Savior Simulator

Chapter 112 Secret Infiltration

Chapter 112 Secret Infiltration
Gao Fei had the "Adaptation Necklace" and didn't need to breathe. Jiang Feng didn't have such a convenience. He rode a sandworm and sneaked underground for a while, so he had to find a secluded place to probe for air before continuing to sneak.

It took an hour, and the two of them finally walked around the city wall and the barracks from the ground as planned, dug a cave in the shadow of the castle, and looked around.

There is an abandoned stable nearby, and it is quiet, with the noise of gnolls drinking and fisting in the wind.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng got out of the bunker, told the sandworm mounts to wait here, quietly walked to the window on the first floor of the castle, grabbed the window sill and peeped in.

Candles were brightly lit in the lobby on the first floor, and many gnolls were gathering to gamble. Sometimes someone turned around and cursed, urging the kitchen to bring over the wine.

Gao Fei heard the sound coming from the window, his heart skipped a beat, and he whispered to Jiang Feng, "Let's go to the kitchen and have a look."

"Are you trying to make a bad idea?" Jiang Nvxia had a tacit understanding with him.

"Look at the situation first, maybe there is an opportunity to take advantage of it."

The two bent down, tiptoed around, and soon came to the kitchen window.

Peeping into the house through the half-open window, I saw a chunky halfling cook busy with oak wine barrels piled up in a corner of the kitchen.One of the vats has been opened, and a dozen empty tin wine jugs are placed on the stove next to it.

Gao Fei touched the storage bag, took out the bottle of "Moon Wine" given by the astrologer Luna, and winked at Jiang Feng.

"You are good or bad!" Jiang Nuxia smiled knowingly, "Give me the drug, and I will poison it, but before that, you have to find a way to lure that halfling cook away?"

Gao Fei nodded, bent over and approached the door, imitating the howling of a hyena a few times.

"Greedy dog, get out of here! There is no bone for you to gnaw on!"

The cook scolded without looking back.

"Woooo~oooo~" Gao Fei continued to bark like a dog.

"Damn you son of a bitch! If you don't go away, believe it or not, I will make you stew dog meat soup tonight!"


The cook finally couldn't take it anymore, picked up a barbecue fork, turned around and rushed towards the door.

Gao Fei dashed to the side of the bushes, and burrowed into the bushes at the fastest speed.

When the fat cook walked to the door, the "hyena" could no longer be seen. He looked around with his iron fork in his hand, and found that the bushes not far away were shaking, so he picked up a stone and threw it over. Humming back to the kitchen.

During this period, Jiang Feng used the "Flying Step" to climb in through the window and sneak up to the open wine barrel.

Luna once said that a drop of moon wine in the water can make eight big men high all night, and fall asleep in the hallucinations caused by drug stimulation, even if their own mother stands in front of them, they can't recognize them.

Jiang Feng wasn't sure if her words were bragging. Just to be on the safe side, he poured half a bottle of Moon Wine into the barrel and smelled it himself. Except for the strong ale smell, there was no peculiar smell, so he followed the original road Back out the window.

The halfling cook returned to the stove, looked at the heat of the barbecue, nodded in satisfaction, then filled the empty wine jugs on the stove one by one, and placed them on a large tray.

When ready, the cook rang the brass bell.

Two shaggy gnolls came over, each picked up a tray containing barbecue meat and wine jugs, and sent them back to the dining room.

"It's done! Let's wait and see the show!" Jiang Feng was full of anticipation.

"I hope the 'Moon Wine' is as effective as Luna said." Gao Fei was still somewhat worried.

However, after just 10 minutes, his doubts completely dissipated.

The gnolls who drank the spiked ale all fell into a strong hallucination, talking nonsense, and twisting their bodies frantically.

The Gnoll, who hadn't taken the medicine yet, saw this scene and thought that his companion was drunk and didn't take it seriously. Even when the glass was dry, he soon fell into hallucinations.

"The jackal jailers are all over the top. The only sober guy on the first floor of the castle is the cook. Do you want to get rid of him?"

Goofy gestured to cut his throat.

Jiang Feng hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "That halfling doesn't look like a villain. I'll beat him unconscious and tie him up. You signal Captain Pablo, and then we meet at the entrance of the dungeon."

Gao Fei was amused by her slightly pedantic mentality, but he didn't object to it face to face. He took out the crossbow as she said, walked to the wide area outside the door, and fired three signal arrows into the night sky one after another.

The arrow flew into the star-studded night sky, exploded with a bang, and sprayed bright orange fireworks, spreading slowly.

Gao Fei put away his crossbow and looked through the binoculars at the sand dunes where the cavalry company was stationed. From a distance, he saw dust flying up. Captain Pablo was leading the troops galloping towards the castle.

Walking quickly to the city gate, Gao Fei grabbed the winch wheel and turned it vigorously, the iron cables rattled, and the suspension bridge slowly descended, spreading out a smooth avenue.

Almost all the jackals in the barracks drank the "moon wine" and fell into delusional hallucinations. Even with steel knives on their necks, they were still in high spirits without any resistance.

Gao Fei was too lazy to kill the Wolf man himself, so he left them to the troops who came later. After meeting Jiang Feng, he walked down a ladder leading to the dungeon to explore.

Jiang Feng still had leftovers of the "Protective Curse of Skillful Hands" that he had obtained on Turtleman Island, and it happened to come in handy here. He pulled out a wire from the thief's toolbox, and pried open the dungeon door in two or three strokes.

The two walked down the spiral staircase to the end, and opened another iron door. As soon as they walked in, a wave of heat immediately hit their faces.

In the center of the hall of the secret dungeon, a bathhouse-like pond was excavated, which was actually filled with boiling magma.

There was a sharp and ear-piercing movement in the magma pool, as if someone was singing.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng hurriedly hid in the shadows against the wall, observed the lava pool through the hazy smoke, and vaguely saw three little monsters that looked like deformed babies, playing and playing in the pool, sometimes singing some ugly words while pulling their necks. ballad.

What the hell is this?

Gao Fei was about to open the astrolabe to check the details of these little monsters, but the other party spotted the intruder first, and the three little monsters jumped out of the lava pool together, flapping their pitch-black bat wings, and flew towards him.

Gao Fei quickly picked up the tomahawk, blocked Jiang Feng behind him, and stared at the three little monsters in midair vigilantly.

Judging from their wings and shape, they resembled the smoke mephits that attacked the barracks with Yesenia back then.It's just that the skin is brick red, and the scorching heat waves are emitting from the whole body, like red-hot coke.

"Hee hee! Big guy, come and play! Let's play with the water!"

A mephit grimaced at Gao Fei, showing its terrifying fangs.

 Thank you book friend: tce, reward 100 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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