Savior Simulator

Chapter 1140 Showdown

Chapter 1140 Showdown
Needless to say, "Wizard of Spellcasting" is a must-choice magical skill for professional spellcasters, and Xiao Ma has no reason to miss this legendary feat.

After selecting the reward specialty, the three of them exited the game.

It was already 09:30 at night. Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun had been playing games for most of the day, and they didn't have time to eat, and their stomachs were growling from hunger.

The three of them hurriedly teleported to the Tiangong base, gathered in the staff restaurant, and each ordered a steak set meal to replenish their energy.

After eating and drinking enough, it was past 10 o'clock, Xiao Ma's interest remained undiminished, and he strongly asked Gao Fei and Jiang Feng to accompany her to play games all night.

When Gao Fei asked Ma Yun for help, he had already promised her to have fun all night after the exam.

Jiang Feng thought it would be good to relax occasionally, so he went online with his boyfriend.

The mage module has been cleared, and Ma Yun doesn't want to open a new module for the time being. She decided to clear the berserk module "Prince's Revenge" first, so she brought in Jiang Feng's "Raiders of the Templar" as her foreign aid to help fight An army of frost giants.

Ma Yun could only invite one friend to join the battle, and Gao Fei had to be a spectator. After watching it for a while, he couldn't help complaining.

"Richest man, the character you are playing now is not a mage, but a berserker, what does it mean to run around and fight guerrillas?"

"Don't be cowardly, okay? You have to go up and chop!"

"Change quickly! Why don't you change into a dragon?"

"Brother Fei! Please shut up, it's so annoying!!"

Student Xiao Ma is showing his flexible position and feels good about himself. He is very upset to be complained about by Gao Fei.

"As the saying goes, a real gentleman is a real gentleman when he watches chess without talking. If you insist on pointing fingers at others, even if what you say makes sense, it's annoying!" Jiang Feng smiled and waved to his boyfriend, "Your exclusive module Haven't you cleared the level yet? Don't give orders here, go play your own game!"

"Your way of playing is wrong, don't let people say..."

Gao Fei angrily quit the Berserker module, turned to open his own exclusive module "Duel Agent", and started to attack the last chapter.

The protagonist of the story, Musk Justice, is hovering at a crossroads in his life.

This young dueling agent, entrusted by King George III of Fizhen, traveled across the ocean to Patus, the capital of the Seablue Kingdom, to uphold justice for Queen Polja, and successfully killed the powerful opponent "Magic Warrior" in the duel arena. Adam Rulph, who uttered a bad breath for Her Majesty the Queen, also won a great reputation for himself.

However, when Musk was proud of his spring breeze, he learned a shocking secret from his friends Paul and Giuliano!
The enemy who caused Musk's family to be ruined at the beginning turned out to be the father of his good brother Umberto and his good friend Simone, the famous banker and philanthropist in the Ocean Blue Kingdom-Lord Giovanni Colombo!
The enemy who caused his father to go bankrupt and commit suicide, and also the father of relatives and friends, facing the cruel reality of entanglement, the young Musk fell into a painful tangle. Very emaciated.

In order to conceal his inner conflicts, he declared to the public that he was severely injured in the duel with Adam Rulph and needed to recuperate quietly, so he had to thank guests behind closed doors.

Except for Lisa, Paul and Giuliano, no one knows that what is tormenting him is actually a heart disease.

After two days like this, Musk still couldn't get rid of the contradictions and entangled emotions. This afternoon, the person he least wanted to see took the initiative to visit.

"Honey, Simone heard that you were seriously ill and came to visit you specially." Lisa walked to the bed and said in a low voice.

"You just said that I am very sick... and contagious, so I'm sorry, it's not convenient to meet with him." Musk said distractedly.

"Actually, I've already told him these excuses, but unfortunately it's useless." Lisa smiled wryly and shrugged her shoulders, "You must know that Mr. Simeone is a high-ranking paladin, and he is very good at his medical magic. Confidence, I came to see you today to help you heal your illness with your own hands."

"Damn it!" Musk sat up from the bed and yelled irritably, "Lisa! Can't Simeone see that you are a pastor who is better at healing than him?"

"I guess he can see it, but he's just pretending not to know it." Lisa sighed. "My dear, Paul and Giuliano are both your friends. They are very loyal cousins, but it's a pity that they have one thing in common. The characteristic is that I can't control my big mouth, and I'm worried that Simeone has heard the wind."

Musk's face changed slightly. After hesitating for a long time, he stood up resolutely and said to Lisa: "You bring Simone to the garden, I want to talk to him alone."

"Honey..." Lisa hesitated to speak.

"Escape can't solve any problems." Musk seemed to suddenly figure it out, and the whole person became very relaxed, "I plan to tell the truth to Simeone, and the two of them will calmly discuss the grievances of their parents and find a proper solution to this problem. .”

"That's right, my dear, there are no unsolvable problems in the world. I believe that both you and Simeone can treat this matter rationally."

Lisa had a rare relieved smile on her face.

Five minutes later, Musk met with a young paladin, Simone Colombo, in a garden in the backyard of the embassy.

The branches and leaves cover the harsh noon sun, and the deep forest is cool and quiet.

Musk and Simeone walked side by side in the woods, walked to the depths of the forest, and confirmed that no one was bugging around, and then Musk stopped.

"Simone, there is something I've always wanted to ask you, I don't know if it's convenient."

"If you want to know anything, just ask." Simeone's smile was bright and sunny.

"I noticed that you and Brother Umberto are somewhat similar in appearance, especially your eyes. Does this mean that the two of you are related by blood?" Musk asked sideways.

"Oh, that's what you want to inquire about!" Simeone laughed, "You don't need to be cautious, my friend! Umberto and I are indeed related by blood. In fact, he is my half-brother. The real surname is also Colombo!"

"But he doesn't seem to like his surname, otherwise he wouldn't change his name to Umberto Esposito like those abandoned babies who were thrown at the door of the church at birth."

There was sarcasm and indignation in Musk's words.

Simeone froze for a moment, stopped, and turned to look at Musk.

"My friend, you don't seem to be surprised by this incident. Maybe you learned from others that the relationship between my father and Brother Umberto is very tense?"

"I am ashamed to say that although I respect my father very much, I must admit that he failed as a husband, and he is not considered a success as a father, especially for his first wife... Of course, I am even more sorry for being abandoned since childhood. Brother Umberto."

(End of this chapter)

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