Savior Simulator

Chapter 1133 Boss Battle Phase 2

Chapter 1133 Boss battle second stage
Gao Fei knew very well that Glinda didn't have a life-saving specialty such as "Standing Standing".

In this case, there is only one possibility to survive the excessive damage—triggering the hidden "blood lock" mechanism in the game.

Some bosses or key NPCs in the game, before the plot develops to a specific stage, no matter how much damage they eat, their health will not drop to 0, and they cannot be killed.

Glinda, as the final boss of the mage mod, seems to have the same treatment.

After locking the blood, immediately cut into the cutscene, open the "any door", and teleport back to the throne.

"Little girl, your strength surprises me."

The Witch of the South sat on the throne, holding a crystal goblet out of thin air, filled with red wine as thick as blood.

"Hehe... This is even better, I can finally let go of my hands and feet, use all my strength, and have a hearty fight!"

Glinda drank the red wine in the glass, replenished her health instantly, and colorful magical auras appeared alternately on her body, as if she was blessing various buffs.

"Brother Fei, what's going on?"

Seeing Glinda sitting on the throne and pretending to be aggressive, Ma Yun scratched her head in wonder.

"Richest man, you still play less games and lack experience!" Gao Fei replied with a wry smile, "Obviously, this boss battle is about to enter the second stage."

"Ah? This..." Student Xiao Ma rolled his eyes and had a sudden thought, "Can we rush up and start fighting directly, so as not to let Glinda enter the second stage?"

"Before the cutscene is over, we can't control our characters at all!" Gao Fei said angrily to Ma Yun, "Stop thinking about it, do something serious now, and carefully identify which spells Glinda has blessed .”

There are four spells that Gao Fei identified by himself——Level 2 "False Life" and "Rage", and Level 4 "Advanced Strike the Enemy" and "Death Barrier".

Needless to say, "false life" and "advanced strike first".

"Rage Art" temporarily increases the subject's strength and physical attributes by 2 points, and also reduces the defense by 2 points.

For Gao Fei, the most troublesome thing is the "death barrier".

The subject blessed with this 4th ring spell will gain 1 points of negative energy resistance within the time limit of 30 minute/casting level, and is immune to the "instant death" effect caused by necromancy magic and "necrosis", "fatigue", Negative states such as "attribute damage".

Gao Fei's "weak energy technique" is a kind of necromancy magic that invokes negative energy. It happened to be restrained by the "death-proof barrier", and 30 points of damage were forcibly deducted.

In the next battle, if Gao Fei insists on attacking Glinda with the "weakness technique", the effect will be greatly reduced.

However, considering that the "weakness technique" can bring in sneak attack special effects, it is barely acceptable.

However, Gao Fei soon discovered that he was still too naive.

Glinda still has two spell buffs, which Gao Fei couldn't identify.

As a professional mage, Ma Yun's "Secret" skill level is much stronger than Gao Fei's. After successfully identifying these two spells, her little face suddenly collapsed.

"Brother Fei! We are in big trouble!" Xiao Ma said with a sad face, "Glinda just blessed the 6th level 'Spell Nullification Barrier' and the 6th level 'Transformation'!"

"Spell Invalidation Barrier" is the deluxe version of the 4th level "Secondary Spell Invalidation Barrier". The subject is immune to all magic not higher than the 5th level.

Gao Fei and Ma Yun, the highest-level spells currently mastered are only 5th ring... If they are completely overcome, it is a yes.

What is even more perverted is the 6th ring "Transformation", which is also the legendary "Tan Sen Transfiguration". The subject greatly strengthens his hand-to-hand combat ability and obtains the following benefits:

·Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and natural armor all gain a +6 enhancement bonus.

Gain proficiency in Fortitude Saving Throws and have advantage on rolls.

Gain proficiency with all types of armor and weapons, and gain advantage on attack rolls with weapons.

·Acquire the "Multiple Attacks" feat, which allows you to launch two physical attacks as a "standard action" per round.


The "transformation technique" is so powerful, but there is also a price to pay.

During the continuation of the spell, the caster's magic pool is sealed, and he cannot use any spells, nor can he use the ability to draw magic power to restore life such as "life magic transformation".

The duration of "Transformation" is 1 minute/casting level. During this period, the subject can terminate the effect at any time and give up the various gains brought about by "Transformation", thereby releasing the seal of the magic pool and restoring the ability to cast spells.

Glinda blessed herself with the "transformation technique", indicating that in the upcoming second stage of the boss battle, Gao Fei and Ma Yun are no longer facing a high-level mage, but a fierce female warrior!
At first glance, it seems that Glinda is abolishing her own mana and taking advantage of her strengths, but looking at her current state, Gao Fei knows that things are not that simple.

Counting various gains, Glinda's health soared to 203 points. The six attributes are:


It is impossible for a warrior class of the same level to have such terrifying physical attributes!
Even more terrifying is Glinda's defense.

Eladrin itself has 4 points of natural armor, and "transformation" +6 natural armor.

Glinda's agility modifier +9 dodge, "Mage Armor" and "Shield Art" each +4 defense, "Extraordinary Grace" +4 deflection, "Rage Art" -2 defense...

In the end, Glinda's comprehensive defense level was as high as 39!

Gao Fei made a quick mental calculation.

If you shoot Glinda yourself, the hit rate is only about 20%.

If you use magic attacks instead, no matter "Scorching Ray", "Weakness" or "Shadow Evocation", they will not be able to penetrate the "Spell Invalidation Barrier" surrounding Glinda.

Ma Yun's situation was not as good as Gao Fei's, and she couldn't come up with any effective means to kill Grinda. How could this battle be fought?
At this point, the cutscene has ended.

The Southern Witch, who had entered the second stage, slowly pulled out the +3 sharp armor-piercing sword from her waist, and walked down from the throne with a murderous look on her beautiful face.

After thinking about it, Gao Fei had no other choice, so he decisively opened the astrolabe and called his girlfriend in the team channel.

"Comrade Xiaojiang! We can't stand it anymore, come and help us deal with Glinda!"

"What about my Fairy Dragon?" Jiang Feng asked hesitantly, "As soon as I leave, Toto will be in danger."

The mechanical dog Toto obviously couldn't beat the gigantic Fairy Dragon.

Once Jiang Feng came to support Gao Fei and Ma Yun, poor Toto, if he couldn't last for 2 minutes, he would be dismantled into a pile of metal parts by the Fairy Dragon!
(End of this chapter)

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