Savior Simulator

Chapter 115 Warden Masood

Chapter 115 Warden Masood
A creature in the "ignited" state takes 1d6 burn damage each round.

The desert troll desperately slapped the flames on his body, but he couldn't stop the fire from burning more and more.In desperation, he ran to the horse drinking trough across the square in a panic, trying to jump into the trough to put out the fire.

Gao Fei didn't give him a chance to survive. He folded his wings and swooped down in the air. His hard horns were like battering rams, and he slammed into the troll's back with a bang, knocking it to the ground and crushing it.

After landing smoothly, Gao Fei looked back and found that the troll was still dying, so he opened his big mouth full of sharp teeth, and breathed out the dragon's breath of flames for the last time, burning him into coke and completely losing the chance of regeneration.


Gao Fei turned into a red dragon and easily dealt with the desert troll. At the same time, Jiang Feng in the castle dungeon fell into a hard fight.

Before the start of the fight, Jiang Feng used the astrolabe to investigate the warden Masood, and found that the most trusted general of Noxos was indeed well-deserved, and his strength was even stronger than Lamia's mistress Yesenia.

The creature level of an adult salamander plus 7 warrior levels gave Masood a total of 16 Hit Dice, and his HP was as high as 152, almost three times that of Monk Jiang Feng!

The lower body of the salamander is snake-shaped, and it is good at crawling close to the ground, with a low center of gravity.The tripping tactics that Jiang Feng is best at are also difficult to use when facing Masood, so he draws his true energy, first activates the "Daylight Barrier", and then blasts a "burning light" from 20 meters away, trying to use a long-range attack to break it. deadlock.

However, contrary to her expectations, Masood was not in a hurry to dodge, he calmly raised his left hand, the iron ring on his middle finger suddenly shone, and opened a huge tower shield to completely block himself.

"Scorching radiance" blasted on the transparent tower shield shaped by the force field, turning into a splashing rain of light.Jiang Feng wasted 7 qi points in vain, but failed to cause the slightest damage to his opponent.

Masood blocked her first attack, with a mocking smile on his face, he poked out from behind the tower shield, held a gun in his right hand on the shield, aimed at Jiang Feng and pulled the trigger.

The trumpet-shaped barrel of the magic crystal shotgun sprayed out a cone-shaped flame, which was mixed with countless fine iron sands, sweeping over like a storm!

The basic damage dice of a shotgun is 2d6, and the Salamander's natural ability "Scorching Weapon" enchants bullets with an additional 1d6 fire damage, plus 4 points of agility correction. Iron sand hits, takes 9 points of damage!
Level 6 Yangyan monk only had 52 HP in total. Jiang Feng lost 1/6 of his health after only one shot. pain relief.

Just then, there was another gunshot from the opposite side.

The pile of wooden barrels that Jiang Feng used as a shelter was blown down by the shotgun, and the sawdust flew all over the sky, forcing her to climb up the fence. With her superb lightness skills, she avoided the subsequent gunshots and tried her best to get within ten meters of Masood , raised his hand and blasted out a "Yang Yan Palm"!
As soon as the cunning Salamander saw the sun-like radiance emanating from his palm, he immediately curled up and hid behind the tower shield.

Shield-type armor cannot completely block large-scale attacks, and Masood's Force Field Tower Shield is no exception.

But when he curled up behind the tower shield, it was equivalent to obtaining the "full cover" effect, and the reflection save had an advantage.

Masood's agility attribute was as high as 18, coupled with the cover advantage provided by the tower shield, he passed the reflection save steadily, and was affected by Jiang Feng's palm strength, and only suffered 15 points of brilliance damage.

In any case, at least it was an injury to the opponent.Jiang Feng hadn't had time to be happy when he saw Masood pat him on the chest lightly, using the "first aid technique" wretchedly to restore his life to full!
Seeing this, Jiang Feng remembered that this guy has a level 7 fighter profession, he has thick blood and high defense, and he can use "first aid" to restore blood. If the two sides consume like this, they will only consume her to death first.

The entire monk module was almost completed. Except for the fight against Yesenia back then, Jiang Feng had never met an enemy as difficult as Masood. He really couldn't think of a good way, so he could only bite the bullet and rush forward.

After being hit by a shotgun, Jiang Feng's monk finally managed to get close to Masood. He thought that with his speed advantage, he could at least take advantage of a Salamander warrior carrying a cumbersome tower shield in close combat, right?

However, she soon realized that she had miscalculated again.

Seeing the young monk approaching, instead of panicking, Masood showed a sly smile on his face. With a flick of his left hand, the tower shield shaped by the force field immediately shrank into the size of an ordinary large shield. sticks.

The shotgun held in his right hand was not suitable for melee combat. Masood remained unflappable. With a flick of his wrist, the shotgun disappeared into the black glove as if by magic, and was replaced by a sharp long sword.

After completing the outfit change in an instant, Masood switched out a set of melee equipment and launched a fierce counterattack.

It was only after the fight did Jiang Feng realize that it was not a good idea to fight a level 7 salamander fighter at close quarters!

Masood's agility attribute is no lower than hers, and his strength and physique are much higher than hers.

When it comes to defense, it is a tragedy that asks for trouble!

In addition to the refined breastplate and force field shield, Masood also has the 7-level natural defense of adult salamanders, plus 4 points of agility correction, the overall defense level is as high as 30!

No matter whether Jiang Feng hit his opponent with a stick or a fist, the probability of breaking the defense was only a pitiful 5%.

What's more terrible is that salamanders are born with "hot bodies", and the scales all over their bodies are like red-hot irons.

Jiang Feng didn't hurt Masood as long as he didn't hurt, but every time he attacked, he suffered 2d6 flames in return, which was almost like committing suicide.

If the fight continues like this, Masood doesn't even need to take the initiative to attack, and he can burn her to death just by retaliation!

It was impossible to attack from a distance, nor could it fight in close combat. Jiang Feng was in a dilemma.She was thinking hard about a countermeasure, but the salamander caught her, and suddenly threw out its tail and entangled her.

The fiery snake body wound up in circles, causing constriction and burning damage at the same time. Jiang Feng's monk's health dropped sharply, and he struggled with all his might.

A creature in the "grappled" state can escape with a successful Strength or Dexterity check.

Reluctantly, he was out of luck, and Jiang Feng's first attempt to break free from the grapple failed.

Masood obviously didn't want to give her a second chance to struggle, he raised the flaming long sword with a smirk, intending to cut off her head.

At this moment, a "swoosh" sound suddenly came from a hidden corner of the dungeon!
An arrow tore through the air and hit Masood's back with the cold air, and blood spattered immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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