Savior Simulator

Chapter 1057 The Case of Queen Aquamarine

Chapter 1057 The Case of Queen Aquamarine

The final emphasis of the palace chief gave a vague hint of threat.

Musk suddenly felt his scalp tingle.

The most difficult lawsuit in the world is a court dispute.

I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing for me to get this job, and what's even more troublesome is that the client is too powerful, and I have no room to refuse at all.

Gathering his mind, the young judicial knight had to face the reality, and asked the steward of the court, who was Adam Rulph and how dared to slander the queen?

After some conversations, Musk figured out the ins and outs of the whole case, and the bloody level made him dumbfounded.

This dispute originated when a man fell in love with a woman he shouldn't love.

The protagonist of the incident, Adam Rulph, is no ordinary person, but a famous dragon-slaying hero in the Ocean Blue Kingdom!
At a court ball half a year ago, Adam Rulph received the queen's hospitality, perhaps because the reception was too kind, which aroused his unrealistic delusions, and fell in love with the beautiful and noble Polja at first sight.

Back home, Rolf still couldn't forget the goddess in his dream, so he wrote a love poem in which he called himself the legendary warrior Lancelot and compared his favorite queen to Lancelot's spirit The lover, Queen Guinevere, hints at her love.

This love letter, which he entrusted with his full expectations, was delivered, but what he got was a bucket of cold water.

Polgar wrote back and declined his courtship, hurting the pride of the arrogant Adam Rulph.

Later, when he heard that the queen favored the court poet Giuliano de Medici, who was born as an aristocrat, he went to Lord Giuliano, showed him the love letter he had written to the queen, and asked him why the queen was so entrusted with this poem. Love poems of lovesickness, expressed so coldly
Giuliano laughed at his love poems, picking out numerous grammatical and rhetorical errors.

One of the most serious mistakes is the inappropriate metaphor, comparing the queen to a confidante who brings disaster to the country and the people, and comparing herself to a rebellious minister who was overwhelmed by love and finally betrayed the monarch.

"After reading this poem, the queen may suspect that you are satirizing her. It's no wonder you're not angry!"

Giuliano, who is known for his vicious tongue, even satirized Rolf face-to-face, obviously lacking in literary talent, and imitating others to write poems to express his feelings, too ignorant of himself.

Speaking of this, Rolf was already full of anger.

Giuliano kept talking, took out his own love poem, recited it to Rolf, and said that the poem was appreciated by the queen.

In the end, Giuliano declared complacently that the queen admired literary talents like himself, and had no interest in some reckless men who could only wield swords and fight fiercely.

This made the "Dragon Slaying Hero" so angry that he rushed up and grabbed the boastful poet and beat him up.

If it wasn't for someone blocking him, he would have beaten that little boy to death on the spot!
This is a big disaster!
Although Rolf is of noble origin, he is not considered prominent in the upper class circles. Giuliano is the son of the Medici family, one of the most famous families in Hailan.
Rolf also knew that he had caused a catastrophe, so he simply did not do anything else, preemptively, and revealed to his friends in the press that Queen Polgar had cheated and her lover was Giuliano.

As for the evidence, it is the poem that Giuliano wrote.

The gossip tabloids of Patus have reprinted this shocking news one after another. Although they dare not directly name the parties involved, even ordinary people are wondering who the "pen-wielding playboy" and "the most honorable lady" refer to. There are many.

The scandal became more and more evil. Lord Giuliano was beaten up and sued by the villain first. How could he bear this tone? He quickly published the newspaper to clarify the truth, pointing out that Rolf had framed him, and even wrote Rolf to the queen. The poem was published, showing that he was jealous and slandered the queen's reputation because of his courtship.

On the other side of the public opinion war, Roulph immediately responded, pointing out that his poems only express noble spiritual love, do not involve any blasphemous thoughts, and are completely in line with classical chivalry virtues.

In contrast, Giuliano's poems are full of provocative meaning between the lines, and the lover's body is described in many places, and the words are ambiguous, almost pornographic.

Comparing these two poems together, it is clear at a glance who is more obscene.

Dude, it turns out you both did it!
Now the melon-eaters watching the excitement are overjoyed!
It was originally thought to be a royal scandal of "a romantic relationship", but now it has developed to the stage of a love triangle, and this drama is getting better and better.

In fact, this is not just a "love triangle". Don't forget that there is also His Majesty the King with a green light on his head!
In Hailan Wangdu, where the social atmosphere is relatively open, especially in the upper class, it is not a big deal for a couple to have confidants or even lovers. In most cases, it will not rise to the point of forcing a divorce.

However, the king and queen are the face of the country after all, at least on the bright side they should lead by example, show respect for traditional religion and ethics, and show loyalty between husband and wife.

So even if the king and queen have a disagreement, unless they can handle the people involved in the church, it is absolutely impossible to get a divorce.

King Constantine V of Hailan and Queen Polgar have given birth to four children in total in the past 20 years of marriage. It should be said that they have a good relationship, but no matter how good the relationship is, they cannot withstand the instigation of gossip. Facing the pressure of public opinion, the king cannot help but feel sorry for the queen. Suspicion arose, and the relationship became increasingly cold.

Roulph added fuel to the fire, offering Giuliano a judicial duel to settle their dispute.

Giuliano was just a poet, so he didn't dare to duel with Rolf, the famous "dragon slaying hero", so he had to hide and play dead.

He didn't dare to accept the move, so he lost the initiative in public opinion, his reputation plummeted, and Rolf's supporters had an overwhelming upper hand.

Although the authorities banned the public reporting of the scandal that humiliated the royal family, they couldn't stop people's burning gossip, and the rumors about Giuliano and Queen Polgar became more and more outrageous.

This farce has continued to this day, and the scandal has continued unabated. Not only the queen herself has been plagued by gossip, but even his children are suspected of not being His Majesty's own flesh and blood.

Under such circumstances, Queen Polgar finally couldn't bear it anymore, and swore in the name of the Lord that there was absolutely no relationship with Lord Giuliano and Adam Rolf that violated women's morality, and demanded that Adam Rolf publicly apologize, Rehabilitate his reputation, and if he refuses to clarify the truth, the queen will hire a dueling agent to seek justice for him.

(End of this chapter)

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