Savior Simulator

Chapter 1155 Completing the imitator

Chapter 1155 Completing the imitator

After listening to Roland's advice, Gao Fei felt the same way.

It's like when you were in school, you could accumulate experience by doing a lot of questions and stand out in the exam, but when you step into the society and work in a pioneering job, there is no standard answer for reference, except to risk failure and grope in the dark , Trial and error, how can there be another way to go?
Since there was no shortcut to the main job, Gao Fei decided to settle for the next best thing, and made another request to Roland.

"Boss, in addition to the main job of Tiangong Special Police, I also have an exclusive sub-job called 'imitator', which can imitate the abilities of other basic jobs through magic masks, but it is only limited to level 12. It is actually a disabled job. I would like to ask for advice. Now, is there a way to complement the imitator so that the 'magic mask' can imitate professional abilities higher than level 12?"

"I'm not very clear about this specific technical issue. You should consult Dr. Vida and Inanna. Their father and daughter are experts in this field."

Roland turned to look at the doctor's father and daughter, with an inquiring look in his eyes.

"It's possible, but it will take a lot of resources, and it will take some time to debug..."

The doctor gave a simple answer and fell into deep thought.

Gao Fei found that this university scholar had a strange personality.

She cherishes words like gold, regardless of the occasion when encountering a problem, and falls into deep thought, leaving the guests aside and ignoring them, ignoring the gradual embarrassment of the atmosphere.

"The entire occupational system of Tiangong was integrated and improved by my father referring to the various extraordinary occupations that actually existed in Vales Tianyu."

"However, there are very few exceptions, such as the 'imitator' you designed yourself. Compared with other professions, the strength is obviously supermodel, so we had to cut it at the beginning."

Inanna explains to Goofy for her father.

"It takes a lot of experience points to upgrade each profession from level 1 to level 20. It all depends on you to accumulate through actual combat. Let alone a year, it is impossible to upgrade a profession to level 20 in ten years, so you can imagine, Tiangong Every time a large amount of experience value reward is provided, it is a crazy burning of money!"

Of course Gao Fei knows that the "burning money" that Inanna mentioned here does not refer to real currency or gold and silver, but to magic power or even divine power, as well as various natural treasures similar to those in martial arts novels - after taking it, the violent Add a Jiazi skill.

On the surface, all professions consume the same amount of experience to upgrade to the full level. In fact, the more powerful the profession, the greater the resources invested behind it, and the higher the cost.

Gao Fei's self-created "imitator" is likely to be the SS-level occupation ranked first in the Tiangong occupation system. On this basis, it needs to be strengthened, so it must not burn a "gold mine"? !

It's not impossible to do this, the question is whether it's worth it, and this exclusive job can only be used by Gao Fei, if it's too strong, is it fair to other trainee special police officers?
An uneven bowl of water can have serious consequences.

"Your Majesty! Dad! Student Gao Fei is our Tiangong's number one elite special police officer. In many special missions, he has proved his professionalism and outstanding ability with his actual performance. It is also appropriate to give him some extra preferential treatment. "

At the critical moment, Inanna said a few good words for Gao Fei.

On the other hand, Yao Guang also whispered softly in front of her mother, begging Ms. Shenwei to take care of her and help her daughter's most important and effective staff complete the wish of being an "imitator".

Shenwei came over and talked with Roland and Joan in a low voice.

Gao Fei was flattered to watch the three giants of Tiangong discuss his affairs, but also worried about his gains and losses, worried that he had made a request that was too much.

Fortunately, not long after, Dr. Vader nodded and agreed to help him complete the professional ability of "imitator".

"Inanna, I will leave this job to you. Pay attention to cost control, and don't overdo it. After you finish it, send it to me for testing. If there is no problem, update the version of 'Imitator'."

"Okay, my father!"

Inanna secretly gestured at Goofy with scissorhands, not to cut his tongue this time, but to represent "victory".

Gao Fei smiled gratefully, and took note of Director Yin's favor.

In addition to helping Gao Fei complete the "imitator", Director Yin and the Tiangong Design Department under his leadership have more important work to report - about the new version of the "Savior Simulator".

"After more than half a year of actual testing, we have corrected the bugs that appeared in the game and improved the unreasonable design, but there is still a serious drawback that cannot be solved through minor repairs, and a major update of the game version is necessary." Inanna said seriously, "The disadvantage is that the utilization rate of sub-jobs is too low!"

"Station No. 5000 plus Station No. [-], the total number of trainee special police officers currently receiving training has exceeded [-]."

"They have obtained a lot of extraordinary professions with their own characteristics through the 'Savior Simulator', but the game does not provide them with a scene to exercise these professions. This is the negligence of our design department, and we should reflect on it!"

"But—" Inanna changed the subject, "When special police officers bring these extraordinary professions into reality and perform secret service missions, it stands to reason that they will have the opportunity to experience the characteristics of multiple professions, but guess what?"

"The fact is that the vast majority of special police officers haven't switched sub-professions at all. They hold a lot of sub-professions in their hands, but they are only satisfied with improving the two or three they prefer. As for other sub-professions, many people don't even have one level I haven’t been promoted, I just put it on for a good look, which caused a serious waste.”

Gao Fei was listening to Inanna's complaints, somewhat embarrassed.

He is the kind of person that Yin Nanna said. So far, he has collected a total of 27 extraordinary professions, and only four of them are actually used, dragon warrior, astrologer, imitator, and magic thief. A collection element that has never been touched in reality.

Tiangong launched "Savior Simulator" with the purpose of entertaining and entertaining, and applying what you have learned.

Including Gao Fei, most trainee special police officers only focus on practicing two or three occupations. Other occupations are like textbooks that have not been turned over, which is a waste of resources.

Inanna hated this common phenomenon of standing in a latrine and not shitting.

"We have incorporated hundreds of occupations into the savior simulator and opened them up for special police officers to choose. The original intention is to let everyone have more choices and create a more comprehensive occupation combination."

"The actual test results are counterproductive. Too many choices will make people feel at a loss. Instead of fully blossoming, most people prefer to concentrate their experience points on one or two professions and take the specialization route."

"According to the general preference of trainee special police officers, our design department has decided that starting from the next batch of newcomers, "Savior Simulator" will launch version 2.0, canceling the bonus occupations for perfect clearance in each chapter, and only retaining bonus skills and specialties."

(End of this chapter)

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