Savior Simulator

Chapter 1100 Black accounts and secret letters

Chapter 1100 Black accounts and secret letters

Goofy only fired one shot, and didn't take another shot at the ghoul after that.

It's not that I'm lazy, it's mainly because of a little accident.

Not long after the ghouls jumped out of the box, a change occurred on the weapon rack.

On the weapon rack, three long swords popped out of their scabbards at the same time, and became "volley swords".

The two knight armors placed against the wall also stood up slowly, turned into activated armors, grabbed the spears, and approached Gao Fei.

These weapons and armor are enchanted. When a stranger breaks into the house, the ghoul will be alarmed, and the activated weapons and armor will also be awakened, automatically besieging the intruder.

Activated items belong to constructs, with their own damage-reducing armor, and they don't take sneak attack damage. It is quite troublesome for Gao Fei to deal with three volley swords and two activated armors by himself.

After a little thought, Gao Fei came up with a tricky strategy, turned around and exited the door, ran and stopped, and attracted the volley sword and the activated armor into the corridor through flexible positioning.

The corridor space is narrow, two activated armors walk side by side, colliding from time to time, and three long swords suspended at low altitude also hover between the top of the activated armors and the ceiling.

Gao Fei looked back to observe the terrain, and felt that the time was ripe, so he spent 7 points of magic power to cast a 3-level "dispel" on the piles of activated weapons.

The magic brilliance is like a green wave, pushing along the corridor.

The volley sword flying ahead was impacted first, the magic that gave it vitality was dispelled, and it fell to the ground clangingly.

The activated armors that followed were also wiped out of their vitality by the "dispel technique", and stopped one after another, returning to two ordinary armors.

Gao Fei returned to the lobby, reunited with Jiang Feng and Eva, took the hounds, and continued to search for the kidnapped Martin.

Next door is a study room, the bookshelves are neatly arranged tomes of classics, covered with a layer of dust, it seems that they are just arty decorations bought by the owner.

On the desk next to the bookshelf, there are ink bottles and an account book.

Jiang Feng opened the account book and looked at it, and said to Gao Fei: "It seems to be the income and expenditure account of the insurance company, nothing special."

She wanted to open the drawer of the desk, but the moment her finger was about to touch the handle, she retracted it, and her eyes became a little more vigilant.

The drawer handle has a hidden mechanism, and it will be triggered directly by holding it up, interlocking a certain mechanical device inside the drawer.

Using thieves' tools, Jiang Feng carefully disassembled the drawer handle, and found a spring connected to a bomb. If he accidentally held it, the spring would squeeze the striker, detonate the bomb, and shatter her and the writing desk to pieces.

"No one would set such a dangerous trap in their daily office, unless some secrets are deliberately hidden."

Eva looked at the bomb Jiang Feng dismantled, and said solemnly: "Search the drawer carefully, there may be evidence of little Lucas' crime in it."

Jiang Feng nodded to confirm that there were no other traps in the drawer, and then reached in, first took out a thick black book, and then took out a pile of letters in a file bag.

Goofy picked up the black book and flipped through it. It turned out to be an account book, which recorded the accounts of the illegal business that little Lucas participated in, including the income obtained by the Blood Anchor Gang through smuggling and selling stolen goods, and the money shared with the Raging Waves Pirates. Sorted by time, each item is clearly remembered.

This black account confirmed Gao Fei's previous speculation.

Little Lucas does have two faces.

In public, he is a young millionaire, a leader in the shipping insurance industry, a conscientious entrepreneur who hates evil and is enthusiastic about charity.

However, in private, this man is colluding with the gangsters and pirates whom he denounced publicly, instructing the pirates to attack merchant ships that have not purchased insurance or have purchased insurance from other insurance companies, secretly suppressing competitors, and realizing his ambition to monopolize the shipping insurance industry .

In order to avoid suspicion, Lucas Jr. would occasionally let pirates attack the merchant ships insured by the company, and settle high-profile claims afterwards to demonstrate his company’s strong financial resources and good reputation, and use the threat of pirates to maritime trade lines to attract customers for his own insurance company.

Those customers who insured with Lucas Shipping Insurance Company would never have dreamed that little Lucas would collect deposits from them with his left hand, and snatch their goods with his right hand, and resell their stolen goods on the black market—one fish, two meals, and even more money. Asking the "fish" to be grateful to him is simply a win!

This account book can be used as ironclad evidence that Lucas Jr. has colluded with the dark forces, but more powerful evidence is yet to come.

"Rogge, come and read, here is a very interesting letter!"

Jiang Feng held a note, his excited eyes lit up.

Gao Fei took the note from her hand, scanned it quickly, a look of comprehension appeared on his face.

This is a handwritten note, and the person who signed it is no longer alive, and is the former third leader of the Blood Anchor Gang, "Black Hand" Cody.

In this brief reply, Cody told the "boss" that he had successfully assassinated the outgoing police chief, Bagham, so that this greedy moth would never be able to speak nonsense, and by the way, took away the money that the corrupt official had plundered over the years.

In the second half of the letter, Cody proudly revealed that on the same night he assassinated Bagham, a reckless female thief also happened to visit Bagham's house, trying to earn some extra money from the corrupt official.

Cody originally wanted to kill that colleague, but after thinking about it, it would be better to let her take the blame for him, so he didn't interfere with the female thief's theft, and just sat by and watched her be charged with murdering Bagham for a mere petty profit. up.

"His grandma has a leg!" After reading this letter, Jiang Nuxia was so angry that she swears, "Let me just say, there is no such coincidence in the world, but it happened to happen on the night when I robbed the rich and gave to the poor, Bargam I was killed, and the crime of the murderer was charged on my head, it really was planted by the Blood Anchor Gang!"

"Cody is dead, but the mastermind is still alive. From this letter, we can confirm that little Lucas is the leader of the Blood Anchor Gang, that mysterious 'boss'!" Jiang Feng gritted his teeth, "We're all here, How about slaughtering little Lucas tonight, and settle the old and new scores together!"

Goofy put away the ledger and letters, and reassured his girlfriend not to be angry. The most important thing now is not to settle accounts with little Lucas, but to try to rescue the kidnapped Martin.

"Before Martin is rescued, it's best not to alarm little Lucas, otherwise that insidious guy will definitely take Martin hostage, and we will be in trouble."

Eva also reminded Jiang Feng not to be impatient and not to be dazzled by hatred.

Jiang Feng barely suppressed his anger, left the study with the hound, and continued searching for Martin's remaining breath.

The three of them and one dog walked not far away, and suddenly intermittent moans of pain came from around the corner in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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