Savior Simulator

Chapter 1099 Ghoul

Chapter 1099 Ghoul

"Wow! How risky!" Jiang Feng glared at Gouzi who was still in shock, "Daredevil! Follow us obediently, don't try to die, you know?!"

The landlord also knew that he almost got into a catastrophe, so he lowered his head in embarrassment and hummed.

Eva walked up to the stairs vigilantly, observed it, then turned to Gao Fei and Jiang Feng and said, "There are exquisite traps set up on the stairs, and it's fine to step on the even-numbered steps, but when you step on the odd-numbered steps, the poisoned steel cone will pop out, and at the same time, you will be pulled The mechanical device above the head dropped a large net full of hooks... Fortunately, the hunting dog triggered the mechanism, otherwise it would be us who were unlucky!"

Knowing the principle of the trap, it is not difficult to pass this hidden murderous staircase.

Jiang Feng blessed his companions one by one with "freedom of movement", led the way by himself, stepped up the second step of the stairs, and then jumped directly to the fourth step.

Sure enough, as Eva said, even-numbered stairs are safe.

As for the hook net laid on the stairs, thanks to the "freedom of movement" blessed by everyone, it will not be entangled if you step on it directly.

Three people and one dog successfully climbed the stairs, pushed open the unlocked wooden door, and walked into a corridor.

With the lesson just now, everyone stepped up their guard.

Jiang Nv Xia, who has the highest level of "perception" skills in the team and has also mastered the specialty of "Sentry", lights up the "Dancing Light Art" and scouts the way ahead without hesitation.

In the middle of the corridor, Jiang Feng stopped suddenly, turned around and gestured to Gao Fei and Eva, warning them not to approach.

"What's the matter?" Gao Fei asked softly.

"There are traps on the floor, and there are hidden arrow holes in the walls on both sides."

Jiang Feng took out the thief's tool and removed the trap set in the floor compartment - if he accidentally stepped on it, poisonous gas would erupt from the gap in the floor, which was equivalent to the 3-ring "smelly cloud technique".

At the same time, the organs on the walls on both sides of the corridor are activated in chain with the pressure plate on the ground, and the crossbow bolts are fired through the holes that are too small to be detected.

"Setting up so many vicious chain traps in my own home has exceeded the normal warning limit, and it's more like a guilty conscience." After Jiang Feng dismantled the traps, he said with a gloomy face: "Now I'm getting more and more suspicious. Kidnapped by little Lucas."

At the end of the corridor is a hall with armor and weapons on display.

Against the wall are weapon racks, two decorative knight armors, and four large wooden boxes.

The wooden box was not locked, and the hound sniffed it closer, as if smelling danger from it, and immediately growled in warning.

Gao Fei looked over following the barking of the dog, and accidentally noticed that the lid of the wooden box was shaking, and quickly reminded his companions to be alert.

The lid of one of the boxes was suddenly opened, and a thin, crooked figure jumped out of the box, exuding a disgusting rancid smell.

Immediately afterwards, the other three wooden boxes also opened on their own, and the same wretched and foul-smelling humanoid monster crawled out.

These four monsters hidden in the box are all about five feet tall, their dried flesh is tightly wrapped on the bone frame, their heads are like skeletons, their mouths are grinning, showing sharp teeth that emit a bad smell, and their deep-set eye sockets are shining. Pale soul fire.

"Be careful! It's a ghoul!"

Eva stepped forward quickly, holding the sword in both hands and slashing continuously. The roaring sword energy blocked the four ghouls in the corner, as if they were dancing lightly, with awe-inspiring murderous aura in their elegance.

This "sword dancer" has activated the signature stunt "Counter Dance", and any ghouls who try to attack Eva or run past her will suffer sharp attacks of opportunity.

Like zombies and skeletons, ghouls are also low-level undead creatures transformed into human corpses polluted by negative energy.

But compared to slow zombies and fragile skeletons, ghouls are much more dangerous, and they retain part of their intelligence in life.

The four ghouls hiding in the box all have 24 HP, and the average attributes are: strength 13, agility 15, constitution -, intelligence 5, perception 14, charm 10.

In addition to the common characteristics of undead creatures, ghouls also have the two specialties of "vigilance" and "dexterous movement". The sharp nails and teeth are poisonous. Fortitude saves, it will be poisoned and paralyzed, temporarily unable to move.

The toxin of the ghouls has no effect on Eva, a constructed creature that is naturally immune to poisoning. What's more, the four ghouls scratched around Eva, not even touching the corner of her clothes.

This seemingly weak "sword dancer" has an agility attribute as high as 26, and counting the natural armor and the +2 mithril chain armor shirt worn next to him, the comprehensive defense is as high as level 30, and he has also mastered "intuitive dodge" and " Combat Reflexes" two feats, most suitable for the agile T in the adventure team.

Eva starts the "Dance of Counterattack", cooperates with "Battle Reflex", and can counterattack 9 times per round, holding two +1 sharp daggers, under the siege of four ghouls, she is unscathed, but slashes the corpse The ghosts screamed again and again.

Gao Fei noticed that one of the ghouls had a copper whistle hanging around its neck, so he quickly took out a bullet, blessed it with the "Silence Technique", loaded it into the gun chamber, and fired before the ghoul whistled to call the police.

As soon as the ghoul was about to grab the whistle, it was hit by a bullet in its bony chest, and the powerful impact knocked it over. Within 20 feet, it fell into deathly silence.

Jiang Feng activated the "spider silk ring", covering the other three ghouls in a sticky spider web, preventing them from forcibly rushing past Eva's block.

The ghoul that was shot down by Gao Fei climbed up while leaning on the wall, shaking its bare head, trying to climb up the wall, escape from the room through the vent, and go to the owner to call the police.

Landlord the Hound pounced on the ghoul by the calf, tearing him from the wall.

The ghoul fell to the ground, howled silently, and wrestled with the hound.

The hound was scratched by the ghoul's nails. Fortunately, Jiang Feng also blessed it with "freedom of movement", immune to the paralysis caused by the corpse poison, pressed the ghoul under him, and bit its throat hard.

Jiang Feng fired a shot at the ghoul who was fighting with the hound, but he couldn't help being surprised that he couldn't kill it with one blow.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that ghouls are undead creatures, they have no vital points in the physical sense, and they don't take damage from sneak attacks.

Jiang Feng had already learned "Ghost Strike". After it was turned on, he could forcibly attack undead creatures, but he felt that it was not worthwhile to use the big move for such a little guy, so he shot it in the head and exploded it.

Of the other three ghouls, one of them had already been cut down by Eva, and the other two had just broken free from the shackles of the spider web.

Jiang Feng waved his hand and shot a "burning light", hitting a ghoul.

Light magic doubles the damage to undead creatures, directly burning half of the ghoul's body to ashes.

The last ghoul was left, and it was cut to pieces by Eva's swords in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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