Savior Simulator

Chapter 1101 Bald Witch

Chapter 1101 Bald Witch
The distance is too far, and the voice is too soft, intermittent.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng stopped, looked at each other and shook their heads, but they couldn't tell who was moaning.

The hound with sensitive ears got excited, ignored Jiang Feng's resistance, and rushed madly in the direction of the moaning sound.

Seeing the anxious look of the hound, Gao Fei and the others immediately realized that Martin was in the front room and seemed to be being tortured.

The three hurriedly ran after the hound, turned around the corner corridor, and in front of them was a brightly lit hall with an open iron gate, revealing a pungent smell of blood.

This woman is nearly two meters tall, and her attire is very strange.

He was naked and stood on the floor with bare feet.

When the bald woman heard the dog barking, she turned and looked out the door, a look of surprise appeared on her alluring face.

The hound was eager to protect his master, and rushed straight into the prison door,
However, before he got close to the other party, he was so frightened that he whimpered and retreated tremblingly just after being glared at fiercely by her.

The bald woman snorted contemptuously, and threw the whip casually.

The pitch-black long whip was like a living poisonous snake, suddenly entangled the hound and tightened continuously, making it difficult for the hound to breathe, stretched out its tongue in pain, and moaned.

The bald woman withdrew her gaze from the hunting dog, turned to look at Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Eva, licked her purple lips, twisted her chain-wrapped waist, and approached the door, with a sinister smile on her indigo face.

"Hey! Three cunning little mice, tell me obediently, where did you get in?"

While the bald woman was speaking, there was a palpitating light in her eyes.

Eva realized that the situation was wrong at the first time, and warned Gao Fei and Jiang Feng in a deep voice: "Quickly step back, don't look directly into that witch's eyes!"

Jiang Feng quickly closed his eyes.

She has learned to "distinguish position by listening to the wind", closing her eyes will not hinder the battle, and at the same time cut off the magic power of fear radiated by the bald witch through her eyes.

Gao Fei has not yet learned how to "listen to the wind to identify the position", so he has to retreat outside the door. As the distance from the bald witch grows, the inexplicable fear in his heart quickly fades away.

Eva didn't back away, or close her eyes.

The golem is immune to negative mental states including fear, and the bald witch's terrifying vision does not hinder her, holding two swords, standing in front of the door and waiting.

Before the bald witch made a move, Gao Fei opened the astrolabe to investigate her details.

It's no wonder that this woman looks like a killer. She turned out to be a "chain demon" from Bator Hell.

The class of chain demons in hell is similar to that of erinia, they all belong to middle-level devils, and the challenge level is also level 8.

The chain demon responsible for guarding Martin has a HP of 161, and its attributes are: Strength 18, Dexterity 22, Constitution 20, Intelligence 11, Perception 15, and Charm 19.

In addition to the common racial talents of the Batezu, Erinia has also mastered "Alertness", "Strongness", "Weapon Proficiency", "Clicking", "Whirlwind", "Proficient Grapple", "Proficient Wrestling" and "Multiple attacks" and other feats.

Unlike most devils, chain devils do not have the ability to cast spells, but are good at three supernatural abilities.

The first is the chain demon's gaze, which can cause hallucinations within 30 feet of creatures that look at her, seeing terrifying enemies, or dead relatives and friends. If the will is not strong enough, they will fall into panic and their fighting spirit will collapse.

In addition, the black iron chain wrapped around the chain demon is equivalent to a +1 spiked chain. It is not only her weapon, but also a natural chain armor, providing 8-level natural defense, plus 10/alchemy silver damage-reducing armor.

The Chain Demon also has a "regeneration" physique, which automatically stops bleeding and heals after being injured, and the iron chains growing on her body are also equivalent to limbs, and will grow back after being cut off.

Only silver-plated weapons, holy or brilliant attacks can curb the "regeneration" ability of the chain demon.

Gao Fei remembered that when he assisted the police in arresting Serius, he got a tube of silver refining ointment. Before it was used up, he dug it out, applied it on the bullets, added silver-plated special effects, and put it in the magazine for later use.

Chain Demons are also good at activating objects like ropes, and controlling them remotely through their minds.

The whip she threw just now used this ability to temporarily activate it, binding the poor hound tightly so that it could not move.

The painful whine of the hound made Jiang Feng unbearable.

Walking up to the Hound with Twilight Sword in hand, he intended to cut through the living whip around his neck.

The chain demon on the opposite side was very alert. As soon as Jiang Feng took a step, she raised her finger to the wall.

The three sets of shackles hanging on the wall, dragging rusty iron chains, were instantly activated by the chain demon, like three flying snakes, pounced on Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Eva respectively.

Eva had been prepared for a long time. With her high agility, she avoided the entanglement of the iron chain, and rushed towards the chain demon with both short swords.

Two cold lights flashed alternately.

Two bloody sword marks were added to the chain demon's abdomen.

The angle of Eva's sword is very tricky, avoiding the chains wrapped around the witch's body, directly cutting the body.

However, such exquisite swordsmanship did not cause serious damage to the chain demon, and the wound stopped bleeding and healed in a blink of an eye.

"Hey! Little mouse, those two toothpicks in your hand are only for tickling me."

The Chain Demon raised his arms with a grinning grin, and a thumb-thick hole was opened in his palm, from which two blood-stained iron chains sprayed out.

The witch touched the ground with her toes and spun around in place, as if she was dancing a ballet.

Accompanied by her dancing posture, the iron chain extending from her palm roared and flew up, beating Eva frantically.

Eva had never seen such a weird move before, and was forced to block it with a sword.

In an instant, the dagger collided with the iron chain countless times, and there was a dense clanging sound, and sparks splashed like fireworks.

In this fierce fight, Eva was still singing in a low voice, using the special specialty "Resonant Sound Surrounding the Beam", and at the same time activated the "Remnant Sword Dance" and "Counterattack Dance".

The former can bring an attack advantage to the weapon, and the damage is included in the Charisma modifier, while the latter can seize the right moment to launch a counterattack under the whipping of the iron chain like a storm.

The chain demon with wild offensive and Eva with sharp swordsmanship can't tell the difference at the moment.

The fierce confrontation cost both sides, but neither of them cared.

(End of this chapter)

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