Chapter 116
This dark arrow is enchanted with special effects of the cold system, causing double damage to salamanders.

The pain and cold that penetrated the bone marrow spread from the wound on the back, which made Masood startled and angry. He didn't care to kill Jiang Feng, and hurriedly turned around and raised his shield to guard against the second back arrow that might strike at any time.

Jiang Feng took the opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of the snake's tail, and looked at the place where the Frostbolt flew with confusion. The dark corner of the wall was empty, and the person who had secretly helped him just now had disappeared.

At this moment, Jiang Feng felt an undercurrent of magical power coming, and blessed her with two buff spells one after another.

system hint:

You have been blessed with a 2-ring "Fire Resistance Barrier", within the next two hours, 30 points of fire damage will be automatically offset each round!
You have been blessed with a 3-ring "speeding technique", within the next 8 rounds (48 seconds), your movement and attack speed will be doubled, and you will get an extra attack chance in each round!

The duration of the "acceleration technique" is in "rounds", and if it lasts for 8 rounds, it means that the caster's level is not lower than 8!

Jiang Feng immediately remembered one thing. Lamia's mistress Yesenia's spellcasting ability was equivalent to that of a level 8 sorcerer. Could it be that mysterious witch who was secretly helping her?
In the face of the enemy, she didn't think much about it, and decisively activated the "Flying Step", combined with the "Acceleration Technique" and "Smart Action", the movement speed was instantly increased by 8 times, and she ran like a roaring shell, even her own They can hardly control the powerful inertia!
From Masood's point of view, the young monk on the opposite side suddenly increased in speed and disappeared in a flash, scaring him to hide behind the tower shield.

At the same time, a gust of wind blew overhead.

Masood felt his scalp getting cold, and hurriedly looked up at the sky, only in time to catch an afterimage flying across the ceiling with his feet on it.In the next instant, the monk who had turned into Gale had bypassed the tower shield and quietly came behind him. With a light flick of his wrist, the sword belt changed from a stick to a +1 battle axe.

Tomahawks were not weapons that monks were good at, but Jiang Feng and Gao Fei teamed up for an adventure, and learned some skills of wielding a tomahawk through their ears and eyes.

The young monk raised his battle ax with both hands, and slashed at Masood's arm holding the shield.

With a click, the blood is soaring!

The Salamander's right arm snapped off at the elbow, detached from its torso, and fell to the ground.The tower shield held tightly by the severed hand turned back into an iron ring with dim light when it touched the ground.

Masood screamed, waved his blood-spitting severed arm, turned around staggeringly, and what greeted him was a storm of punches and kicks!
Under the blessing of the "acceleration technique", Jiang Feng blasted out 4 "Fast Wind Blowing Fist" infused with Yang Yan's true energy in one round, hitting Masood firmly, and the last punch triggered a critical strike, sending him flying into the air , rolled and fell to the corner of the wall.

After a round of hearty blows, Jiang Feng caused a total of 93 points of damage to Masood - this is not counting the crippling blow and bleeding wounds caused by the previous ax chopping off his right arm!

The salamander, which was severely injured one after another, spewed out two mouthfuls of thick and hot blood like lava, struggling to climb up with one hand on the wall, trying to apply "first aid" to itself.

Jiang Feng's face was cold, and he raised his hand to blast out a "burning light", interrupting his self-rescue attempt, and harvesting the few remaining health points of the Salamander, ending this extremely difficult duel.

There were hurried footsteps on the stairs, and the berserker who turned back into human form returned to the dungeon with his battle ax on his shoulder.

Seeing the body of the warden Masood, Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Jiang Feng, "I thought Masood was not that easy to deal with. It seems that I don't need my help."

Jiang Feng shook his head slightly: "Masood is indeed very powerful, thanks to someone secretly helping, otherwise you would not have seen me."

Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, and looked around the dungeon, but he couldn't see anyone else.He couldn't help but wonder to himself, who exactly was the helper Jiang Feng was talking about, and where is he now?
Jiang Feng didn't know the answer either, but she was sure that the man was still hiding in the dungeon.

"Yesenia, are you still unwilling to come out?" Jiang Feng tentatively called out to the empty corner.

The silence lasted for a few seconds, and a familiar laughter suddenly came from the corner of the wall, and an enchanting figure faded from its invisibility, slowly appearing in the sight of Jiang Feng and Gao Fei.

"My lord, and Mr. Olaf, it's a pleasure to see you again..."

"You don't need to say polite words, you know why Basaka and I are here." Jiang Feng stared coldly at this scheming and beautiful girl, "We don't have time to go around in circles with you, tell me the truth, Why did you betray your master Noxus?"

"You said 'betrayal'?" Yesenia shook her head lightly, with resentment burning in her eyes, "No, what I did was not betrayal, but just revenge!"

"It can be seen that you hate Noxus even more than we do. Is it convenient for you to reveal the grievances between you?"

Gao Fei asked curiously.

"It's embarrassing to say, it's my fault that I didn't understand the dangers of the human heart when I was young, and I fell into the evil of Noxus, and I still regret it to this day!"

Yesenia sighed, regret and shame alternately appeared on her face.

"Almost ten years ago, I was just an ordinary Lamia, eager to improve my status in the clan and become a mistress respected by the clan."

"However, my bloodline is not noble. My mother and grandmother are just ordinary Lamia. I cannot inherit the bloodline potential of being promoted to the mistress from them. No matter how hard I try, I will be just an ordinary Lamia all my life. .”

"I am not willing to spend my life in such a mediocre way, so I have to find another way and try to use external forces to improve my strength and status."

"So you decided to ask the fire elf for help, and asked him to perform the 'wish technique' to strengthen your blood potential, and even evolve into the mistress of Lamia in one step?" Gao Fei guessed.

Yesenia bit her lips and remained silent for a few seconds, then replied vaguely: "Actually, the first person I sought help from was not Noxus...but it's all the same, we don't need to discuss these details, anyway, I finally found Noxos Soth, put forward your wish."

"Noxus initially pretended to be generous and promised to help me realize my wish. However, as a price, I must help him capture his old enemy Ali alive and imprison this djinn."

"For some reason, I had some small conflicts with Ali at that time. Considering that an enemy's enemy can become a friend, I accepted the conditions offered by Noxus, and it took a lot of effort to successfully capture Feng Ju. Spirit, sealed in an ancient bronze oil lamp, and delivered to Noxus."

"Afterwards, Noxus fully promised to fulfill the promise, and indeed used the 'wish technique' to fulfill my wish, helping me to be promoted to the mistress of Lamia, and I can change into three forms of lion woman, snake woman and human woman at will , and awakened a more powerful ability to cast spells."

 Thank you book friend: tce, reward 300 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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