Savior Simulator

Chapter 1143

Chapter 1143

The grievances of the parents made the conflict between Musk and Simeone irreconcilable.

The ruthless teasing of fate forced the pair of friends to draw their swords at each other.

Gao Fei, who was completely immersed in the plot, sighed, withdrew his thoughts, put on the "Warlock Mask", "Warlock Mask" and "Warrior Mask" to bless various buffs.

Simeone's strength is not as good as Adam Rolf's, but he is not an opponent that can be easily dealt with. Besides, there is a time limit. Gao Fei has to take this duel seriously.

Simeone, who was on the opposite side, also threw away his umbrella and pulled out the magic sword called "Flame Tongue".

Gao Fei gestured that he could make a move.

Simeone held the sword in both hands, saluted the knight solemnly, and then swung the sword to release three "burning rays".

Gao Fei didn't change his face, and raised his hand to release the "dispersion technique" to counter the "burning rays".

Immediately afterwards, Simeone's "water pressure ball" and "fireball" were also easily dispelled by him.

After the courteous three-point pass, Gao Fei was no longer polite, and raised his hand to blast a blue-purple shock wave.

Simeone quickly hid behind a big tree.

Gao Fei's "Magic Energy Explosion" had its own tracking effects, and it made a strange arc in the air, bypassing the big tree and chasing after him, forcing him to raise his shield in a hurry to block.

The "Magic Energy Explosion" strengthened by quadruple magic was so powerful that it knocked Simeone flying with his shield and fell into the grass with one blow.


With just one "Magic Energy Explosion", Simeone lost nearly 1/4 of his health. Fortunately, with the blessing of God, he passed the Fortitude save and was not deterred.

The paladin, who was covered in mud and water, supported himself to stand up, knowing that his spellcasting ability was too far behind his opponent, and he would be defeated in a long-range bombardment. He gritted his teeth, and resolutely blessed "Holy Slash" and "Pearl Blessing", holding high the shining holy light The sword rushed up!
"Pearl Blessing" increased Simeone's long sword by 3d6 radiant damage, and "Holy Slash" greatly enhanced the weapon's hit and lethality.

Gao Fei's "imitator" has a fragile skin and thin blood. If he cuts him twice with a sword, he will probably have to read the file and start all over again.

Without waiting for Simeone to get close, Gao Fei activated the magic ring "Masquerade Ball" in his hand, put on the Mithril Armor in seconds, activated the "Acceleration Technique", and held a rapier and a large shield, ready to fight.

Gao Fei raised his big shield, blocked Simeone's long sword, and then launched a counterattack. The thin sword flew back and forth like a silver snake in the rainy night, swaying a cold light that dazzled the opponent.

"Acceleration Technique" combined with the "Multiple Attack" feat, plus the "Fighting Slash" that comes with the "Warrior Mask", Gao Fei can stab four swords in a row.

On this basis, he also obtained the advanced magic "Hunger and Thirst Demon Blade" by wearing the "Wizard Mask", so that the rapier in his hand - the "Contract Weapon" of the Warlock, can Add an extra sword!
Multiplying the two, Gao Fei stabs eight swords in an instant!

Simeone has never met in his life, and he can't even imagine such a fierce offensive in his dreams.

Facing the turbulent sword light attacking like a flood bursting an embankment, he managed to block it a few times before being held against his throat by the icy sword edge.

"I lost."

Simeone dropped the Flaming Tongue Sword in a slump, his eyes were full of frustration, and finally realized that he was too much worse than Musk, and he was not qualified to be his duel opponent at all.

Gao Fei put the sword back into its sheath, picked up the Flaming Tongue Sword, and returned it to the deeply hurt paladin.

"Simone, go back and ask your father to hire an agent. See you at the duel at ten o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow."

Simeone didn't make a sound, held the long sword, turned around silently, and left the woods.


The next day, the major newspapers in Patus published a shocking news.

The son of Sir Colombo, about to have a public duel with Musk Justice!

The announcement did not elaborate on why the two dueled, which provided room for the spectators to use their imaginations. For a while, there were different opinions, and the city was full of uproar.

Cousins ​​Paul and Giuliano, seeing the announcement of the duel in the newspaper, immediately guessed that Simeone and Musk must have fallen apart because of their parents' grievances, and hurried to the embassy to persuade Musk not to accept Simon Neil proposed a duel.

"Simeone's father is not a good guy, but Simeone is not at fault at all. It would be a pity if he died under your sword in order to defend his hypocritical father..." Paul rarely said a serious sentence .

"That silly boy Simeone, he died as soon as he died, I don't care!" Lord Giuliano looked at Musk worriedly, "You look very pale, I heard that the injury you suffered in the duel with Adam Rulph before is still intact." Heal? Brother Musk, your current state is not suitable for a duel with Simeone, in case something goes wrong..."

Musk waved his hand, indicating that his health is fine.

"In fact, I initiated this duel on my own initiative. Since Simeone insists on fighting for his father, I can only accept it."

Hearing what he said, Paul and Giuliano couldn't persuade him anymore.

The news spread so fast that even Her Majesty the Queen had heard about it, and specially sent a court envoy to the embassy to ask Musk why Simeone wanted to fight him.

Facing the special envoy of Her Majesty the Queen, Musk did not dare to hide it, so he told the original grievances between himself and Simeone's father.

After all, the queen's special envoy has seen big winds and waves. After listening to him, he immediately stated that he would not reveal the truth to the second person except to report the matter to Her Majesty the queen. I hope Musk will carefully consider whether it is worth it for the older generation. Grudges and grievances, turning against one's friends and drawing swords against each other.

Not long after Her Majesty's special envoy left, Miss Clare rushed in.

"Musk! I heard that you are going to duel with Simeone? Isn't this true?!"

"In fact, that's what happened."

"God, what are you going crazy about?" Claire couldn't believe it, "Isn't your friendship pretty good? Why did you suddenly get into a public duel? Lisa, could it be that these two bastards are jealous of you? Bar?"

"Sister Claire, what nonsense are you talking about!" Lisa didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "This matter has nothing to do with me, it's very complicated..."

"Help! I'm most afraid of complicated things!" Claire scratched her head in pain, "But in order to find out the truth, I still have to ask you guys what happened!"

Lisa sighed, and in a tactful and cryptic way, told her about the grievances between Musk and the Colombo father and son, and incidentally revealed the relationship between Umberto and the Colombo family.

"Umberto is Simeone's half-brother. I've heard Umberto talk about it a long time ago, and he kept it a secret from me. I didn't expect you all to know, and know more than me. !" Claire couldn't help complaining, "Why every time something happens, I'm always kept in the dark!"

(End of this chapter)

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