Savior Simulator

Chapter 1131 Fairy Dragon

Chapter 1131 Fairy Dragon

"Hee hee hee hee hee hee……"

The mischievous goblin dragon jumped up from the hostess' shoulders, spread its transparent wings and hung in the air, making a mischievous laugh, as if mocking the girl mage opposite.

Toto, the mechanical dog following Ma Yun, was very displeased with the Fairy Dragon's arrogance. He barked at her twice, and suddenly widened his eyes. Two beams of light shot out from the pupils and shot straight at the Fairy Dragon.

The Fairy Dragon seemed to be taken aback, fluttering its wings to avoid it, but was finally hit by a "force field ray", screaming and falling from mid-air, and fell to the floor with a thud.


For a small magic pet like the Fairy Dragon, the health value is usually not too high, and a loss of 13 points of HP is considered a serious injury.

"Toto! Toto!"

The mechanical dog let out a proud roar, and pounced, intending to bite off the Fairy Dragon's slender neck.

However, before it got close, the Fairy Dragon suddenly jumped up, with a sly smile in its long and narrow eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the body of this pet, which was as small as a cat, swelled rapidly, and under the effect of some kind of transformation magic, it turned into a giant dragon that was 15 feet (5 meters) high from head to toe!

The gigantic fairy dragon, whose physical attributes have reached the level of an adult real dragon, waved its claws at will, and slapped the mechanical dog that could not brake in time to fly away.

Bang! !

Poor Toto, hitting the wall and bouncing back, fell with a clanging sound, the body parts of the mechanical structure fell off, and almost fell apart on the spot.

Jiang Feng saw that Toto couldn't beat the gigantic Fairy Dragon, so he rushed over and fired a series of pistols with both hands to stop the Fairy Dragon from chasing and killing Toto.

The bullet hit the goblin dragon, and the scales where it was shot burst, and purple blood oozes out.

As its body grew larger, the Fairy Dragon's natural armor also became stronger. It was hit by pistols in many places on its body, but only suffered some flesh injuries.

Fairy Dragon's temper is like a savage and capricious little girl, how can she bear this kind of grievance?
Immediately throwing away the mechanical dog, he rushed to Jiang Feng angrily, and sprayed out a colorful cone of light from his mouth.

This ability similar to dragon's breath is actually the fairy dragon's innate spell "Colorful Jet".

Jiang Feng did not dodge, let the colorful light cone sweep over, and quickly replaced the pistol with armor-piercing bullets.

The brilliant magical brilliance was suppressed by the "Secondary Forbidden Ring" as soon as he came into contact with Jiang Feng, and disappeared invisible.

The anger in the fairy dragon's eyes quickly turned into surprise. Only then did she realize that the female gunman on the opposite side was difficult to deal with. She quickly spread her wings and flew into the air to avoid the rain of armor-piercing bullets.

Ma Yun ran to the wall and performed the "Complete Restoration Technique" to repair the mechanical dog urgently.

Toto is also a dog that loves to hold grudges. After regaining his power, he immediately activated the "magic clockwork", raised his head to the sky, and sprayed a "fireball" at the flying fairy dragon!
On the other side of the battlefield, Glinda lightly tapped on the heel, activated the magic power of the "flying wing boots", and flew into the air.


The Southern Witch stood suspended in the air, chanting the incantation that symbolized "lightning", electric snakes flew between her ten fingers, crackling, her long hair fluttered, and her beautiful eyes seemed to be shining with lightning.

Gao Fei stood on the ground, raised his head to recognize the magic that Glinda was casting, suddenly changed his face, and quickly waved his hand to release the "dispel spell".

It's a pity, facing the 6-ring "chain lightning" that fell from the sky, Gao Fei's dispersal seemed overwhelmed.

The lightning hit Ma Yun first, and then scattered around, Gao Fei nearby was not spared either.

The mechanism of "Chain Lightning" is very special, between single attack and group attack.


Xiao Ma's reaction was still very fast. Seeing something bad, he immediately remotely controlled an activated tower shield and flew above his head to block the most lethal wave of "Chain Lightning" bombardment for himself, and he only suffered half of the damage.


Just looking at the damage figures, Ma Yun is already on the street.

The reason why she survived the electric shock was that Nick, the tin woodman, shared half of the damage for her through the "guard technique", narrowly escaping the fate of being instantly killed on the spot.

Ma Yun only had 22 HP left now, but she couldn't stand the toss, so she hurriedly extracted the magic power to convert it into vitality, and recovered the blood by herself.

Gao Fei was also splashed by lightning, and lost 23 HP. Seeing that Glinda was about to blast out "chain lightning", he quickly raised his +1 flash shotgun and fired into the sky, regardless of the numbness all over his body.

He didn't expect to shoot Glinda down with a single shot, he just wanted to interrupt the terrible witch's concentration on casting spells.

A storm of graupel shuttled through the air, and immediately burst into a strong flash.

Glinda closed her eyes in time, and dragged the mirror image clone to move at high speed in the air, avoiding most of the graupel. Her body was stained with faintly glowing dust, but her eyesight was not affected.

Gao Fei held his breath and concentrated, and switched to a +2 silencer pistol in his left hand, combined with "acceleration" and "rapid fire", and fired two more shots.




In the blink of an eye, Gao Fei fired a total of three shots, but it was a pity that he couldn't bring in the sneak attack special effect. Coupled with the damage reduction armor blocking, all three shots only caused single-digit damage to Glinda, and they failed to interrupt her as he wished. The concentration of casting spells failed to cause a "silent" state to her.

Gao Fei sighed as he watched Glinda avoid the bullet attack, condense the bright and dazzling magic power in his hands, and threw a series of thunderous "chain lightning" at Ma Yun again.

He has tried his best, and the next step depends on Ma Yun's own luck.

Before being hit by "Chain Lightning", Ma Yun has another chance to try to disperse. If she also fails, she can only load the file and try again.

At this critical juncture, Xiao Ma's self-rescue method did not meet Gao Fei's prediction.

She didn't try her luck with the "dispel technique", but threw a glass bead under her feet and recited the incantation representing "force field".


A circle of translucent force field shields protected Ma Yun in time and blocked the chain lightning bombarded from the air for her.

Ma Yun hid in the "shelter hut" and saved her life, but she didn't dare to relax her tense nerves. She took off the golden wizard hat on her head and raced against time to perform the summoning ceremony.

Outside the "refuge hut", Gao Fei saw that Ma Yun had escaped unharmed, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He decisively activated "Ghost Strike", with a murderous scarlet light in his eyes, and forced a sneak attack on Glinda to prevent this terrible witch from destroying the "refuge." cabin".

boom! boom! boom!
Gao Fei fired three shots in a row, and each shot brought a sneak attack effect.

Before the battle started, Gao Fei had already blessed the "Advanced Strike the Enemy" and added the Tin Woodman's "Blessing" to pile up the attack rolls to a super high level. In theory, at least two of the three shots could hit Glinda.

(End of this chapter)

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