Savior Simulator

Chapter 1132 Locking Blood

Chapter 1132 Locking Blood
Gao Fei was convinced that if one of the three bullets he fired hits one, including the sneak attack bonus provided by "See Through the Gate of Fate", the final damage would be enough to knock down the Southern Witch from the sky!

It's a pity that the hit probability calculated on paper is just a bunch of meaningless numbers when facing a powerful witch in reality.

Glinda didn't dodge, and opened her lips lightly, uttering a spell that symbolized "wind".


The fiery red robe that wrapped the graceful figure inflated rapidly like an inflatable ball.

The moment the skirt fluttered, a strong stream of air was ejected in the direction of the bullet.

Gao Fei saw that the three bullets were all deflected by the strong wind, and flew over Glinda's clothes, and suddenly remembered the epic "Midsummer Robe" that Glinda was wearing. Issue 2 rings "Wind-making Technique"!
The higher the level of the caster, the stronger the air current created by this spell.

With Glinda's mana, lightweight shooting weapons such as pistols and crossbows, aimed at her will be deflected by the "Instant Wind Breeze". If you want to shoot her down from the sky, you must at least use a large-caliber sniper. rifle.

Instant casting, only consumes "reaction action", Glinda can still cast a spell with standard action this round, she chooses to cast "dispel" on the "shelter hut".

"Oh! I guessed it!"

Gao Fei saw the green magic light appearing in Glinda's palm, and countered it with the same "dispel" without hesitation, which meant that both sides wasted 7 points of magic power, and the "shelter hut" was safe and sound.

In the "House of Refuge", Ma Yun has used the "golden hat" to summon a group of flying monkeys and ordered the group of monkeys to fly out to besiege Glinda.

This golden hat originally belonged to Theodora, the Witch of the West.

Theodora is Glinda's old opponent, she is well aware of the magical power contained in this hat, seeing groups of flying monkeys rushing out of the "shelter hut", they siege up with squeaking screams, and immediately cast "fairy steps" ", instantly teleported to the door.

The flying monkeys gathered into a group of golden storms, and under the leadership of the monkey king, they chased after Glinda.

The windows of the hall were closed, and only a long, narrow porch led to the outside.

The flying monkeys didn't think much, and flew outside along the door opening. Hundreds of flying monkeys were crowded in the narrow corridor.

Glinda, who flew out of the door first, turned around and floated in the air. Looking at the flying monkeys crowded in the porch, the corners of her lips raised slightly, showing a cruel smile.

The Witch of the South raised her right hand, with the palm facing the door, and erupted a wave of bone-chilling magic power.


The 5-ring "Ice Cone" of the "magic power" supermagic swept along the porch, covering the flying monkeys in a white cold current.

The basic damage of the "cold cone" is 15d6, and the "magic power" increases the damage by an additional 50%.

Group attack spell, double damage to group creatures.

Glinda's "Powerful Ice Cone" caused a total of 45~270 (45d6) points of freezing damage to the group of flying monkeys, instantly killing hundreds of flying monkeys!

The frozen corpses of flying monkeys were piled up on the floor and disintegrated in a blink of an eye.

Linda flew back to the hall and saw Ma Yun hiding in the "shelter hut", holding a piece of red satin in her hand, and was casting the 2nd-level spell "flying insects and beasts".

The red silk was torn apart by the magic power guided by the girl, and each silk thread was transformed into a wasp, flying around her, gathering into groups in a blink of an eye, like yellow and black mottled clouds.

Glinda saw that Ma Yun wanted to control the swarm of bees remotely, stinging around her, and interfering with spellcasting by the way.

She could use the method she used to deal with the flying monkey swarm just now, attract the bee swarm to the porch, and kill them all in one go.

But this is not a good idea.

The combat effectiveness of the bee swarms summoned by spells is far inferior to that of flying monkeys, but they can maintain a spiritual connection with the caster.

Ma Yun has seen the tragic end of the flying monkey swarm, so of course she will not make the same mistake again, and will definitely spread the bee swarm by remote control as much as possible to avoid being wiped out by the swarm attack spell.

In this way, if Glinda wanted to eliminate the bee colony, he would have to spend more thought, more mana, and more time.

You must know that there is also a "law thief" with a gun lurking in the dark, showing a slight flaw, and if that vicious thief seizes the opportunity, two shots can kill him!
The more Glinda thought about it, the more irritable she became, and she simply made up her mind, preferring to take some risks and get rid of her opponent as quickly as possible.

After making up her mind, she started "Fairy Step" again and disappeared into a cloud of silver mist.

Inside the "refuge hut", silver mist suddenly emerged, and the figure of the southern witch loomed under the cover of the mist, only three steps away from Ma Yun.

Glinda was actually teleported directly to the "shelter hut". This bold approach was beyond the expectation of Xiao Ma.

Fortunately, Ma Yun has accumulated a wealth of practical experience after being tempered in games and in reality. She can still remain calm in unexpected situations, and her quick-witted mind is especially good at adapting to changes.

Realizing that the situation was not good, student Xiao Ma immediately activated the 2-ring magic "Shifting and Repositioning" that comes with the "Silver Shoes" to escape from the "Refuge Cabin".

As soon as Ma Yun left, the "shelter hut" disintegrated, but the swarm of bees she summoned remained in place, executing her spiritual commands, biting frantically around Glinda, buzzing and disturbing her mind, and blocking her sight .

At the same time, Gao Fei, as the recipient of the "Transformation", was teleported to the position where Ma Yun was originally standing, only 15 feet away from the Southern Witch surrounded by bee swarms.

The opportunity is coming!

Gao Fei resolutely activated "Ghost Strike" and attacked Glinda face-to-face!
This time, he didn't use a pistol, nor did he choose the "Scorching Ray" that was defeated by the "Midsummer Robe", he frantically extracted the negative energy that heralds death, and raised his hand to blast Glinda with superimposed "Ray Splitting" and "Ray Piercing" Double super magic "weak energy"!
The crackling pitch-black ray split into two parallel rays the moment it detached from Gao Fei's fingertips, piercing through the barrier of the bee swarm and advancing side by side!

Glinda seemed to have sensed the crisis, and hastily spun in place, flipped the robe, and released a strong airflow around.

The swarm of bees surrounding Glinda was blown far away by the "Instant Wind Spell", but the "Weak Energy Spell" was not a live ammunition, and no matter how strong the storm was, it would not be able to interfere with the flight path of the magic ray.

The two "weak energy spells" both had a base damage of 10d6, and each brought 11d6 sneak attack damage. They hit Glinda at the same time, bursting out two strings of shocking damage numbers.



The damage Glinda suffered clearly exceeded the upper limit of her HP, and she should have been instantly killed on the spot, but she still had 1 HP remaining.

(End of this chapter)

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