Savior Simulator

Chapter 1154 The Emperor and the Doctor

Chapter 1154 The Emperor and the Doctor

In fact, Roland's full name is Roland Kolas.

Gao Fei already knew that the world of Vales, which is the background template of the game, not only exists in the game, but also a real world parallel to the universe where Blue Star is located.

In that world, there is a Kolas Empire in the Far East that has risen rapidly in recent years. The current ruler, Roland I, is also honored as "Emperor Roland", and he is the chatty boss in front of him.

Gao Fei had a hard time digesting this amazing news, and at the same time, many new questions arose.

His Majesty Roland seems to be less than 30 years old. What kind of ability did he use to start from a barren frontier with poor mountains and rivers, and within ten years to create the Kolas Empire, which is the most comprehensive national strength in the world of Vales?
This man who knows the customs of Blue Star very well, is proficient in using the Chinese language, and is familiar with all kinds of popular memes on the Internet, regardless of his identity, he gives the impression that he is a young man with a successful career in real society talent.

How can His Majesty the Emperor from another world integrate into the life of another world without any sense of disobedience?

Unless he was born and raised on this planet, received education, and then went to the world of Vales to start a business after he became an adult.

Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor is a time traveler?
This conjecture, which sounds absurd at first glance, can explain the technological level of the Kolas Empire beyond the times, as well as various social systems and industrial products that Gao Fei is familiar with.

Gao Fei also thought that there is a hot topic on the Tiangong Forum that has caused a lot of controversy, that is, in a world of sword and magic + steampunk like Vales, how can there be a "cloud network" that almost copied the Bluestar Internet ecology?
If His Majesty the Emperor is really a time traveler, born and raised in the Internet era of Blue Star, after traveling to another world, it would not be difficult to understand how to use magic and divine power to reproduce the Internet in his hometown.

These unfounded conjectures linger in Gao Fei's mind. Do you want to ask His Majesty the Emperor for proof?

After a brief hesitation, Gao Fei dismissed this presumptuous thought.

Although Roland seemed approachable, considering the social occasion and the relationship between the superior and the subordinate, he tried to inquire about the boss's privacy when they first met, which was purely insincere.

"Xiao Gao, you are the first official special police officer to come out of our Tiangong training camp. Tell me, what plans do you have for your career prospects?" Roland asked Gao Fei with great interest.

Gao Fei thought about it for a while. This question from the boss involves two aspects.

"Career planning" can first refer to the job position, the specific business, salary and treatment, and the corresponding promotion prospects.

For example, before Yuheng invited Gao Fei to jump to Station No. [-] and join the interstellar special police team, which is the planning of professional positions.

However, His Majesty the Emperor may also be referring to the various extraordinary professions acquired in the game, as well as the development prospects of the main profession of "Tiangong Special Police", which is precisely what Gao Fei cares more about.

"Boss, I hope that the working environment can be more relaxed. I can choose which task to perform and have more free time to control. Of course, if the superior assigns me to perform a certain task, I am obliged to do my best."

Roland nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"On the other hand, I have upgraded the main profession of 'Tiangong Special Police' to level 20 more than half a month ago. What should I do next? Frankly speaking, I am a little confused."

Gao Fei sighed, and continued: "No matter how much experience you gain in the future, it can only be used to increase the level of sub-professionals. However, unless the main profession breaks through the 20th level, it is impossible to enter the legendary realm. I don't know. How can we break through this bottleneck."

"Xiao Gao, it's good that you want to hit the legendary realm. It shows that you are very aggressive. However, in the short term, this is a somewhat unrealistic ideal."

Roland calmly poured a bucket of cold water on the young man.

"You have to know that for those who don't have the auxiliary training of the 'savior simulator', it takes ten times or even a hundred times the time and energy to reach the level equivalent to yours now, which is the so-called 'quasi-legendary level' '."

"It seems that I am so ambitious." Gao Fei forced a smile, "Actually, it has been less than a year since I entered Tiangong for training. It is indeed unrealistic to break through the legendary realm in such a short period of time."

"Xiao Gao, I can understand your disappointment now, but don't be depressed first, listen to me explain this matter clearly."

His Majesty the Emperor held the young man's shoulders and taught him patiently.

"Your current situation is like a person walking with a cane, walking fast and steadily. If you are asked to throw away the cane, can you walk like flying with only your own legs?"

"The occupation system established by our Tiangong is like a crutch. It packs the originally difficult training process into a game, allowing players to fight monsters in the game and level up easily and quickly."

"If you die in the game, you can still read the file and start again. There is no risk. The actual combat experience that should have been obtained by licking blood with the knife head is put into the spoon and fed into your mouth."

"The advantage of doing this is that it is safe and efficient. It is like a factory assembly line. Raw materials enter from one end, and products come out from the other. In just one year, high-level professionals can be mass-produced."

"However, there is no perfect thing in the world. The ultimate pursuit of high-efficiency and quick success comes at a very high cost. The resources Tiangong spends on training special police officers are beyond your imagination... What's more troublesome is that the quick success is not stable at all, and the upper limit is also high." Almost locked up."

"Because the cost is too high, the crash-professional system established by our Tiangong cannot afford the resources consumed by mass training of legendary powerhouses. This is a hard constraint."

"Because of this restriction, if you want to go further, you can only throw away the crutches in your hands and the various conveniences and safety guarantees provided by Tiangong."

"Like those adventurers who have nothing, they are placed in a dangerous place where their lives are threatened at all times, relying on their own wisdom and will to survive in desperation, through bloody and sweaty actual combat training, especially the battle with legendary creatures, they have accumulated enough Experience, coupled with the indispensable savvy and a little bit of good luck, will it be possible to break through the bottleneck and enter the realm of legend."

"If I had been treated like you when I was young, with the astrolabe next to me, and when my life was threatened, I would be automatically sent back to a safe hospital for treatment. Xiao Gao, believe me, don't be a demigod now, I can't even reach the threshold of legend." Can't touch it."

His Majesty the Emperor patted the young man on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "This road is very difficult and dangerous, and it may kill you. , have no choice."

(End of this chapter)

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