Savior Simulator

Chapter 1130 Team Battle

Chapter 1130 Team Battle
The astrolabe does not provide a list of Glinda's spells.

Gao Fei planned to use the professional ability "Eye of Perception" of "Law Thief" to spy, but the result was unexpected.

System prompt: Your attempt to spy on Glinda's spellcasting ability failed, and you have aroused the other party's alert!
Gao Fei failed to see the law for the first time since he obtained the profession of "law thief", and he couldn't help feeling ominous.

Since Glinda's spellcasting list cannot be detected, and the other party's vigilance has been aroused, does this mean that trying to steal her spells is also doomed to fail?

Just when Gao Fei was secretly worried, Jiang Feng's question came from his ears: "What do you think about single-handed or gang fights?"

Gao Fei came back to his senses, and said to his girlfriend and Ma Yun: "Grinda is ridiculously strong, it is too difficult for the richest man to defeat her in a heads-up, there is not even a tenth of a chance, of course you have to choose a team fight! "

"Okay, Brother Fei, then we will choose a team battle."

After Ma Yun made her choice, Glinda walked to the center of the hall with her magic pet and castle guards, and said to everyone, "I'll give you 2 minutes to prepare, and then the battle will begin."

Glinda himself was not careless, and used the preparation time to bless herself with the 2nd ring "mirror image", 3rd ring "acceleration", "secondary true seeing" and "secondary mind barrier", as well as the 4th ring "freedom of movement". ", and two buff spells that Gao Fei couldn't identify.

On the opposite side of the hall, Gao Fei and the others are also racing against time to bless each other with buff spells.

Jiang Feng blessed his teammates with "freedom of movement" and "true perception". The former can break the "slow wave" of the castle guard, and the latter can restrain Glinda's "mirror image".

The Tin Woodman is a level 6 "Judger", solemnly praying, applying "Blessing" to all companions, and increasing the attack roll and saving throw resistance by 1 point each.

The most important and most vulnerable member of the team is the heroine played by Ma Yun, with a measly 46 points of HP, who may be instantly killed by Glinda at any time.

In order to ensure the survival of Pony, Nick specially blesses her with the "Guardian Art", sharing half of the damage for her.

Ma Yun herself was not idle, and distributed the "heroic jelly beans", "shield biscuits", "attribute strengthening plaster" and "stone skin cream" prepared in advance to her companions.

Especially the small bottle of cream, with diamond dust added as a spell-casting material, is quite expensive to make. If you apply it on your body, you can temporarily obtain a damage-reducing armor of 10/Adamantine.

Ma Yun focused on taking care of Dimitri, first let him swallow the biscuit infused with "shield technique", and then patted him with "mage armor".

The lion still didn't understand it. He felt that wearing a breastplate made of fine steel was just fine, and there was no need to add "mage armor". After all, the two conflicted with each other, and the defensive performance of the breastplate was obviously better than "mage armor".

"Stupid lion! Do you think I don't know that solid breastplates and spell armors cannot be superimposed?" Xiao Ma scolded Dimitri angrily, "Take off your breastplate quickly, lest it be broken!"

The lion didn't quite understand her intentions, but he followed Miss Mage's arrangement and took off his armor.

Ma Yun held down the lion's drooping forehead and cast the 4-ring "transformation technique", temporarily turning Dimitri into a triceratops covered with thick bone plates and with horns on its head.

The lion turned into a Triceratops, and its size increased by a level. The breastplate it was wearing was not a magic armor. If it was not taken off in advance, it would indeed be stretched out of shape.

Dimitri, who became a Triceratops, had his natural defense increased from +4 to +11, and when he added the bonuses of "Mage Armor" and "Shield Technique", his overall defense level was 29, much higher than the original level. Combined with the 10-point damage reduction armor granted by the "Stone Skin Technique", it looks like a living armored vehicle!

While transforming, Dimitri's three physical attributes were also converted to the average level of an adult Triceratops. Including the 6-point bonus provided by the "attribute strengthening biscuit", they are: strength 36, agility 15, and constitution 31!

In addition to a slight drop in agility attributes, both strength and constitution have been greatly enhanced.

With the increase in body size and physical fitness, Dimitri's HP also increased from 141 to 222, from physical fitness to defense to attack power, all have been significantly improved.

Ma Yun put so much effort into strengthening Dimitri for the simple purpose of allowing him to face the castle guard head-on in the upcoming team battle.

Of course, no matter how much it is strengthened, there is still a big gap between Dimitri and the castle guards, and the sand golem is needed to help him share the pressure.

According to Pony's idea, Dimitri and Sand Golem attack the castle guards in the front row, with Weta the Scarecrow and Nick the Tin Woodman assisting in the back.

Weta's task is mainly to repair the Sand Golem with "Complete Restoration" to ensure that the Sand Golem's HP remains healthy.

Nick's spells don't work against the castle guards, and it's hard to break through the defense with an axe. It's better to play a cameo role as the deputy T, and when necessary, hold up the shield to take a wave of damage for his companions.

Also, Nick is at least a clergyman, good at "spontaneous healing" and can provide first aid to lions.

"Nick, wait for the fight to start. You should pay attention to Dimitri's health, and don't rush to treat him as soon as he is injured." Goofy told the Tin Woodman, "Dimitri's profession is a 'warrior'. The heavier it is, the stronger its combat effectiveness, and the more residual blood it has, the more it can display its value, you just need to make sure that he won't be killed by the castle guards in one round."

Ideally, when Dimitri's HP is lower than 20%—that is, 44 points——his "Perseverance" specialty can be stimulated to the maximum extent, attack roll and saving throw resistance +5, damage dice + 5d6.

However, this blood volume is too dangerous, and it may be killed by the castle guards in a round.

To be on the safe side, when Dimitri's health is below 40%, the Tin Woodman should give first aid.

After the preparation time was over, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun walked towards Glinda, and they joined forces to fight against the Southern Witch.

Gao Fei tried to steal the spell at the first time, and as expected, Glinda was already alert, and blessed the spell in advance, strengthening his "perception" skills, resulting in the failure of the spell stealing.

At the same time, Jiang Feng waved his hand and cast "Dispel", intending to remove the buff on Glinda.

Master Yaling smiled faintly, raised his hand and swayed a green light curtain, easily countering Jiang Feng's attempt.

Ma Yun's first mobile phone call was reserved for "Dimensional Anchor", who wanted to seal Glinda's "Fairy Step" and teleportation magic such as "Any Door".

To Ma Yun's surprise, the goblin dragon lying on the witch's shoulder can also perform the "dispel" spell, spraying a green light over, breaking Ma Yun's spell.



The copy of "The Wizard of Oz" is coming to an end, please ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket.

Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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