Savior Simulator

Chapter 1058 Royal Envoy

Chapter 1058 Royal Envoy
The matter got to this point, Adam Rulph was already on the verge of riding a tiger, and he simply pretended to be deaf and dumb to the Queen's condemnation, and refused to respond.

So Queen Polja wrote to her elder brother George III, expressing her grievances, and asked her elder brother to choose a "judicial knight" with high martial arts skills and absolute loyalty in the country of Feizhen to represent herself and also the face of the royal families of Feizhen and Hailan , a judicial duel with Adam Rulph.

The Queen did not hire an agent in Hailan Country, mainly due to two concerns.

First, the Rolf family started out as a judicial duel business. Many domestic judicial duel practitioners are old students of the Rolf family. They are either inconvenient to represent the case or untrustworthy. If there is water on the field, there is nowhere to complain if you are cheated.

On the other hand, Adam Rulph is not a man with a false name. He is a real "dragon slaying hero". He once killed an adult black dragon single-handedly. Defeated Adam Rulph in the duel.

Therefore, the best solution is to seek help from her natal family, select an absolutely trustworthy Feizhen warrior, and come to Patus as a "royal special envoy" and "duel agent" to vent her anger on her behalf.

After introducing the case, Earl Oswald snapped his fingers smartly.

The male secretary wearing white gloves behind the palace steward bowed quickly, opened the briefcase, took out six scrolls emitting magical aura, and carefully placed them on the dining table.

"Mr. Justice, as you know, our Majesty is generous and straightforward, and hates the hypocrisy of lip service, so before you accept this commission and are about to leave for Hailan, His Majesty feels that there is something wrong with you." It is necessary to pay you the commission in advance." The palace steward said while stroking the scroll.

"Your Excellency, I am very grateful for your majesty's generosity, but I am also very apprehensive. If you fail to live up to your majesty's expectations, should I return the commission I received in advance?"

Justice asked carefully.

Earl Oswald smiled lightly: "Young man, I am not surprised that you have such concerns. In fact, I have raised the same question to His Majesty and received clear instructions. The problem now is... I Not sure if it is necessary to truthfully convey His Majesty's overly straightforward statement, it may hurt a young man's self-esteem, and even cause you to misunderstand."

"Dear Earl, please tell me His Majesty's instructions, I am not so sensitive and fragile." Musk insisted.

"Listen well, Mr. Justice, His Majesty said to me like this: 'My love, judicial knights are hard-working professions. Although our talented young man is very skilled in martial arts, his opponent is also a famous dragon-slaying hero in the Ocean Blue Kingdom. , After going to the duel arena, it’s hard to say whether you can come back alive. If you must pay after the event is completed, it’s like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey. It’s very likely that you can’t eat it.”

"Mr. Justice, His Majesty also said that he decided to pay you the reward first regardless of success or failure. Firstly, it shows his sincerity, secondly, so that you can prepare for the battle with peace of mind, and more importantly, this reward can immediately improve your reputation. Strength, so as to have greater confidence in defeating dueling opponents."

"You just asked if the commission should be refunded if you fail to fulfill His Majesty's entrustment? I can tell you clearly that the commission does not need to be refunded, but I am afraid that you will have to change your career in the future."

"Mr. Justice, please don't mind. No matter what you do, His Majesty has this kind of straightforward and pragmatic style. He never pays on credit or owes favors. Verbal generosity and boasting are worthless in his eyes."

After listening to the palace steward's explanation, Musk added a bit of respect to George III.

This His Majesty the King is indeed a simple and pragmatic person who is not yet luxurious, so much so that he is ridiculed as the "Farmer King".

As a monarch, he is not gorgeous enough to be respected as a fashion icon by the people, nor is he smart enough, lacks the flexibility, ruthlessness, and long-term vision to govern the country, so that he has a "mediocre" reputation.

But in terms of character, His Majesty can definitely be called a moral model. He has lived a life of prudence and deeds, conscientiously handles public affairs, and follows the rules when attending public events. , and also respect the parliament, it can be said that it is a model of the monarch in the minds of ordinary citizens and civil servants.

"Mr. Justice, here are six scrolls, which can bring you different benefits after studying them. You can choose one of them according to your needs."

Earl Oswald explained.

Musk nodded, and picked up the scrolls one by one to check.

At first, he thought that what was copied on the scrolls was magic, but after a closer look, he was surprised to find that His Majesty's generosity was beyond imagination. ", "Bone Health Volume", "Smart Volume", "Meditation Volume", "Mastering Volume" and "Control Volume".

After studying the above volumes and fully absorbing the essence of knowledge, the six attributes of strength, constitution, agility, intelligence, perception and charm can be increased by 5 points each!
All these volumes are disposable.

After the study, as the corresponding attribute improves, the sheepskin scroll that records the mysterious knowledge will also run out of magic power and automatically disintegrate into a pile of dust.

Each of the six strange books can provide one of the six attributes, which one should I choose?
Musk couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he prayed silently in his heart, asking the "guardian angel" to help him make a choice.

At the same time, a check box popped up in front of Gao Fei, asking him to choose one of the six volumes.

Gao Fei is not in a hurry to make a decision, so he calms down and analyzes it first.

First of all, exclude three volumes that improve physical attributes.

Attributes such as strength, agility, and physique can be improved by Gao Fei through "wild transformation" or "big fury".

Among the three spiritual attributes of intelligence, perception, and charm, charm is relatively more important to the "imitator", which is directly related to the "warlock mask", "poet mask", "warlock mask" and "holy mask". The intensity of the samurai mask".

The intelligence attribute is only related to the "mage mask", and the perception attribute is related to the "priest mask", "monk mask", "druid mask" and "ranger mask", but the magnitude of the influence is not as large as the charm, when necessary, high Fei can also use the imitator's special ability "Attribute Replacement" to make adjustments.

After some deliberation, Gao Fei finally chose the "Dominion Volume".

 It's the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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