Savior Simulator

Chapter 1060 Father's suicide note

Chapter 1060 Father's suicide note

"Are you really that generous?" Claire looked at Umberto suspiciously.

"Of course." Umberto smiled, and it was rare for him to say something to make the girl happy, "You are beautifully dressed, I look good on you, and you will have face when you take it out. You should pay the bill."

"Look at what you said, it's too arrogant! I dress up mainly to make myself happy, and I don't care whether you like it or not!" Claire calculated excitedly, "By the way, I will reserve an extra berth on the ship. And take Simba, disguised as a poodle, so as not to frighten the sailors!"

Mario Ricardo sat beside him, and asked weakly with a bitter face: "You all go abroad for vacation, what should I do? Why don't you leave me alone at home?"

"I'm sorry, Mario, there must always be someone left behind to look after the house, this time I'll thank you!" Claire said cheerfully.

"Well, I knew it was going to be like this... You two are paired, and I'm left alone in the end."

Poor Mario, amidst the laughter of his friends, lamented the bleak fate of the "single dog".

Captain Dantès's freighter, the Lucky, was due to set sail on Tuesday afternoon.

On Monday morning, Musk was sorting out documents and passports in the office when he heard a knock on the door.

Lisa was packing her luggage at home, and Musk opened the door himself, and was taken aback when he saw the man standing outside the door.

"Are you... Mr. Billy?" he asked tentatively.

The shabby-dressed thin middle-aged man outside the door seemed a little cautious at first, but when he heard Musk say his name, his face lit up with excitement.

"Wow! Master Justice, your memory is really good, and you still recognize a small person like me. No wonder you can make a fortune and become a famous person from Patus Street at a young age!"

The acrobat "Flying Knife Hand" Billy in the circus made Musk feel dumbfounded through his disgusting flattery.

Recalling that just two years ago, I was still a handyman at the Patus Street Circus, and my status was far inferior to "Flying Knife" Billy. I was often bullied by him for no reason. Turning it upside down, the once mighty "Flying Knifeman" Billy is just a servile and fawning little character in front of him.

Comparing the present and the past, Musk can't help but feel that things are different and people are different, as if they have passed away.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Musk politely greeted his former colleagues, and asked Billy to visit him early in the morning, what was the matter.

"It's like this, Master Justice, Mr. Puzo heard that you were going to Patus, so he specially sent me to send a letter, and asked me to bring you a message. It's best to go back to the circus before you leave. Tuan, he has something very important to talk to you about."

Billy didn't have much ink in his stomach, but fortunately he was eloquent and explained things clearly in a few simple words.

Musk accepted the envelope he handed over, and took out two gold coins to reward him as a tip for running errands.

Billy took the two shiny gold coins, his fingers trembling with excitement, his face was full of smiles, and he thanked him repeatedly for his generosity.

After sending Billy away, Musk returned to the office and opened the envelope with curiosity.

There were only a few short lines written on the letter paper. It turned out that Mr. Puzo, the owner of the circus, learned from Claire that he was about to go to Patus, the capital of Hailan, on business, so he wrote to ask him to come back to the circus. There is something very important. Things must be handed over to him face to face.

Mr. Puzo did not specify in the letter what the "important thing" was. As for whether he deliberately prevented Billy from opening the letter privately and leaking the wind, it is still unknown.

Judging from Mr. Puzo's extraordinarily cautious attitude, this matter may involve privacy.

That afternoon, Musk came to the circus alone and met Mr. Puzo who had been away for two years.

The circus owner has added a few strands of white hair to his head, and his body and spirit are not as good as in previous years.

Mr. Puzo invited Musk into his office, closed the door, poured two glasses of red wine, and toasted to wish Musk a smooth trip and a successful completion of the king's commission.

After these opening remarks, each drank a glass of wine, Mr. Puzo opened the drawer, took out a yellowed letter and handed it to Musk.

"This is the suicide note written by your father the night before he committed suicide. Let me keep it for you. Please also ask me to take care of you, a poor orphan. I will show you this letter when you become an adult." recalled Mr. Puzuo's eyes were clouded by the last exhortation of his old friend before his death.

His father passed away for many years, and Musk didn't know that he had left a suicide note until today, and he hurriedly opened the envelope with fear.

The last words left by his father were very scribbled, and the content was nothing special, mainly to repent of his failed life.

After his wife died of illness and his business went bankrupt, he was so traumatized that he couldn't get back on his feet. He had to end his own life to avoid a complete mental breakdown.

Before this man decided to commit suicide, the only son Musk was most worried about. In his suicide note, he asked his son to forgive his cowardice and selfishness. He was ashamed that he could not continue to raise his son to grow up...

At the end of this suicide note, the father solemnly told his son that he must try to find the business partner who had framed him—Francisco Corleone—to get justice and the property his son deserved.

After reading his father's suicide note, Musk took a deep breath, calmed down his agitated mood, and looked up at Mr. Puzo.

"Father left a last word, asking me to hunt down my enemy, Mr. Puzuo, do you know the current whereabouts of that person?"

"Son, don't worry, as far as I know, the despicable guy who caused your father to go bankrupt and commit suicide, Francisco Corleone, fled to the Sea Blue Kingdom with money as early as four years ago, changed his name and surname, and has never been there since then." Got the audio."

Monsieur Puzo put down his glass and lit a pipe.

"Musk, your business trip to Hailan this time is a very good opportunity. You can ask the locals to inquire. Maybe you can find out the fox tail of Francisco Corleone."

Musk nodded, and then asked Mr. Puzo: "I have no impression of my father's business partner before his death. Have you ever seen this person and describe his appearance?"

Mr. Puzo exhaled a string of smoke rings and recalled: "When your father was still alive, he once invited Francisco to the circus to watch performances. That was the only time I had contact with him."

"The man was tall, well dressed, looked younger than his age, had attractive blue eyes, and must have been feminine."

"Francisco left a good first impression on me. He seemed to be a warm and humorous person. It wasn't until later that I realized that he was actually extremely selfish and cruel in his bones!"

(End of this chapter)

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