Savior Simulator

Chapter 1142 Rainy Night Showdown

Chapter 1142 Rainy Night Showdown
"Cruel? At least your father is still alive, and he can still enjoy his millions of wealth and family happiness." Musk smiled coldly, "But what about my father? He can only wait for the late justice in the grave!"

Simeone paled and nodded in frustration.

"Okay, Musk, I will do as you said, go home and have a good talk with my father, I hope he can listen."

Simeone said this very confidently, because he understood his father's temper.

For this lord who has spent most of his life in speculation and business, and finally rose from the bottom of society to the noble class, reputation and status are simply more precious than his life.


In the evening of the next day, Simeone came to the embassy in the rain.

He got off the carriage without an umbrella, and when he saw Musk, he was drenched, his blond hair stuck to his forehead, and there was no trace of blood on his pale face.

"Come in, Simeone! You need to change into a dry suit, sit down by the fire, have a glass of wine, and keep warm."

Musk waved to him.

"No, my friend, we'd better talk outside."


Musk glanced at the rainy sky, hesitated a little, turned back, took two umbrellas, and handed one to Simeone.

Holding an umbrella, the two walked into the dark woods.

The grass underfoot was wet and slippery, but the thick foliage sheltered most of the rain.

Musk put away his umbrella and took the initiative to speak clearly.

"Seeing that you are listless, I am afraid that the communication with your father is not very pleasant..."

Simeone nodded, and said with some embarrassment: "When my father heard me say that incident, he lost his temper at first, and then sat in an armchair in frustration, disregarding the doctor's orders, pouring strong alcohol one cup after another. I can't persuade you."

"Maybe Ferguson needs alcohol to boost his courage before he can face reality." Musk sneered.

"Later, when he was half drunk, he finally admitted that he was sorry for his old friend Leonardo Justice, that is, your father. He also said that he could satisfy your request to the greatest extent and make all compensation including money, but …A public apology is unacceptable, it would not only ruin my father’s reputation but also my career…” Simeone said bitterly.

"The son of a fraudster will indeed be questioned by the public, whether he is still qualified to continue to serve as a prosecutor." Musk said lightly.

Simeone gritted his teeth and couldn't help getting excited.

"Musk! Frankly speaking, I don't care about shitty careers, but I can't let my father become a joke in the social world! On behalf of my father, I am willing to publish an apology to you in the newspaper and make compensation that satisfies you..."

"Enough! Simeone, I have shown the greatest tolerance, but unfortunately your father is still not satisfied and dare not publicly admit the crimes he committed. I am so disappointed!" Musk couldn't bear it anymore, "My father was punished by your father. Killed, a lost life, how do you tell me how to compensate?!"

"I give you my life as an atonement for my father!" Simeone replied sharply.

Thunder exploded in the night sky, and lightning flashed across the treetops, illuminating the pale, rain-drenched faces of the two young men.

Musk looked at Simeone in surprise, and seeing his decisive look, he didn't seem to be impulsive, so he shook his head and persuaded him to give up this irrational idea.

"This has nothing to do with you, Simeone, you are not my enemy." Musk's words were colder than the rain, "I want to challenge your father to a duel, and if I win, I have the right to ask your father to fight in the duel arena." Plead guilty with your own mouth!"

"My father is just a poor old man who is seriously ill and has no ability to go to the duel..." Simeone choked up.

"I don't even bother to bully an old coward, Simeone, if your father accepts my bet, you can hire a dueling agent to go to the duel for yourself..."

Before Musk finished speaking, he was interrupted by Simeone.

"As my father's son, I am obliged to take over this duel for him!"

"You? Duel with me?" Musk looked at Simeone in surprise and shook his head, "I'm afraid it won't work."

"You look down on me and think I'm not worthy to be your opponent?"

"Don't be stupid, my friend! This is not a question of strength at all, but your identity does not allow you to do this!"

Musk scolded angrily.

"Don't forget, you are a prosecutor. According to the laws of your country, public officials in the judicial industry are not allowed to participate in duels of any nature. What's more, you have always opposed judicial duels and thought it was a barbaric act. How can you slap yourself? Slap?"

"Yes, I am firmly opposed to judicial duels, no matter from the legal or personal standpoint, but in life, there are always times when I wrong myself. For my father, I have to do the things I hate the most..."

Simeone smiled sadly.

"Don't worry about me, Musk. Before I came to you today, I had already resigned as a prosecutor. Now there is no legal provision that can prevent me from accepting this duel initiated by you on behalf of my father."

Musk took a deep breath, and it took him a while to process the startling news.

"Why did you resign from the public office? Simeone, you are so stupid! You know, many people work hard all their lives, but they can't reach your original position. You can obviously hire a professional dueling agent for your father. Why are you so stupid? You ruined your own future with your own hands?!"

"Don't say it, Musk, this is my own choice, and I am willing to bear all the consequences." Simeone seemed unusually calm, as if he had considered everything, "You arrange the time and place of the duel, and I will definitely be there on time."

Musk stared at Simeone, his thoughts turning back and forth.

Since he couldn't use reason to convince this young man who was desperate, he could only use another way to wake him up.

"There is no need to arrange another time and place, we will decide the outcome here."

Musk threw away the umbrella, a cold light flashed in his hand, and a thin sword appeared.

At the same time, Gao Fei received a reminder of "Shen Shen" from Xingpan.

From now on, he can manipulate the main character.

Immediately afterwards, another mainline task appeared on the astrolabe:
Defeat Simone Colombo (Ocean Knight Level 10) within 12 rounds without causing fatal damage to him!

"After talking about the truth for a long time, the result still has to be a fight."

The complaints are the complaints, Gao Fei put himself in the shoes of Musk and Simeone, and couldn't think of a better solution.

Musk asked Sir Colombo to make a public confession in the newspaper, which is already the bottom line he can back down.

Simeone's frank admission of his father's sins is enough to show his noble mind, but as a son, he has to be filial and must stand up to accept the duel for his father.

(End of this chapter)

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