Savior Simulator

Chapter 117 Yesenia's Wish

Chapter 117 Yesenia's Wish

Yesenia couldn't help raising her voice when she said this, showing indignation.

"I thought this deal had been successfully concluded. I didn't expect the despicable Fire Elves to tamper with the prayer ceremony, intentionally misinterpreting what I said when I made the wish, and secretly carrying vicious private goods!"

"It's all because I was so stupid and naive at the time, and later I was surprised to find that I had inexplicably acquired the 'spell' in the process of making a wish. If I disobeyed Noxus's order, this vicious curse would occur and I was tortured. , I'd rather die!"

"It was too late when I realized that I had been fooled by Noxus. I couldn't lift the curse with my strength, so I had to swallow my breath and serve this vicious elf warlord."

"Over the years, I have kept my hatred in my heart, ostensibly obeying Noxus' assignment, but in fact I have never given up my desire to regain my freedom..."

"After much thinking, I finally thought of a way to get rid of Noxus' control. To complete this plan, I must rescue the djinn Ali. Soth's loyal salamander Masood, as well as Masood's desert trolls and many gnolls and bandits."

"It's obvious that I can't handle it with my own strength, so I thought of using the military to achieve my goal."


After some investigation, Yesenia selected one of the most favorite collaborators from Sevinia's bandit suppression corps, that is, Baron Rubio Lopez, who rose to fame in this war.

Of course, she didn't know that His Excellency the Baron was actually pretended by Su Mo, a "shadow warrior".

In any case, the subsequent development of the situation did not disappoint Yesenia.

Baron Lopez got the map she had left on purpose, and as she expected, he led an elite force to surprise the prison, and with the assistance of his right-hand lieutenant, Basaka Olaf, he sneaked into the dungeon and solved the desert troll for her "Big Stick" and the warden Masood are two rivals.

Now, Yesenia's plan has been basically realized, and there is only one door with a magic seal left before she regains her freedom.

Mistress Lamia turned her head to look at the cell door, with a charming smile reappearing on her face.

"My lord, I have already helped you a lot. Next, I can cast spells to unlock the secret lock on the prison door, but I have one condition. After the djinn is liberated, it will not only help us deal with Noxus, but also help us deal with Noxus. Maybe he will give the person who rescued him a chance to make a wish! Your noble and merciful lord, please give me this chance, okay?"

Just as Yesenia finished speaking, Jiang Feng received a system prompt: Do you want to give Yesenia the chance to make a wish?
Jiang Feng subconsciously wanted to choose "Yes", and suddenly thought that Yesenia's one-sided words might not be credible, and maybe she was still playing with some crooked ideas behind her back, so she chatted with Gao Fei privately through the astrolabe and asked his opinion.

The two discussed in private for a while, Gao Fei walked up to Yesenia, and asked with a straight face, "Before the lord can give an answer, you have to tell us what you plan to use this opportunity to make a wish for?"

"This is my privacy, no comment!" Yesenia showed displeasure.

Gao Fei sneered and refused to give an inch: "Ma'am, you must answer truthfully, otherwise we will have to guess in the worst direction... For example, if you make a wish to the dwarf, ask him to kill the Lord and me after he escapes from prison. .”

"I wouldn't do that stupid thing!" Yesenya screamed angrily.

"At least this possibility cannot be ruled out." Gao Fei folded his arms across his chest, calmly examining the enraged Mistress Lamia.

Yesenia's beautiful face was flushed with anger, she took a deep breath to calm down her annoyance, and was forced to answer: "I plan to ask the djinn to perform a prayer ceremony for me, to remove the influence of Noxus on me. The curse is as simple as that!"

Gao Fei stroked his lush beard and nodded,
"This wish sounds reasonable, but it's just sound, God knows if you will play some word games? Just like when Noxus cheated you."

"What do you want me to do, you believe me!" Yesenia was anxious and annoyed, and was about to go crazy.

Gao Fei grinned and pointed at her.

"Your ice bow is good, the enchanted scimitar is also good, and the storage bag, all of which are given to me as collateral. If you make a wish as you just said, I will return these three collaterals intact afterwards. Give you."

Yesenia stared fiercely at the tall barbarian warrior with her eyes wide open, wishing she could transform into a lioness and tear him to pieces and eat his flesh alive!
The two sides confronted each other for a while, and Yesenia was finally defeated. She reluctantly handed over the ice bow, scimitar and storage bag, and glared at Basaka with resentment. Are you really a barbarian? How can there be a barbarian like you who is better than a ghost in the world!"

Gao Fei took the equipment she handed over, and put on a simple and honest face: "My mother taught me since I was a child that beautiful women are vicious vixens, and if they are not careful, they will be tricked by them. No matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful."

"It's pure nonsense! According to that, isn't your mother also a wicked vixen?" Yesenia asked with a sneer.

Gao Fei shook his head solemnly: "Thank you for your compliment, but one thing to say, my mother is not pretty."

Yesenia seemed to choke suddenly, rolled her eyes in anger, and had nothing to say.

Jiang Feng pretended to be nonchalant, but in fact his belly was bursting with laughter, and threatened Gao Fei through private chat with the astrolabe: "Are you afraid that I will tell your mother what you said just now?"

"It doesn't matter!" Gao Fei put on an attitude that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, "I'll give you my mother's mobile phone and WeChat, and you can file a complaint if you want. At most, my mother will scold me a few times, and I'm sure she will be very happy in her heart!"

"Why?" Jiang Feng felt puzzled.

"Bai Jian's daughter-in-law delivered it to the door by herself, so why not be happy?"

"I bah! You are the one who picked it up for nothing! Bah, bah, bah!"

Jiang Nuxia blushed with embarrassment. If Yesenia hadn't been there, she wouldn't have been able to hold back her stick and greet this rascal's ass.

"Cunning barbarian! I have handed over the collateral as you said. Can you agree to the request I just made?" Yesenia asked impatiently.

"No problem, you can open the door now."

Yesenia breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and walked to the prison door, raised her hand and drew a series of complex geometric figures on the door, muttering words.

The door glowed with a silver light, and then there was a click, and the door lock was automatically released.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng followed Yesenia into the cell. There was no decoration in the small room. A hexagram circle was drawn on the floor, and an old rusty copper lamp was placed in the center of the circle.

(End of this chapter)

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