Savior Simulator

Chapter 111 Desert Prison

Chapter 111 Desert Prison
Early the next morning, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng logged into "Savior Simulator". Today's plan is to advance the main plot of the monk module.

The time in the module has come to the end of October, 1600 in the Holy Light Calendar. After a month of clean-up, the Sevinian Corps stationed in Fort Iron Fist has completely wiped out the small-scale sand bandit gangs on the Gobi Desert. Most of the bandits fled to the town of Vierland, and belonged to the wing of the great warlord Noxus.

On October 10, the battle to suppress bandits finally reached its final stage.

General Alfonso Rodriguez personally led the army to launch a general attack on the town of Vierland, the home of the Noxos gang.

However, in this mighty army, there is no Baron Rubio Lopez.

This young aristocrat who rose to prominence in the bandit suppression war quietly left Iron Fist Castle with a cavalry company as early as three days ago to carry out a secret mission.

About 40 miles southwest of Welland Town, in a barren land full of yellow sand and gravel, stands a castle that has been eroded by wind and sand.

The walls surrounding the castle have been in disrepair for a long time and have collapsed in many places. In contrast, the closed gates and drawbridges are somewhat self-deceiving.

There are barracks and stables on the inner side of the city wall, where a group of about a hundred gnolls stationed here, doing nothing all day long, spending their time on gambling, drinking or fighting.

This desolate castle far from the town was originally the stronghold of the Noxus Gang.

Two years ago, Noxus, the fire elf, captured the town of Vierland and moved the gang's stronghold there. The castle was gradually abandoned and transformed into a prison.

Most of the prisoners held in this prison were captured officers, soldiers and even nobles.Noxus did not use them as slaves or sell them, hoping to use the captives as leverage to extract ransom from their families.

Among all the prisoners imprisoned here, the one with the most special status is a djinn nobleman named Ali, who was once the most feared enemy of the fire djinn Noxus.

Noxos took a lot of effort to capture Ali, but instead of killing him, he was secretly imprisoned in the castle dungeon isolated from the world, and appointed his confidant general Masood as the warden to guard Ali.

The reason why the fire dwarf did this was not out of kindness and mercy, but to squeeze more use value from its old enemy.

Ali is a noble-born djinn who possesses a magical power and can cast a 9-ring "wish spell" once a year.

This is not uncommon for the genie nobles, as Noxus himself has similar abilities.

Noxos kept Ali in order to force the other party to provide a wish service once a year to help him solve his troubles, or in exchange for more slaves and wealth.

To this end, Noxus imprisoned his most hated nemesis in dungeons where magic was forbidden.Once a year, the warden of the loyal Salamander conveys his wish to Ali - because the "wish" of the giant spirit cannot be effective on the giant spirit race itself.

In addition to the powerful salamander warrior Masood and hundreds of gnolls and bandits, a small group of lava mephits that Masood recruited from his hometown "Fire Elemental Plane" were responsible for guarding the prison. Like a pet specially designed to amuse the warden.

In addition, there is a desert troll nicknamed "Big Stick" beside Masood, who is not only his bodyguard, but also an expert in torture and torture. He drags a big wooden stick around the prison when he has nothing to do. dare not come out.

These confidential information are all written on the back of the prison map.It was with the help of the map that Yesenia intentionally left behind that Gao Fei and Jiang Feng came here today, planning to sneak into the prison secretly to rescue the imprisoned djinn.

On the Gobi Desert shrouded in darkness, a camel company stopped near the leeward sand dunes, waiting for the commander to give orders.

Jiang Feng was wearing a yellow linen cloak with both camouflage and windproof functions, holding a binoculars in his hand, looking at the prison fortress 10 miles away, pretending to be an investigation, but actually secretly spending an astrolabe energy to directly detect the castle internal movement.

Goofy jumped off the camel and walked up to a bearded officer.

"Mr. Pablo, next I will accompany the lord to sneak into the castle where the prison is located alone. You lead the troops to stay here and wait for our news. When you see three orange signal arrows lit up in the night sky, lead the troops to kill Enter the castle, kill the bandits, and free all the prisoners."

"Just the two of you sneaking into the castle?" Captain Pablo looked puzzled, "Mr. Olaf, is this too risky?"

Jiang Feng put away the binoculars, turned back and said to Captain Pablo, "If I'm not sure, I wouldn't dare to propose this rescue plan to Your Excellency the General. Mr. Pablo, just do as Basaka said."

"Yes, Mr. Colonel." Captain Pablo shrugged helplessly, "Looking forward to your good news."

Gao Fei whistled, and the soft and calm sand suddenly stirred up waves. Sandworms wearing saddles on both ends came out from the depths of the sand, crawled to him and Jiang Feng, and lowered their heads meekly, waiting for orders.

When they first practiced riding the sandworm, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were a little bit repelled.After a solid mental construction, he reluctantly accepted this scary-looking big bug.

After getting used to it, they realized that although the domesticated sandworm looks ugly, it has a gentle temperament, which is more understanding than the camel that loses its temper when it doesn't move.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng straddled the saddle firmly tied to Sandworm's back, held their breath, shook the reins, urged Sandworm into the sand, and sneaked towards the prison area without anyone noticing it.

In fact, with their skills, it is not difficult to climb over the city wall at night, but considering that there are hundreds of gnolls and thugs stationed in the barracks, and there are also the warden Masood and his troll bodyguards in the castle, if they are alarmed, conflicts will occur. Thinking about it, the bandits are likely to take the prisoners as hostages, or even massacre the prisoners directly, which is counterproductive.

In order to ensure the safety of the prisoners, especially the dwarf who was imprisoned heavily, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng decided to keep the troops outside. The two of them sneaked in first, tried to control the cell and then sent out a signal to call the troops to attack.

The map provided by Yesenia is very detailed, and the facilities inside the castle are clearly marked.

Before arriving, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng had carefully studied the map and planned the infiltration route.

Sandworms are sneaking underground and cannot see the surface. How to ensure that they do not deviate from the planned route is a problem.

Fortunately, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng both have astrolabes in their hands. Even if they are underground, they can still see the general outline of the buildings on the surface by spending an astrolabe energy.


Obtaining the hidden profession of "Dragon Warrior" marks the official take-off of the protagonist, and the good day of killing the Quartet has finally come!

I will post the setting card of Dragon Warrior in the work related later, please recommend the monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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