Savior Simulator

Chapter 1012 Lion Tiger Showdown (Ⅱ)

Chapter 1012 Lion Tiger Showdown (Ⅱ)

Ma Yun froze for a moment, put away the diamond powder helplessly, and complained to Gao Fei and Jiang Feng in the Xingpan chat channel that the lion can really pretend!
But having said that, pretending to be aggressive, this guy really pretended to be quite successful, even the onlookers were moved by his masculinity, and had to praise him-pure man!

Dimitri not only refused to bless the buff magic, but also took the initiative to take off his "magic tooth collar", took off the worm shell breastplate, and handed it over to his companions for safekeeping, expressing that he did not want to take advantage of the opponent's equipment.

Jiang Feng held the "Magic Tooth Collar" for the lion. At the same time, he also noticed that the tigress Janet was eavesdropping, and peeked this way from the corner of her eye from time to time.

When she saw that the lion refused to bless the spell, and took the initiative to disarm the equipment, she seemed to be moved by his heroism, and the gaze she looked at the lion was no longer as fierce as before.

Jiang Nvxia smiled knowingly, and said to her boyfriend in a low voice: "Lions and tigers really have fun! This wave is called a martial arts competition!"

Gao Fei is also observing Tigress Janet, but the focus is different from his girlfriend.

With the help of the astrolabe, he detected Janet's various data, and comparing it with Dimitri's data, it is not difficult to calculate the winning rate.

Janet is an adult large enlightened tigress with 10 Hit Dice (HD/creature level), challenge level 7, HP 120, and the attributes are: strength 24, agility 18, constitution 18, intelligence 13, perception 16, charisma 16.

In terms of defense, Janet has level 5 natural armor, agility modifier +4, proficient dodge +3, large size penalty -1, and a combined defense rating of 21.

Janet has the racial talents of cats such as "sensitivity", "vigilance", "dexterous movement", "grabbing", "swooping", "multiple attacks (one bite + two rakes)", in addition , she has also developed specialties such as "Toughness", "Intuitive Dodge", "Proficient Jump", "Proficient Dodge" and "Powerful Attack".

His opponent, Dimitri, is a large adult enlightened lion and a part-time level 5 "warrior", with 129 HP, 16 defense, and various attributes: strength 25, agility 16, constitution 18, intelligence 10, perception 13, charisma 18.

In addition to the feline feline racial talents, Dimitri also has the following class abilities from "Warrior": "Toughness", "Statis", "Taunt", "Immunity to Fear", "Fighting Style (Natural Weapons)" , "Slash", "Strong Attack", "Offensive Rush" and "Perseverance".

Judging from the paper data of the two sides, Janet has an advantage in defense and agility. If she adopts the tactics of fighting, it will bring some troubles to Dimitri in the early stage of the duel.

But as the duel continues, the lion with stronger overall strength will reverse the situation and gain the upper hand.

After the duel officially started, the performances of both sides did not deviate from Gao Fei's prediction.

The ferocious and dexterous tigress swooped over fiercely, scratching and biting and launched a fierce attack, which stunned the lion all of a sudden. Before he recovered, the opponent had already jumped far away, and there was no counterattack at all. Opportunity.

Dexterity combined with Leap Mastery, plus Pounce, is such a rogue!

Fortunately, after all, Dimitri has experienced many battles and has rich experience. He quickly adapted to Janet's fast-paced style of play.

The struggle went on for some time, and both sides were wounded and bleeding profusely.

Tigress Janet's fighting spirit remained undiminished, but spectators including Gao Fei could see that her combat effectiveness continued to decline after being injured, and she became more and more powerless.

In contrast, her opponent Dimitri benefited from the warrior's core ability "Perseverance", the more injured, the stronger the fighting power!
At this time, both sides have only half blood left, Dimitri's "Perseverance" has been upgraded to the third stage, attack roll and saving throw resistance +3, damage dice of natural weapons +3d6, and the combat power has increased dramatically!

Janet couldn't bear the onslaught of the lion, and finally triggered the plot in the residual blood stage, and was forced to admit defeat.

"Damn golden retriever cat... I didn't expect your claws to be quite sharp. Your courage can barely prove that you are not just bragging!"

The bruised Queen of the Forest was still talking hard, but she was already convinced in her heart.

"Haha! Janet, my friend, there is nothing shameful in admitting defeat when you lose!" The lion tried to stroke the tigress' head, "Thank you for fighting with me, I haven't had such a good time in a long time! "

"Bah! Rude bastard! Don't touch my wound! It hurts like hell!" The tigress avoided the slapping of the lion's hands and feet, and said angrily, "You won this time, don't be complacent, I will win it back one day !"

Ma Yun watched the pair of bloody beasts quarreling, and suddenly sensed a romantic atmosphere, turned her head and said to Jiang Feng: "Look at these lions and tigers, although they fight fiercely, the more they fight, the deeper their feelings become. Thinking of you and Brother Fei, you always beat each other on the training ground, isn't it also deepening your relationship through this way?"

"Uh...that's it." Jiang Feng's face was complicated, and he couldn't help expressing his resentment, "Actually, I can understand Janet's mood very well. Recently, Gao Fei has been bullying me on the training ground, not only pressing me on the floor and rubbing , and forced me to say 'I'm taking it', 'Brother, please forgive me'... MD is so angry! I really want to find a chance to beat Gao Fei hard and re-establish my family status!"

Perhaps because the sense of substitution was too strong, he felt sympathy for Janet. Jiang Feng took the initiative to go to the tigress, performed "spontaneous medical treatment" to help her heal the wound on her body, and then healed the lion's bleeding.

Janet thanked Jiang Feng gratefully, and then frankly expressed that she would abide by the bet and give up the title of "King of the Forest" to the lion Dimitri.

The tigress will also act as a guide for the adventurers herself, leading them to explore the Spider Pit.

"Janet, before we leave, we still need to collect some information." Gao Fei asked Tigress, "Before you mentioned that there are three kinds of creatures that are more dangerous than ordinary giant spiders in the spider web pit. What do they all look like?"

"Mr. Wayne, to tell you the truth, I personally dived into the spider web pit to investigate this evil force from the ground, but I almost died in the pit..." Janet's eyes showed a look of fear.

"Those monsters that spin webs and crawl in deep pits are all related to spiders."

"There is a black female spider in the pit. It is huge, comparable to an elephant. It is as strong as me and runs faster than me. It took me a lot of effort to successfully hunt one down."

"As soon as the mother spider died, her swollen belly exploded with a bang, spewing out a lot of little spiders, running around all over the ground! Looking back now, my scalp feels numb!"

(End of this chapter)

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