Savior Simulator

Chapter 113 Lava Memphis

Chapter 113 Lava Memphis
"It's freezing outside! Come take a bath in the hot pond!"

The other two mephits flew over with flapping wings, hugged Gao Fei's arms respectively, and dragged him into the lava pool without any explanation!

These two little monsters have extremely hot skin!As soon as Gao Fei was touched by them, his sleeves were scorched, and his arms were burning with pain.

"Don't beat me!" Gao Fei shook his arm, easily threw the two little monsters into the air, and raised his battle ax to threaten them: "If you don't want to die, get away!"

The two mephits who were thrown away by him were still laughing heartlessly.

The third mephit showed a sly smile, stretched out its index finger, pointed its long and sharp nails at the forged steel battle ax in Gao Fei's hand, chanted a mantra in a low voice, and released a fiery magic power.

Gao Fei immediately noticed that the battle ax was burning hot. Before he could react, the ax blade to the handle became red, as if it had been stuffed into the furnace and burned for half an hour.

Accompanied by the sizzling sound, there was a burning pain in his palm, forcing him to quickly drop the battle axe, and spread his hands to see, two scorched black burn marks were shocking.

"Hey! It's fun! I'll play too!"

Another mephit hovered excitedly, pointing at Gao Fei's breastplate in the air, imitating its companion to cast spells.

In a blink of an eye, Goofy's breastplate was scorched hot, and the lining cloth also burst into flames, followed by a system prompt:
Your breastplate is affected by the 2nd-level spell "Scorching Metal", and it continues to heat up, causing 10 points of burning damage to you!
If you don't take off the breastplate soon, you will also take 4d3 points of burn damage each round for the next 6 rounds!

Gao Fei frantically tried to take off the breastplate, but when his fingers touched the iron armor that was about to burn red, he was so burned that he retracted his hand again, hissing inhale.

"Wori! How can this be fixed? I'm going to suffer a lot today!"

Gao Fei couldn't help being dumbfounded.

At this time, Jiang Feng came around from behind him, raised his hand and shot a "hot light", piercing the mephit in the air, and the body fell into the lava pool, splashing a large amount of magma.

Once the mephit died, the spellcasting concentration was automatically interrupted, and Gao Fei's breastplate also cooled down, returning to normal temperature soon.

The other two mephits, seeing their companions being killed, froze their smiles and glared at Jiang Feng angrily, intending to cast "Scorching Metal". Heated metal gear.

Seeing Jiang Feng approaching, one of the mephits suddenly lowered its flying height and opened its mouth. A fiery red magic light emerged from the depths of its throat, and suddenly spewed out a cone-shaped flame!
Jiang Feng stepped on the "cornice step" and cooperated with "dexterous movements", instantly increasing his movement speed by four times, calmly avoiding the flames spewed by the mephit, and raised his hand to shoot a silver light.

The mephit was pierced through its wings by the flying knife, screamed and fell, and happened to fall in front of Gao Fei.

Dragging its bleeding wings, the little monster thumped hard on the ground.Seeing this, Gao Fei felt ignorant, and rushed forward to crush him, but Jiang Feng stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Don't be impulsive! Didn't you read the astrolabe illustrated book? Lava mephits not only breathe fire, but also self-destruct after death. The blood that spews out is hotter than magma!"

After being reminded by her, Gao Fei quickly took two steps back, took out the pull-back javelin from the storage bag, aimed at the injured mephit, and threw it at the injured mephit. With a pop, it pierced through its belly and nailed it to the ground.

Gao Fei raised his hand to recall the javelin, and in the next second, the breathless mephit exploded, and the scorching flesh and blood spattered scorched the ground within 15 feet around it, and smoke rose.

The last lava mephit, seeing that its two companions were killed by the intruder, turned around in fright and flew to the opposite side of the hall, took off the brass horn hanging on the wall, and blew it vigorously.

Goofy threw the javelin again, nailing the lava mephit that was blowing the horn to the wall, and it exploded with a bang.

The brass horn fell to the ground, and the echo echoed in the empty hall for a long time.

"The mephit blew the siren, and the sober guards in the prison will arrive soon. We have to hurry up and save people," Gao Fei said to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Nvxia nodded, quickly walked around the hot lava pool, stopped in front of an iron door opposite the hall, and tried to unlock it.

After working for a while, she turned around and rushed to Gao Fei with a depressed face, shrugging her shoulders and spreading her hands.

"No! The door of the cell is sealed with a magic seal, and it cannot be opened with thieves' tools alone!"

Gao Fei walked over to observe the prison door, and sure enough, he found a faintly glowing secret seal.

Doors that thieves cannot open with skill can sometimes be broken through with brute force.

Gao Fei held the doorknob and tried to push it hard, but with his 21-point strength attribute, he still couldn't force the door open.

Judging from this momentum, even if "Rage" is turned on to increase the strength attribute by 4 points, it may be difficult to break through the door reinforced by the magic seal.

Gao Fei suddenly thought that he still had a "Dragon Warrior Heart". With the help of this legendary gem, he could upgrade the normal rage to "Dragon Rage" and transform into a red dragon with a power attribute as high as 31, which should be enough to forcibly break the door right?
Just as he was calculating, the lava pool behind him suddenly boiled, bubbling and bubbling, and a magical aura flickered faintly.

"Be careful behind you!" Jiang Feng reminded quickly.

Gao Fei looked back, and a slender figure slowly rose from the lava pool, sneering at him and Jiang Feng.

"Since you can't break the seal on the prison door, why don't you ask the local residents? Like me, the warden."

In the lava pool, there was a mocking taunt.

Under the watchful eyes of Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, a salamander crawled out of the hot pond.

The lower body of this monster resembles a large red boa constrictor, and the upper body roughly presents the characteristics of a mixture of human males and reptiles. The scales are like red-hot metal, and the yellow pupils are shining with cruel luster.When he twisted his tail and crawled out of the lava pool, he dragged a charred trail behind him.

"Judging from his claim to be the warden, it must be the salamander named Masood." Jiang Feng whispered to Gao Fei.

"It's not just a Salamander, this guy also has a level 7 fighter profession, the equipment on his body is not bad, and the challenge level is 9, he is definitely a powerful character!"

Gao Fei also noticed that the warden Masood was wearing an exquisitely crafted brass breastplate, a pair of black gloves, and an iron ring on his left middle finger.

The gloves and the ring looked very simple, but Gao Fei noticed that both of these two things were emitting magic waves, obviously they were magic equipment.

The only thing that puzzled him was that the warden came to the dungeon alone and was unarmed. Was it self-confidence, arrogance, or ulterior motives?
"I didn't receive a prompt to make a diplomacy check, but you'd better ask Masood first if he wants to cooperate with us to help open the prison door, release the djinn, and overthrow the rule of Noxus." Goofy Said to Jiang Feng in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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