Savior Simulator

Chapter 1141 Late Justice

Chapter 1141 Late Justice

"Hey, Musk, my father made mistakes in marriage. To be honest, Umberto is the direct heir of the Colombo family, and I am just an illegitimate child." Simeone said embarrassingly.

"Why are you the illegitimate child?" Musk asked in surprise.

"When my father married my mother, his first wife was still alive. He neither went through the divorce procedure nor received a dispensation from the Holy See, so he and his first wife still legally maintain a spouse relationship."

"Under such circumstances, my father went to the Kingdom of Feizhen, forged an unmarried identity by changing his name and surname, and married his second wife—that is, my mother. It is still the law of the Kingdom of Feizhen, which is an indisputable crime of bigamy!"

"As a product of an illegal marriage, of course I can only be regarded as an illegitimate child without inheritance rights, unless..."

"Unless your father's legal eldest son, Brother Umberto, voluntarily renounces his inheritance rights and transfers all rights to you."

After all, Musk passed the judicial examination and is no stranger to these laws involving marriage and inheritance disputes.

"Yes, the reason why I have my current status and be regarded as a noble young master is because my elder brother voluntarily gave up his rights." Simeone showed guilt, "In fact, everything I own now should belong to His, I owe him too much..."

"You don't need to feel sorry for this, Simeone. I know Brother Umberto very well. He doesn't care much about the so-called noble title or your father's property. He earns his living with his own hands. He is now What you have, including friends and family in Fiji, more than makes up for what your father could have given him, and more than enough."

Musk's words seemed to prick Simeone's nerves, and he couldn't help protesting.

"Hey! Musk, I have a lot of respect for Brother Umberto, but running a gang is not a decent job after all, is it?"

"Brother Umberto not only runs gangsters, but also establishes order in a street full of violence and chaos. In the dark corner where the law is absent, he shelters those ordinary people who yearn for a stable life."

The more Musk said, the stronger the smell of gunpowder.

"He regards us as an inseparable family, and we sincerely call him 'Archangel'—isn't this more glorious than the noble title your father obtained through betrayal and deception?!"

Simeone couldn't help but change his face.

"Musk, my friend, you need to calm down! Indeed, my father betrayed his first wife, for which he has been repenting all these years, trying to be nice to my elder brother... But you say my father cheated? This is so insulting!"

"I'm sorry, Simeone, no one in the world is more qualified than me to accuse your father of being a despicable scammer!" Musk's eyes lit up, "Because I am the son of one of the victims!"

Simeone was stunned.

"God, what the hell is...what's going on?"

"It's a long story..."

With full of resentment, Musk recounted the grievances and grievances of the parents of both parties.

"Simone, you are a paladin, you can use magic to check whether I have told a half-word lie! Use your 'field of honesty' and 'discern lies', I have a clear conscience!"

"Don't get excited, my friend, there must be some misunderstanding here..." Simeone's heart was also confused, but he was still trying his best to appease Musk, who was full of grief and anger.

"The matter has already been investigated clearly. If you don't believe me, go to Captain Dantès. He has served your father for many years and has personally experienced the things I just said!"

Musk dropped another "blockbuster".

"Captain Dantès..."

Of course Simeone knew Dantès, and he also knew how close the relationship between Mr. Captain and his father was.

Now that Musk pointed out conclusively that Captain Dantès was the witness, Simeone couldn't help but doubt it. Could it be that his father really defrauded his business partner?
Thinking back to the experience of moving in a hurry many years ago, and after returning to Patus, my father inexplicably changed his name and surname again, which almost cut off all the social connections that he had painstakingly managed in the Kingdom of Feizhen. How to explain it?

Recalling his father's various abnormal behaviors in those years, Simeone's mood gradually became heavy.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew in his heart that Musk's allegations against his father were likely to be well-founded.

After hesitating for a while, Simeone spoke again, pleading in his tone.

"Musk, for the sake of our friendship, especially for the sake of Brother Umberto, I beg you not to accuse my father publicly, can we settle this matter privately?"

"How do you want to solve it?" Musk asked coldly.

"I think... since my father owed your father in business, of course he should make corresponding financial compensation. You... say the number, we have absolutely no objection!"

Noticing that Musk's face had sunk, Simeone quickly added: "Of course, it's not just about money! What's more important is justice, yes, justice! Musk, I will try to convince my father to come to the door in person. You apologize and give your father justice!"

"Is this the end?" Musk asked with a sneer.

"Uh... what do you think?" Simeone looked at him anxiously.

Musk took a deep breath, and opened his mouth with indignation.

"Simone, you are an upright paladin and an independent prosecutor. If the person involved is not your own father, do you think monetary compensation and a private apology are justice?"

Simeone was speechless.

That's all, justice is too cheap, let alone justice that has been delayed for many years.

However, the accused party was his father after all, and he could not be truly impartial on this issue.

"Simone, my father was killed by your father. It stands to reason that I have the right to ask your father to pay for his life! However, the tragedy of family ruin... I have experienced it alone, and I can't bear to let you and Brother Umberto suffer the same death." The pain of the father..."

Musk endured his heartache and made the greatest concessions.

"I'm not short of money, so compensation is fine, but I want to give a sigh of relief for my father's spirit in heaven!"

"So?" Simeone asked tentatively.

"Sir Colombo must make a public repentance. He must confess to the newspapers for framing my father, and tell the dirty things he did in the past, verbatim!"

Simeone couldn't help taking a breath.

"Musk, if my father does this, his reputation will be ruined! For an old man over fifty years old, this is too cruel!"

(End of this chapter)

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