Savior Simulator

Chapter 1013 Spider Disaster

Chapter 1013 Spider Disaster
"More dangerous than the super-large female spider is a kind of human-faced spider with blue and white stripes on its body. They are about the same size as ordinary giant spiders, but they have a head that looks like a human female, and black hair is scattered on the head. She has long hair, comes and goes without a trace, and moves very strangely!" Tigress Janet recalled.

"The kind of spider you are talking about... has such a strong sense of déjà vu!" Ma Yun interjected, "Could it be a phase spider?"

"From Janet's description, I can't be wrong!" Jiang Feng said firmly.

Gao Fei didn't make a sound, thinking in his mind, if he encounters a phase spider during his adventure, how should he deal with the surprise attack of this monster from the spirit world?

"It seems that we have to bless 'see through invisibility' in advance, in case there is a phase spider nearby, we can find out its whereabouts in advance." Ma Yun frowned slightly.

"See through the invisible" can see spirit creatures, but it is not that simple to attack phase spiders lurking in the spirit world from the material world.

After thinking about it, Xiao Ma found that the only reliable weapon is the magic missile with its own "force field" attribute.

"Before setting out to explore the spider web pit, we have to take a long rest here." Ma Yun said to his companions, "Weta and I need to prepare 'see through invisibility' and 'magic missile' during this period."

"Uh, Miss Mage, I don't have 'Magic Missile' in my list of spells." The Scarecrow interjected, "But it doesn't matter, I can use my wand to release missiles."

As he said that, he pulled out a short and slender "Missile Wand" from the broom handle, charging 20 rounds a day, which should be enough.

Ma Yun nodded, and then asked Janet: "What is the last monster in the spider web pit?"

"It's an extremely weird, half-human, half-spider creature. Its lower body is like a giant spider, and its upper body is a black-skinned elf with pointed ears and pale hair. Its eyes exude a strange purple-red luster."

The tigress shivered as if recalling the terrible experience.

"When I was exploring the spawning room of the spiders, I encountered this monster by accident. Before I could see it clearly, I was attacked fiercely by the opponent."

"This monster holds a pair of sharp long swords. Its swordsmanship is quite superb. At the same time, it can use the spider's body to capture and cast spells, create a dark barrier, control demon fire, and even make itself float out of thin air... I know I can't beat it He resisted a few times, then escaped with injuries, and was chased and killed by a large group of spiders on the way, if he was not lucky, he would have almost buried this little life in a deep pit!"

After listening to Janet's narration, Gao Fei, Ma Yun and Jiang Feng looked at each other with a look of surprise in their eyes.

Although none of them had seen the half-spider, half-elf monster Tigress described with their own eyes, they had all heard of this monster's fierce name more than once, which was the so-called "spider-like elf"!
It is said that Rose, the "Queen of the Spider God" worshiped by the dark elves, will summon those drow who have shown great potential to her kingdom of God every once in a while, the "Magic Web Pit" located on the 66th floor of the bottomless abyss, Test its loyalty and strength.

Those who pass the test will be favored by the Spider Queen, while those who fail will be punished by being transformed into a spider elf by Lolth, a hybrid of drow and giant spider.

The drows are afraid of and deliberately avoid the spider elves, because this creature represents the will of Lolth, reminding the drows of what will happen if they fail the queen of the spider god.

The astrolabe "Monster Illustrated Book" provides the example of the spider elf, and the challenge level is the same as Janet's level 7.

If both parties are healthy, Janet has at least a [-]% chance of winning in a one-on-one duel under sufficient light.

However, if the battlefield is in a dark pit covered with sticky cobwebs, the tigress' chances of winning are not great.

What's more, when she first encountered the spider elf, Janet had already gone through a series of hard battles. She was injured and exhausted. She survived and provided information to the protagonist group who came later.

"Janet, how many spider elves are there in the pit?" Ma Yun asked the tigress.

"I'm sorry, but I can't say for sure..." The tigress shook her head dejectedly, "I only met one, and turned around and ran away. As for how many of the same monsters are still in the deeper pits, I'm afraid I can only rely on you to find them yourself." After verification, of course, I will serve as a guide and accompany you back to the cobweb pit that left me with a nightmare-like impression."

At the same time, Ma Yun received a system prompt: Do you want to accept Janet and join your adventure team temporarily?

"Yes!" Xiao Ma made a choice without hesitation.

After accepting Janet into the team, the story in Lin Zhong came to an end.

Before starting the next stage of the expedition, the adventure team camped in the glade, ate and rested, and reorganized the spell list.

Ma Yun spent an astrolabe energy to quickly complete the long rest.

The game screen changed, and the time came to the early morning of the next day, and the scene also switched to the area where the subsidence occurred half a year ago.

In front of Gao Fei and the others was a huge deep pit. Viewed from above, the cross-section was olive-shaped. The long axis was no less than one kilometer long, and the short axis was 400 meters long.

The outer slope of the deep pit is relatively gentle, and you can go down on foot, and the steeper you go down, according to Janet, when you reach a depth of one mile from the surface, it is almost a vertical cliff.

As for the deeper depths, even Janet has never set foot in it, so I can't tell how deep it is.

Gao Fei climbed to the tree and looked down at the deep pit from a high position. He saw that the surrounding pit walls were covered with layers of spider webs. The dewdrops dotted on the spider webs shone like countless tiny gems in the morning sunlight.

Dry trees, shriveled animal remains, and large rocks can be seen everywhere on the spider web—this shows the extraordinary toughness and load-bearing performance of the spider silk, which is enough to carry tons of weight without breaking.

Goofy jumped down from the tree and asked the tigress, "Janet, how did you get down last time?"

"Climb down slowly along the edge of the pit."

Janet raised one front paw, pointing toward a less sloping edge of the pothole.

"In the middle of the deep pit, the slope becomes steeper. Fortunately, it is not difficult to find the roots of the trees, and occasionally there are large raised rocks for resting."

Gao Fei nodded, knowing that the roots and stones used as footholds were intentionally designed in the game to reduce the difficulty of the player's adventure journey - after all, not all players have received professional rock climbing training.

The tigress carefully observed the distribution of spider webs in the deep pit, with a sad expression on her face.

"There is a bad news to say first. It has been more than two months since I dived into the deep pit for investigation last time. There is almost no safe way to pass, so before diving into the deep pit, we must first solve a problem-how to avoid being stuck by the ubiquitous spider silk."

(End of this chapter)

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