Savior Simulator

Chapter 1106 Acid

Chapter 1106 Acid
Jiang Feng was hit by a hand knife, and his right wrist was so painful that he almost lost consciousness, and the Twilight Sword fell to the ground.

Fortunately, he has already learned the specialty of "dual wielders", and his left hand is also flexible, so he stabs out a sword in time, forcing little Lucas back to the corner.

In this round of confrontation, little Lucas obviously took advantage, but his face was ugly, and the horror in his eyes could not be concealed.

He did not hesitate to exchange injuries for injuries, and fought for a precious opportunity to attack, not just to shoot down Jiang Feng's Twilight Sword.

The hand knife just now should have hidden the third-ring magic "Vampire's Touch", disarming it and adding blood-sucking special effects at the same time, capturing Jiang Feng's life essence and healing himself from the sword wound.

However, for some reason, at the moment when he was about to cast this vicious spell, four spells including "Vampire Touch" mysteriously disappeared from his spell list, as if he had never remembered them today.

This unexpected turn of events made Little Lucas realize that something was wrong, and if he continued to delay, his ability to cast spells might be further weakened by some mysterious force.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, opened his mouth wide like a beast, and suddenly spewed out a sour and pungent brown liquid from the depths of his throat!

This is... what kind of strange move? !
Jiang Feng and Gao Fei on the opposite side didn't expect little Lucas to have such a trick. They hurriedly dodged to the sides, but they still couldn't avoid being splashed with sporadic acid.

The clothes were corroded by the weird acid, and the smelly smoke came out, and the skin that touched the acid was burning like fire.

The two of them took off their coats as quickly as possible and threw them on the ground.

On the ground, the acid-stained carpet was also smoking, corroding large and small holes at a speed visible to the human eye. Even the oak floor could not withstand such strong corrosion, showing signs of scorched carbonization.

Gao Fei endured the tingling pain in his skin, and made a spell-casting gesture, and was about to silently send out a "burning ray" to return the favor to little Lucas.

However, at this moment, the game forcibly cuts into a cutscene.

After spitting out the acid, little Lucas broke through the encirclement and slammed his head against the window.

The glass windows shattered.

Little Lucas jumped out of the window, spread out a pair of wings covered with pitch-black scales on his back, waved his wings and flew into the air, and disappeared into the depths of the night sky under the watchful eyes of Gao Fei and Jiang Feng.

The short cutscene ends here.

Gao Fei regained control over the male protagonist, and he was not in a good mood, but there was nothing wrong.

This is obviously a deliberate arrangement by the screenwriter. When the plot develops to the predetermined stage, Lucas will be forced to escape, and he is doomed not to be killed or arrested by the protagonist group in this chapter.

Jiang Feng came over to help his boyfriend heal the corrosion scars on his body, and asked with lingering fear: "What kind of spell is that acid that little Lucas spewed just now?"

Gao Fei thought for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

"That's not like a spell. I think it's closer to some kind of supernatural ability, such as the black dragon's acid dragon's breath."

Little Lucas had already slipped away, and there was still a fierce fight between three people and one dog at the front door.

Eva confronts the mysterious drow woman Besse Lina head-on, and uses "Resonant Sounds" as a bridge to simultaneously start the "Remnant Sword Dance" and "Dance of Distraction".

The former strengthens hit and damage, while the latter is similar to the "disturbing mind" of swarm creatures, forcing Beserina to be distracted, and she has to make a will check every round. Caught off guard" state, the defense loses the agility correction.

The two fought against each other for several rounds, and Besarina had realized that Eva's swordsmanship was better than her own, and she was a formidable opponent.

What made her even more depressed was that Martin also came with hounds and joined the ranks of beating her.

Martin first blessed the hound with the "magnifying technique", letting it rush up to cooperate with Eva to pinch Beserina, while he hid wretchedly outside the door and shot the poisonous woman who lured him into a peachy trap.

Counting the damage bonus provided by "Hunter's Mark" and "See Through the Gate of Life", the basic damage dice of the +1 shotgun in Martin's hand is as high as 7d6. With "Multiple Shots", three shots are fired every round, and at least one shot can hit Bei. Serena, with an average of 20 kills.

Both the hit rate and damage figures were lower than Martin expected.

This shows that although Bessalina is only wearing a thin silk underwear, and her delicate skin looks fragile, she actually has a natural armor that is much higher than that of ordinary dark elves.

In addition, Bessalina will most likely also have damage reduction armor.

The battle lasted until little Lucas escaped through the window. Under the siege of Eva, Martin and the Hound, Bessalina finally couldn't hold on anymore and was forced to give up her human form and transform into another face.

The sexy and hot carcass melted like wax oil, turning into a sticky, pungent and foul-smelling ooze. Eight tentacles extended from the semi-liquid body, each ten feet long. A blood-red eyeball.

As soon as Gao Fei and Jiang Feng came over, they saw the scene of Beserina's transformation. The contrast between the two images was so strong that they were surprised and curious. They quickly opened the astrolabe to investigate the true face of this monster.

It turned out that the female drow pretending to be Beselina was actually a "melting wax demon" from the bottomless abyss.

Among the demon clan, wax melting demon has a special status.

This kind of demon legend was created by "Spider Queen" Rose herself, so it is also called "Rose's Maid".

Wax melt demons have the rare virtue of "loyalty" among demons, but they are only loyal to their idol, the Spider Queen, and occasionally act as the spokesperson of Lolth in the mortal world, such as cooperating with the dark elves who worship Lolth to plan conspiracies.

This melted wax demon summoned by little Lucas has 152 health points and a challenge level of 10.

In addition to the racial characteristics of demons, Waxmelt also masters "Proficient Grapple", "Proficient Dodge", "Intuitive Dodge", "Combat Casting", "Weapon Proficiency" and ""Multiple Attacks (Two Melee)" and other specialties , and her most unique ability is to change the shape.

Waxmelt's true form is a pile of half-melted wax-like ooze, in addition, she can also transform into three other forms--a coquettish drow girl, a huge black widow spider, and a foul-smelling poisonous fog.

The reason why the wax melted demon changed from human form to mud monster form was because the mud monster was born with super high defense and had no fatal points.

Martin shot, and the bullets hit her sticky waxy body and it was difficult to break through her defenses. In addition, the ooze was naturally immune to sneak attacks, which was tantamount to wasting bullets, and he was so angry that he scolded his mother.

Gao Fei slapped himself with "advanced invisibility", quietly approached the wax melting monster, and at the same time opened the "eye of insight" to detect the monster's spellcasting ability.

(End of this chapter)

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