Savior Simulator

Chapter 1059 Ready to set off

Chapter 1059 Ready to set off
To read this wonderful book and fully absorb the essence of knowledge, at least 48 hours of dedicated research time is required.

Fortunately, learning in the game is different from reality after all, and the hard reading process can be quickly skipped through the game mechanism.

After Goofy bid farewell to Sir Dashwood and Earl Oswald, he returned to his office and spent the energy of the astrolabe to skip the study process.

The screen flashed, and the time in the game came to a week later.

At this time, Brother Musk has fully absorbed the knowledge recorded in the "Dominion Volume", and the charm attribute has increased to 27 points.

It happened to be the weekend, and as usual, Musk took his fiancée, Miss Lisa, to Patus Street in a carriage to attend the "Street Angels" party.

Seeing Umberto, Claire and Mario at the Paradise Tavern, Lisa revealed that her fiancé would serve as a "royal envoy" and "query duel agent" to Patus, the capital of the Seablue Kingdom, to replace Borgia. The Queen upholds justice and challenges Adam Rulph, who vilified Her Majesty the Queen.

When Claire and Mario learned of this, they were both happy that Musk was appreciated by His Majesty the King.

Claire also imagined that when Musk returned from Hailan's victory, he might be able to use this feat to be awarded the title of Lord and become a nobleman.

"By then, my dear Lisa, you will be a noble lady!" Clare said enviously.

"Sister Claire, I don't even dare to think about such a beautiful thing!" Lisa said with joy on her face, and said insincerely, "I am not the kind of woman who is greedy for vanity, and I don't care about the title of lady. As long as Musk I will be satisfied if I safely complete His Majesty's commission!"

"Are you going abroad with Musk too?" Claire continued to inquire.

"Of course!" Lisa hugged her fiancé's arms, her eyes were full of sweetness, "Dignified royal envoy, how can there be no woman around to take care of trivial matters such as food and daily life, I have been on vacation in Patus twice, yes I am familiar with the local situation, so I just took this opportunity to take Musk on a tour.”

At the bar, Umberto, who had been drinking silently, suddenly raised his head with a very serious expression.

"Brother Musk, is your duel opponent Adam Rulph the famous dragon-slaying hero?"

"I heard it is, Brother Umberto, do you know him?"

"For some reasons that I can't disclose, I often go to Patus on business trips. I once met Adam Rulph. I can't talk about friendship, but I have a deep impression on him."

Mario heard what he meant, put away his smile and asked, "Adam Rulph, how strong is it?"

"I haven't fought against him before, so I don't want to make rash assertions." Umberto pondered for a while, and continued, "Judging from this man's past record, he has participated in eleven duels and won all of them overwhelming victories. It's a great character."

"Brother Musk has won all the public duels he has participated in in the past two years." Mario said disapprovingly.

"But Adam Rulph also has the title of 'Dragon Slayer'. He once killed an adult black dragon by himself. Can Musk do the same?" Umberto asked rhetorically.

"This..." Facing everyone's focused attention, the young judicial knight said truthfully, "I dare to accept such a challenge, but I am not sure of winning."

"In any case, Adam Rolf is the number one swordsman in the Seablue Kingdom after all, and his strength is much stronger than all of Musk's previous duel opponents. He must be careful in the fight and never have the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy."

Umberto said a few words, but he was still worried, so he asked Musk: "When will you and Lisa set off, have you booked the boat ticket?"

"We plan to go to sea next week, and the ticket has not yet been determined."

"There is a cargo ship parked at the pier, and it will set sail for Patus the day after tomorrow. The captain is my old friend Dantès. You and Lisa may as well take this ship with the wind, and I will accompany you on board. a care."

"I was born in Patus, and I moved to Avalon with my mother after I was ten years old, and I often returned to my hometown afterwards."

When Umberto talked about his hometown, complex emotions appeared in his eyes.

"When we get to Patus, I can ask friends in my hometown to help find out about Adam Rulph, especially the martial arts and spells he is good at. This information will help Musk formulate a duel strategy."

"Brother Umberto, I'm sorry for your trouble." Musk said gratefully.

"When I'm the big brother, stop talking nonsense." Umberto took a sip of his wine, and then asked him, "Is there anyone else traveling besides you and Lisa?"

"There is also my friend Paul Porter, he is a noble young master, he is very familiar with Patus's high society circle, when he gets there, he will serve as my assistant and be in charge of contacting Queen Polja." Musk answer.

Umberto nodded, and said softly, "Tomorrow I will go to Dantès and ask him to keep four spacious cabins on board, and clean them up so that he won't be disgusted by the noble young master."

After hearing this, Claire wanted to say something, but swallowed it back embarrassingly.

Lisa saw the hope in her eyes, vaguely guessed her plan, and quietly blessed the second-level spell "Detect Thoughts". After scanning Lisa's thoughts at the moment, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips as expected.

"Lisa, what are you laughing at?" Musk looked at his girlfriend in surprise.

"I'm laughing at Brother Umberto's brainless mind and his incomprehension."

"How do you say that?"

"Should I say it directly?" Lisa gave her fiancé a white look. "With such a good opportunity to go abroad for vacation, it would be boring for a grown man to travel alone. Why don't you bring Sister Claire with you?"

"It makes sense!" Musk nodded suddenly, "Sister Claire is with Brother Umberto. When we date, he doesn't have to be a candle next to him, so as to save embarrassment!"

"Hey! What are you two brats talking nonsense?! I... I don't want to go to Patus!"

The pretty face of the red-haired girl instantly became redder than her hair, but she was still arrogant and stubborn.

Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Umberto, the steel straight man, finally got a little enlightened. He shook Claire's hand and said softly: "Go back to the circus to say hello to Mr. Puzo, and you said you would invite two One month's leave, accompany me to travel abroad."

"Damn! I haven't made up my mind whether to go or not!"

"If you don't go, I'll give Mario the ticket."

"Wait a minute!" Claire was so anxious that she couldn't hold back, "Can't I go? I'm going to change clothes tonight!"

"What clothes are you going to prepare? Patus is the capital of fashion, do you have any fashionable clothes?" Lisa laughed and teased the red-haired girl, "When we arrive in Patus, I'll take you to the shopping mall. You can take whatever fashion you like. , our generous brother Umberto will be very happy to pay for you."

(End of this chapter)

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