Savior Simulator

Chapter 1105 Shadow Evocation

Chapter 1105 Shadow Evocation

Little Lucas' revolver, also a magic weapon.

In addition to the +2 enchantment level, this pistol also has a "sound suppressing" special effect.

Every bullet fired by the pistol is automatically given the "Silence Technique".

After Gao Fei escaped from the invisible state, he still stood in place.

Facing the muzzle of little Lucas, he was actually using himself as a bait, waiting for the opponent to shoot.

The shotgun sprayed too much iron sand, which was a group attack. Gao Fei had no other countermeasures except dodging.

However, when little Lucas raised his pistol, Goofy chuckled inwardly.

The moment the bullet was ejected from the chamber, Gao Fei used the reaction action to activate the special effect of the enchantment of "see cut gloves" to reverse the pistol bullet.

The bullet hit Lucas Jr.'s wrist, and the pistol dropped to the ground.

However, the wound was only red and swollen, and there was no bleeding.

Gao Fei couldn't help being secretly surprised.

Little Lucas didn't have protective spells on his body, and he was able to resist bullets with his body alone. The turtle shell is not so hard. What kind of monster physique is this? !

At this time, Jiang Feng had opened his red and swollen eyes, gritted his teeth, and rushed towards little Lucas with two swords in his hands, attacking wildly with the idea of ​​venting his anger.

Little Lucas blocked the double swords with the handle of a shotgun. The weapon itself was not suitable for melee combat. In addition, the wrist that was shot just now was so painful that he couldn't resist it after barely holding on for two times. He had to flee around the bed, counting on Beth Lena came to help.

Jiang Feng chased after little Lucas, not giving him a chance to shoot or cast spells at a distance.

Goofy first picked up the "+2 silencer pistol" that little Lucas dropped on the floor, put it in his bag, and then opened his "eye of insight" to spy on little Lucas's spell list to see if he had any What oil and water can be fished.


Ring 0 - Mage Hand, Lesser Phantom, Freezing Touch, Lesser True Strike;
1st—smart strike, disguise, charm person;
2nd ring-ghost hand, detect thoughts, mirror image, see through life;
3rd—hawk eye, hypnotic pattern, vampiric touch;
4th—charm monster, impotent, greater invisibility;

5th ring - fatigue wave, telekinesis, shadow evocation.


"Trickster" is a profession. At the beginning, you can only choose two schools of magic, "Illusion" and "Confusion". When you upgrade to level 6, you can choose another school of magic. When you upgrade to level 12, you can expand one more magic. school.

Judging from the list of spells prepared by Lucas, the two additional schools he chose should be "School of Prophecy" and "School of Necromancy".

Among all these spells, Goofy picked and picked and decided to steal the four most threatening to his side, including the 3rd level "Vampire Touch", the 4th level "Weakness", "Advanced Invisibility" and "Monster Charm". ".

"Vampire's Touch" is a necromantic melee contact magic. When a finger full of negative energy touches a living thing, it can draw up to 10d6 HP from the opponent to heal itself.

The 4th level "weak energy spell" is also a necromancer magic that invokes negative energy. It emits black rays to strike hostile creatures, causing 10d6 points of necrotic damage.

If the subject is killed by the "weak energy technique", both the corpse and the soul will be polluted by negative energy, unable to get relief, and transformed into a ghoul.

In the basement before, the four ghouls locked in the box were probably transformed from the victims killed by Lucas Jr. using the "weak energy technique". It is enough to be enslaved by this black-hearted capitalist after death. Miserable.

Gao Fei had either already learned these four spells, or they were not strong enough to replace his existing spells, so he had no place to keep them if he stole them, so he had to discard them.

In fact, Goofy's favorite is Lucas Jr.'s "Shadow Evocation".

This miraculous illusion can simulate the effects of all evocation magic below level 4, which is almost fake.

If the subject fails the Will save, the illusion is believed to be real, as if attacked by a real evocation magic.

Conversely, if the subject passes the will saving throw and sees that the other party is just pretending to be a ghost, then even if the subject is hit by the magic simulated by "Shadow Evocation", it will only take 20% of the damage at most.

Just saying that, "Shadow Evocation" seems very tasteless, just a flashy toy.

However, with just this one spell, it is possible to simulate all spells of the Evocation School not higher than Level 4, including but not limited to:
Ring 1 - Electric Claw, Magic Missile, Thunder Wave, Burning Hand;

2nd—searing ray, flaming orb, gust of wind, shatter sound, darkness;

3rd—fireball, lightning bolt, frost nova, daylight, wind wall, refuge hut, deep darkness;
Level 4 - Ice Storm, Wall of Fire, Wall of Ice, Fire Shield, Dragon's Breath, Bouncy Sphere, Roar...

In other words, the caster only needs to memorize or awaken a "Shadow Evocation" to simulate all the above-mentioned spells at any time. Even if the pirated goods are not so reliable, they can't hold up in large quantities, and save precious spell memory space. Isn't that crazy enough?
What's more, when specifically performing "Shadow Evocation", you can also adopt a strategy of maximizing your strengths and avoiding weaknesses, specifically to fool those reckless people with low will resistance and simple minds with well-developed limbs, so it will not be so easy to be seen through.

In addition, Gao Fei also saw a technical post on the "Tianren Forum", the topic of discussion was how to use various crooked methods to strengthen the "Shadow" series of illusions.

For example, some special specialties, occupations, and magic tools can enhance the reality of this type of illusion, and when these resources are superimposed, even pirated goods can be strengthened to a level comparable to genuine spells.

This evil way strategy may not be practical, but it is fun.

Gao Fei couldn't help but want to try something fun.

It's a pity that the spell-casting level of the "Spell Thief" must be raised to at least level 15 in order to steal the 5-ring "Shadow Evocation".

Gao Fei is currently a level 10 "Spell Thief", and the "Proficient Spellcaster" feat has an extra +4 casting level. There are only 14 casting levels in total, which is only 5 level away from the threshold of stealing 1-level magic.

MMP!This is a bit uncomfortable...

Gao Fei was helpless, so he temporarily gave up the idea of ​​stealing the "Shadow Evocation", and turned to capture little Lucas alive.

First complete the main task of this chapter, upgrade to a level, and then go back and steal spells from the captives - this kind of opportunistic play, Gao Fei has tried before.

Just when he was thinking about it, little Lucas had been overtaken by Jiang Feng, stuck in a corner with nowhere to escape, so he fought hard with his sword, and slashed Jiang Feng's right wrist with his backhand.

Although he has not received professional hand-to-hand combat training, little Lucas has a strong foundation after all. His strength attribute of up to 20 points is not a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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