve ferocious heads slowly emerged, dragging their fiery long necks, roaring to the sky!

The huge body of the twelve-headed flaming snake lizard, comparable to a plesiosaur, slowly emerged from the lake, stretched its long neck, and the twelve heads spewed flames to the sky at the same time.

Twelve thick pillars of fire swept across the air, even the air was ignited, forming a fan-shaped curtain of flames.

The five red dragons hovering in the air, immune to fire damage, spewed out cold currents one after another to launch a counterattack, but they were all neutralized by the huge broom-like fire curtain, turning into steaming water vapor, which failed to cause the slightest damage to the twelve-headed flaming snake lizard.

The aftermath of the flames spread towards the lake, affecting Li Jiajia and others.

They all blessed the "Fire Resistance Barrier", but they still couldn't hold back the crazy breath of the twelve-headed flaming snake lizard, and quickly retreated out of the range of the flame breath.


Xiao Ma changed back into a human form, suspended a hundred feet in the air, and cast a 5-ring "Malicious Transfiguration" on the twelve-headed flaming snake lizard, intending to turn this huge monster into a chicken.

It's a pity that the twelve-headed flame snake lizard has high will resistance, and Ma Yun's luck is not very good. The spell is exempted, wasting 11 points of magic power in vain.

Student Xiao Ma pouted in disappointment, Madele is so angry!

The twelve-headed flame snake lizard sensed her malice, twisted its eight heads and stared at her viciously, and sprayed a large fan-shaped flame at her, scaring her away quickly.

Taking advantage of classmate Xiao Ma attracting the attention of the twelve-headed flaming snake lizard, Gao Fei patted himself with "Advanced Invisibility", flew up to the monster silently, and also used the 5-level "Malicious Transfiguration".

(End of this chapter)

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