Savior Simulator

Chapter 1104 The True Face of "Boss"

Chapter 1104 The True Face of "Boss"

"Trickster" belongs to the mage paradigm, and also has thief skills. Usually, the intelligence attribute is the highest, and the agility attribute is also outstanding, which is consistent with the data of little Lucas.

However, the problem is that, as a trickster, little Lucas has strength and constitution attributes as high as 20 points and 18 points, comparable to fighter professions of the same level, which is too outrageous!

At this time, little Lucas stood up from the bed, and angrily reprimanded the uninvited guests who suddenly broke into his bedroom:

"Break into a house in the middle of the night, are you a group of robbers?!"

"Stop acting, Mr. Lucas, we have got the hard evidence that you colluded with pirates and kidnapped Martin, you are a robber disguised as an entrepreneur and philanthropist, the backstage boss of a gangster, a wolf in human skin !"

Jiang Feng took out the black ledger that Gao Fei had given her, and shook it at little Lucas with a sneer on his lips.

"Perhaps we should call you the 'Godfather' of the Bloodanchor Gang?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about!" Little Lucas stared at the account book in Jiang Feng's hand, his eyes flickered, and he was still trying to calm down, "If you don't get out, I'm going to call someone!"

With that said, little Lucas turned and walked towards the bedside table, intending to ring the bell to call the servants in.

Gao Fei had been watching every move of little Lucas and Besselina for a long time, and kept a distance of 20 feet from Jiang Feng and the others. Before little Lucas rang the bell, he raised his hand and fired the preloaded gun. chambered silent bullets.

The bullet hit the bell silently, and the brass shards flew all over the sky, but there was no sound.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Fei's second bullet shot at the drow woman who was silently gesturing to cast a spell on the bed.

The face of the ** drow elf changed slightly, and without thinking, he drew his sword to block, smashing the oncoming bullets to pieces!

So fast swordplay!
What was even more shocking was that Besarina pulled out the dagger that was obviously poisonous in blue color from her navel.

The bullet that shattered the bell was embedded on the bedside table, opening a barrier of silence that enveloped most of the bedroom.

Besarina held a dagger in her hand and turned her head to talk to little Lucas, her mouth opened and closed but no sound came out.

It wasn't until this moment that she realized that she was under the cover of the barrier of silence. Anger appeared on her alluring face, and her ferocious eyes looked like a wild beast about to hunt.

Little Lucas next to Besarina also changed his expression, his face full of indignation was replaced by gloom, he suddenly raised his right hand, and silently cast a spell!
A gray shock wave full of negative energy spewed out from the palm of the little Lucas, spread in a cone shape, and instantly engulfed everyone opposite.

Gao Fei couldn't help shivering, feeling weak all over, and quickly checked his own status. It turned out that he was affected by the fifth-level necromantic magic "Fatigue Wave". Even if he passed the fortitude saving throw, he would be temporarily weakened - , the attack roll is at a disadvantage, and the double roll is lower.

Including Gao Fei, the three people and one dog were all hit by the "tired wave" blasted by Lucas Jr., but Eva was not affected-the golem never fatigued and was immune to such negative states.

Seeing that the companion beside her turned blue and kept shivering, and even the hound stuck out its tongue tiredly and gasped for breath, Eva hurriedly showed her two swords and started the "Dance of Counterattack" to protect the weak companion.

Little Lucas looked at Eva vigilantly, and seemed to realize that this woman was not easy to mess with, so he winked at Beselina beside him.

Beselina nodded knowingly, and suddenly flew towards the door, the dagger in her hand was like a poisonous snake, piercing Eva's throat like lightning.

At the same time, little Lucas turned his head and ran towards the back door of the bedroom.

Martin raised his gun and fired.

It's a pity that he was affected by the "tired wave" and couldn't do what he wanted when he shot. His wrist shook a bit, and the bullet flew over the head of little Lucas.

Martin scolded his mother angrily, and quickly reloaded the bullet.

Gao Fei patted him on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "Leave little Lucas to me and Louise to deal with, you take the hound and go help Eva deal with Beserina."

"Okay, I'm looking for revenge on that black-skinned poisonous woman!"

Martin picked up his gun and turned toward the door.

Gao Fei slapped himself with an "advanced invisibility technique" and sneaked towards the back door of the bedroom.

At the same time, Jiang Feng had already walked around to the back door, blocking little Lucas' escape route.

Little Lucas looked at his empty hands, and at Miss Quinn, who was holding two swords and had a murderous face, realized that it was not a good idea to fight with bare hands, so he turned around and ran to the cloakroom.

Goofy, who was invisible, took the opportunity to shoot little Lucas in the back.

Under the cover of the barrier of silence, two bullets were fired quietly.

The attack disadvantage caused by "Fatigue Wave" is still in effect. The first bullet misses the target, but the second bullet hits little Lucas's buttocks, but it bounces back with a clang of gold and iron.

Gao Fei was almost injured by the ricochet, and broke out in a cold sweat.

What made him feel even more incredible was that little Lucas was shot in the butt, but he didn't even shed a drop of blood, and he was still alive and kicking. Could it be that this guy was wearing a pair of bulletproof pants under his shorts?
Just when Gao Fei was wondering, little Lucas had rushed out of the cloakroom, holding two long and short guns.

Gao Fei was under the protection of "advanced invisibility", and little Lucas couldn't see him, so he aimed his anger at Jiang Feng, raised his spear and fired at her.

In an instant, countless shining iron sands spewed out from the muzzle of the gun.

The shotgun in Little Lucas's hand has a "flash" special effect. When shooting, you can choose to add a "flash dust", which will spread along with the iron sand, causing "blinding" to the shooting target.

Jiang Feng swung his sword like the wind to block the iron sand flying towards him, but no matter how fast the sword was, it couldn't block the shining dust as fine as flour.

The moment the bright light flashed, her eyes were stinging and unbearable, and she couldn't open them for a while.

Jiang Feng closed his tear-filled eyes tightly, trying to identify his position by listening to the wind with his ears.

Unfortunately, on the bedside table next to her was the silent bullet that Gao Fei fired before.

Under the shroud of the enchantment of silence, there was silence all around. Jiang Feng's professional ability "listening to the wind and identifying position" was completely suppressed in this situation, and his face could not hide his uneasiness.

On the opposite side, little Lucas raised the shotgun again, pointing the gun at Jiang Feng, with a cruel sneer on the corner of his lips.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gao Fei rushed towards his girlfriend and tried his best to push her away from the muzzle of the gun, but he had no time to dodge. He was swept by the shotgun, several iron sands embedded in his shoulder, and he couldn't lift his entire left arm in pain. stand up.

What's more troublesome is that the glittering dust sprayed along with the iron sand stuck to his body, outlining a vague outline of a human figure, cracking the "advanced invisibility technique".

Little Lucas noticed Gao Fei who showed his signs, snorted displeasedly, raised the shotgun, and found that the magazine was empty, changed to the revolver in his left hand, and fired at him.

(End of this chapter)

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