Savior Simulator

Chapter 1144 Family First

Chapter 1144 Family First
"Sister Claire, does Brother Umberto know that Simeone is going to duel with Musk?" Lisa asked the redhead.

"He saw this news in the newspaper, and immediately rushed out of the door, not knowing where he went..." Claire's eyes showed worry, "I was worried that he would mess around, so I hurried to find you, but I didn't expect Weng Beto isn't here."

"If Brother Umberto doesn't come to Musk, then nine out of ten he will go to Simeone and Sir Colombo." Lisa guessed, "Perhaps he can persuade his father and younger brother to give up the duel and use a more rational approach." way to resolve this dispute.”

"I hope so," Claire agreed worriedly.

In fact, as far as selfishness is concerned, she would rather Umberto not get involved in this dispute that is destined to make him a dilemma.

But she also knew that Umberto could never stay out of it.

No one values ​​his family more than the "Archangel".

Even the man who once ruthlessly abandoned him and his mother and failed to fulfill his father's responsibility is still a family member who is connected with him by blood and cannot be separated from him.


Gao Fei spent an astrolabe energy to skip this depressing plot, and went directly to the next morning. The stage of the story also switched to the duel field he was familiar with, and the outside of the field was crowded with spectators who came to watch the excitement.

The story of "Duel Agents" is about to reach its climax.

Before the final duel in the whole game process started, Gao Fei received the upgrade reward issued in advance by the system.


"Mage Mask" and "Warlock Mask" each add a new spell slot, which can imitate up to 4th-level magic.

Gao Fei used the "mage mask" to prepare for "advanced strike first", increasing the attack roll by 6 points, so as not to miss at critical moments.

Gao Fei thought about the newly added spell slot of "Warlock Mask", and decided to use it to imitate Lisa's "Spiritual Body Guard". This spell with both deceleration and damage is the best way to control the field at this stage.

The reward profession in this chapter is Simeone's "Ocean Knight", a type of paladin who specializes in water warfare.

The three candidate bonus specialties are "Weapon Specialization", "Whirlwind Slash" and "Great Cleave".

Needless to say, "Weapon Specialization", "Whirlwind" and "Great Cleave" are both high-level feats, and the preconditions are "Clearance".

Gao Fei's imitator can only meet the prerequisites for using these two high-level specialties when he wears the "warrior mask".

"Whirlwind Slash" is a close-up sweep, and "Great Slash" is a bonus move to chase twice. Each has its own strengths. Which one should I choose?

How to choose, this is a problem in reality.

If you only consider the needs in the game, you don't have to think about it, you must choose "Big Slash"!
Because Goofy's "Warrior Mask" had already automatically awakened "Whirlwind" when the "Imitator" reached level 9, so there was no need to learn a repeated feat.

As soon as Gao Fei exited the upgrade screen, there was a commotion outside the duel arena.

A blond young man in silver armor came galloping on a steed. It was the other protagonist of today's duel, Simone Colombo.

Seeing Simeone getting off his horse from a distance and walking towards the cheers of the audience, Gao Fei couldn't help but secretly frowned.

After the battle in the woods the night before, Simeone should be very clear that he is not Musk's opponent. It is obviously a game that must be lost, so why is he biting the bullet to fight?
At first, Gao Fei thought that Simeone didn't expect to win in the duel at all, but just used this way to show his filial piety to his father.

As for whether his father will publicly repent in accordance with the agreement after losing the duel, it is not up to him as a son to decide.

However, as Simeone approached, Gao Fei gradually realized that something was wrong.

He carried the "True Knowledge Orb" presented by Queen Polja with him, which is equivalent to the constant "True Seeing". It is not difficult to see that Simeone's body is surrounded by a light blue halo that symbolizes "Illusion". Art" concealed his true colors.

Slightly squinting his eyes, Gao Fei carefully looked at the counterfeit "Simone" in front of him, and the doubt in his eyes turned into enlightenment.

"It really is him..."

Gao Fei frowned, hesitating whether to tell the referee about it, and expose the counterfeit opposite in public.

He hadn't made up his mind yet when a horse neighed suddenly from outside the arena.

A carriage came galloping, and the sound of fierce quarrel between two men could be faintly heard in the carriage, which immediately attracted people's attention, and Gao Fei also cast a curious look.

Before the carriage came to a complete stop, the door was violently kicked open, and a young man jumped out in a hurry. It was indeed Simone Colombo!

How is this going?

Everyone looked left and right, and was fooled by the two identical Simone Colombos inside and outside the duel arena, all of them had incredible expressions on their faces.

"Simone! Don't be impulsive!" An old voice came from the carriage.

A gray-haired old gentleman, leaning on a cane, limped out of the carriage, ignoring his inflexible legs, hurried to catch up with Simeone, and grabbed his arm tightly without letting go.

Hearing people's comments, Gao Fei knew that this lame old man suffering from severe gout was Sir Giovanni Colombo, Simeone's father.

"My child! This is not the place for you!" Sir Colombo eagerly persuaded his son, "Your elder brother...although I am very sorry for him, but he is right! Even if you don't listen to your father, you should at least listen to your brother... ..."

"Enough!" Simeone, a filial son, interrupted his father roughly in front of many onlookers, "I'm sorry, Dad, I can't agree with this approach! Whether it is for the eldest brother or for Musk, doing this is not good. unfair!"

The angry paladin ignored his father's persuasion, shook off his hand, and rushed straight to the referees.

"Gentlemen, allow me to declare! I am the real Simone Colombo, as for the one in the arena...he is a fake!"

"Mr. Colombo, I am confused by you, you'd better explain the ins and outs of the matter clearly." The referee frowned.

The audience on the sidelines also echoed in unison, putting on a posture of eating melons and not being afraid of big things, urging Simeone to break the news quickly!
"Last night, my elder brother who rarely came to visit my father suddenly came to visit my father. The two hid in the study, discussing things in whispers... At that time, I felt something was wrong, but I didn't expect that they would come up with such an idea. What a bad idea!"

"This morning, just as I was about to go out to participate in the duel, my father poured me a glass of wine, saying that he wanted to wish me victory. I drank the wine rashly, and soon fell into a coma."

(End of this chapter)

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