Savior Simulator

Chapter 1014 Deep Pit Adventure

Chapter 1014 Deep Pit Adventure
"Guys! I think setting fire is a great way to destroy a spider's web!"

Dimitri the lion is eager to prove to the tigress that he has not only extraordinary courage, but also wisdom.

"Spider silk is afraid of fire, just light a fire, and all these nasty spider webs can be burned away."

Saying this, the Lion stretched out his paw to the Tin Woodman.

"Nick, my dear friend, open your helmet. I remember that the tinder box is stored in your skull. I want to show Janet a superb ignition skill."

Then he made another request to another friend: "Vita, let me use your broom, it's just right for a torch."

"Golden Retriever, I already know you can use a tinder box, which is great, but I don't think setting fire to a spider's web is a good idea!" The tigress shook her head.

"Why?" Dimitri asked inexplicably.

"As soon as we start burning spider webs here, the giant spiders hiding in the dark will immediately notice and report the news of the invasion to the spider elves at the bottom of the pit. This is tantamount to exposing our intentions and making the enemy guarded against."

"What's waiting for us next is either a spider army that gathers all the evil forces, or it's all in vain—the enemy has all escaped before we reach the bottom of the deep pit!"

"It can't be so bad, can it?" Dimitri was dubious.

If Gao Fei is an NPC in the game like Dimitri, he will also feel that Janet's analysis is alarmist.

But from the player's point of view, one must clearly realize that Janet, as the most important plot NPC in this chapter, is the guide of the adventure team. Important information about players.

If the player refuses to listen to Janet's advice and insists on setting fire to the spider web, even if the game can continue, many variables will inevitably be added and the difficulty will be greatly increased.

Don't take chances and think that "things may not necessarily develop in a bad direction"?
This is not life, but a game.

The game is designed that way, and a clear warning has been delivered through Janet's mouth.

If the player doesn't listen to the persuasion and insists on the iron, most of them will suffer.

"Okay, I know what to do."

Ma Yun called her companions to her side, and blessed everyone with the 3-ring "flying technique" strengthened by "spell delay".

With Xiao Ma's current spellcasting level, the "Delayed Flight" can last for 28 minutes, which is enough for everyone to fly from the surface to the bottom of the deep pit if nothing else happens.

"It's good to fly straight down, but the problem we're facing hasn't been solved yet." The tigress couldn't help worrying, "The giant pit is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, and the deeper it gets, the narrower it gets. space to fly."

"You don't have to worry about this, we have a solution." Ma Yun smiled slightly, and turned to look at Jiang Feng.

"I feel more and more that it was a foresight to choose 'freedom of movement' at the beginning!" Jiang Feng blessed his teammates with "freedom of movement", and boasted complacently: "This spell is too powerful. With the blessing on me, the next 140 Within minutes, you can walk on a spider web without getting stuck!"

Gao Fei wanted to remind his girlfriend that he was the one who recommended "freedom of movement" to her at the beginning, but he held back. After all, Jiang Nv Xia was willing to accept his recommendation, so it was a great honor for him.

Suddenly Gao Fei thought of another thing, and said to his companion: "Since 'moving freely' is immune to spider web entanglement, we might as well use the dense spider web as a bridge to the bottom of the deep pit, walk and climb directly on it, in case of slipping , there is a 'flying technique' on the back, so I won't fall all the way."

"This not only saves energy, but also lures the surrounding enemies through the tremor of the spider silk, thinking that the prey has fallen into the spider web, and rushing to die."

"First eliminate the enemies on the periphery of the spider web pit, and then explore the depths. In this way, while walking and fighting encounters, you can hunt and kill small groups of enemies in batches without disturbing large groups of enemies until they are all wiped out!"

After hearing Gao Fei's analysis, Weta the Scarecrow couldn't help shaking his head, feeling that his thoughts were too wishful thinking?
If the lion proposed to set fire to the spider webs, it would definitely alarm the spider elves in the deep pit, then Gao Fei proposed to lure the enemy out of the cave, and there is no guarantee that the enemy will not come out of the nest as soon as they are alarmed.

However, before he raised any objections, Tigress Janet nodded again and again, unequivocally agreeing to Gao Fei's plan.

The Scarecrow shrugged helplessly and didn't question any more.

Gao Fei also knew that the strategy he proposed was not invulnerable.

In fact, this is a test for the development of the subsequent plot, like "fire reconnaissance"-first shoot a round, and then correct the next sniper position according to the reaction of the opponent.

By observing Janet's reaction, Gao Fei knew it in his heart.

Janet agrees with his approach, which means that the game mechanics advocate this way of playing.

After getting ready, Janet led the way, leading Gao Fei and his party to fly down from the edge of the giant crater.

With the help of the "flying technique", the initial journey was relatively easy. However, just as Janet worried, as everyone reached the middle of the deep pit, the diameter of the pit narrowed sharply and was almost covered by dense spider webs.

In such a complex environment, continuing to fly will inevitably collide with spider webs frequently.

Everyone simply landed directly on the thick spider web, like walking on a soft spring mattress.

"Freedom of movement" makes everyone immune to the stickiness of spider silk, but every time you take a step forward, the force under your feet will be transmitted through the spider silk, causing a burst of slight tremors, arousing the vigilance of the spider web owner lurking in the dark.

Four giant spiders jumped out and stopped Gao Fei and his party.

Just as everyone showed their weapons and was about to go to war, there was another tremor behind them, and four groups of black shadows followed them on spider threads.

Eight giant spiders surrounded Gao Fei and the others, approached them for a certain distance, and sprayed out spider silk at the same time!

The giant spider's intelligence is very low, and it can only catch prey according to the old habits, but it has not considered a problem: these adventurers they face, since they can walk freely on the spider web, how can they be stuck by a mere spider thread?
Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, the Scarecrow, and Ma Yun avoided the spider webs that were shot at them, and immediately fought back.

Ma Yun shot a "lightning beam", blasting the giant spider that was rushing towards her into blackened black, killing her on the spot.

Both Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were two-gunners, and they killed their opponents with one round of shooting.

Two giant spiders with gut-wrenching stomachs after being shot fell from the spider webs and fell into the bottomless dark pit.

(End of this chapter)

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