Savior Simulator

Chapter 1156 Version Update

Chapter 1156 Version Update
"Starting from the new version, trainee special police officers who are trained in Tiangong can only choose four story modules at most, one short module, one medium module, one long module and one super long module. Only after clearing one module can they choose the next one. Module, if you clear a module perfectly, you can get an additional NPC class that appeared in the module."

Inanna continued to introduce the revision plan of "Savior Simulator".

"After the revision, the vast majority of trainee special police officers can only get four extraordinary jobs during the entire training period."

"Want more jobs? You can only exchange them with real performance by participating in special missions, rescue and relief, hunting monsters."

The new version of the "Savior Simulator" will start from the next batch of newcomers, while the elderly will continue to use the old version. It is reasonable to say that it has nothing to do with Gao Fei, but out of sympathy for the younger generation, he still questioned Inanna face-to-face.

"Director Yin, I have no problem with the revision, but there is a problem. If the content of the game is limited to only four story modules, these contents may not be able to support a year of training. All four modules have been cleared, what should we do in the long draft period?"

"Student Gao Fei, the concerns you raised have actually been considered by our design department." Inanna was confident.

"All the modules that have been cleared can be played repeatedly to strive for a higher evaluation."

"More importantly, in the new version, we will design more special training scenes that simplify the storyline and focus more on actual combat, such as 'challenge match', 'battle royale' and 'big fight', as well as 'infinite maze' ' and other team exploration levels, each layer corresponds to a specific battlefield environment and ecology."

"For example, in the snow level, players need to focus on training their ability to survive in cold environments, and wild monsters are mostly cold zone creatures."

"In other words, after the revision, the 'Savior Simulator' will shift from the original PvC mode to a more PvP mode?" Gao Fei asked.

Inanna nodded and smiled: "Student Gao Fei, you summed it up very well."

"Xiao Gao, do you think this change is reasonable?" Roland asked.

Gao Fei pondered, and answered frankly: "As far as I am concerned, I actually prefer the PvC game mode, appreciate the plot, and don't want to play the game as a naked and cruel struggle between adults, but I know very well, 'Savior Simulator 'It's not just a game, it's an actual training ground."

"In reality, what we are facing are living enemies. We need to deal with extraordinary professionals or mutants of the opposing camp, and the training we receive must be adjusted accordingly."

"Whether I personally like it or not, the 'Savior Simulator' must serve the needs of reality, and can only evolve in the direction of raising Gu. The story plot takes a backseat, and teamwork and wits are the main dishes. From this From a perspective, I have to agree with Director Yin’s revision ideas, after getting through the four story modules, the real training has just begun.”

"Student Gao Fei spoke my mind completely, do you want to work in our design department?" Inanna asked half-jokingly.

"Forget it." Gao Fei shied away with a wry smile, "I like playing games, but it's a pity that I don't have the talent to design games."

"In addition to the two points just mentioned, our design department also intends to adapt the real disasters in the silver flash outbreak in the past two years, as well as the real disaster relief deeds of the Tiangong special police, into a special training module, and provide these valuable experiences for newcomers to learn from. ’” continued Inanna.

"It's a good idea to draw materials from real life." Dr. Vader, who cherishes words like gold, rarely praised his daughter. At the same time, it will also make the trainees truly aware that the same tragedy may happen to them at any time, and their relatives, friends and compatriots urgently need them to save them."

The discussion between father and daughter inspired Gao Fei.

"Director Yin, Dr. Vader, I have an immature idea..."

"Xiao Gao, just speak up if you have something to say!" His Majesty put his arms around the young man's shoulders and teased, "We are both ordinary people, and you can just come to me for polite words in the workplace. Qiao An is impatient to hear other people's official language. .”

"It's not enough to be impatient." Dr. Vader said truthfully, "I invented a spell that can automatically filter out the official words with too little information from the speaker's mouth. I also tested it with His Majesty Roland's speech collection and blocked it. 70% of speech content does not affect access to key information."

"Dr. Vader is really humorous." Goofy laughed awkwardly.

In fact, I was not sure, was Dr. Vader joking, or did he really invent a spell to block nonsense?

"It's not that he has a sense of humor, it's just that he has a low EQ! He never looks at the atmosphere or the occasion when he speaks, but it seems like he's telling a bad joke!"

Roland complained resentfully, motioning Gao Fei to get back to the topic.

"Director Yin said that the new version of the 'Savior Simulator' should be as close to reality as possible. This idea inspired me. Can you simplify the 'Savior Simulator', cancel the extraordinary functions, and only keep the realistic special effects. As a VR adventure game, it is open to the world. Is it free for the public?"

"The content of the game focuses on the real disasters that broke out around the world in the past, allowing players to play a special police officer or ordinary people in disasters, try to save people and themselves, and survive and grow in disasters."

Gao Fei noticed that the reception guests, including the Seven Sisters of Tiangong, gathered towards him one after another, listening to his suggestion with curious expressions.

"Xiao Gao, don't be nervous, continue to explain your thoughts." His Majesty the Emperor cast an encouraging look, "Everyone is very interested."

"Gao Fei, what is the purpose of making such a game that does not seek commercial benefits and provides it to the public for free?"

Inanna's question, in fact, was more like asking the question knowingly, as a joke for Gao Fei, and cooperated with him to continue the topic.

"Director Yin, you also know that there are only more than 5000 special police officers receiving training at Tiangong Station No. [-] and No. [-]. In the foreseeable future, there will only be fewer new recruits. With so few pitiful manpower, we are increasingly unable to deal with the intensifying natural and man-made disasters, not to mention the interstellar station and the plane station, just being a firefighter inside Blue Star is already too busy."

"Disasters always happen more among ordinary people. Everyone in crisis is counting on Tiangong special police or mutant volunteers to come to them in time and play the role of savior. However, their expectations are likely to fail. , This is the cruel reality that ordinary people must face.”

(End of this chapter)

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