Great Power Technology.

Chapter 83 Don't Say Dirty Chapters

Chapter 83 Don't Say Dirty Words
After talking about the contract with everyone in Huaji, Ye Zhou continued to communicate about the future decision-making matters, explaining that all the decision-making power of ordinary affairs was delegated to the CFO, and he was only responsible for strategic-level decision-making.

Everyone expressed their understanding of this. After all, with Ye Zhou's current status, it is indeed impossible to restrict him to the daily affairs of micro-fusion.

After the meeting ended, Ye Zhou left Micro Fusion directly.

The simulation process of the dragon's heart in the simulator has been delayed for a long time, and his mind programming has just started. He intends to use the time when the institute has not yet been established and chip manufacturing-related affairs are basically closed to complete his own mind programming. , enter the simulator as soon as possible to simulate.

In this way, when the research institute is completed, it is also the time when he can come up with new technologies for theoretical optimization and research and development.

And after he left, Micro Fusion immediately started the tense contract signing work.

Microfusion at this moment is the epitome of all companies in the domestic chip industry chain. After confirming the authenticity of Zhiwei lithography machines, these companies have begun to expand regardless of cost.

Their purpose is only one, and that is to use the power of Zhiwei to eat away the resources and talents of overseas companies as much as possible.

This is not such a noble act. For business managers, what they want to do is not to win glory or contribute to the country, but to consider the interests of businessmen and do the most correct thing they should do. s Choice.

However, such behavior does not conflict with larger interests.

The development of the chip industry has reached the most perfect balance of interests at this point in time.

Enterprises want to make money, and officials want to gain a strategic advantage. The demands of both parties are unprecedentedly unified. These business owners find that many of their usual complicated and cumbersome processes have been omitted, and it can even be said that they have given the green light all the way.

That is, with such covert support, all the personnel in the international chip industry in China have realized an amazing fact:

Their movements are already fast, but compared with these wolves who have been starving for more than ten years and are about to go crazy, they seem so slow.

At the gate of Qingchuan Chip Design Co., Ltd., a sweaty man was squatting on the steps and smoking a cigarette decadently.

He is one of the few remaining salesmen of Synopsys in China. His name is Xu Ziwen. Just now, he confidently approached the general manager of Qingchuan Company with the signed contract. He thought he could sign the contract smoothly. , but was unexpectedly informed that Qingchuan Company had already signed a contract with Micro Fusion.

He recalled what the general manager of Qingchuan Company said to him in his mind.

"Ziwen, I know that the price you give is very favorable, and your products are also very useful, but to tell you the truth, you can't beat microfusion."

"What kind of company is Micro Fusion? That's from Conghua Keji!"

"In a price war, can you beat them? In speed, can you beat them?"

"Our purchase intention for Micro Fusion was submitted yesterday. At seven o'clock this morning, their account manager was standing by my door waiting to sign a contract."

"To be honest, I didn't want to sign at the time. After all, I had an intention with you first! But, he is very sincere."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about sincerity in price—of course their prices are also very sincere, which is undeniable. But more importantly, they really treat small customers like us as masters."

"When did your company come to us and wait? Oh, maybe it did, but at most it was half an hour earlier, right?"

"What about them? I arrived at 6:9, their account manager arrived at [-]:[-], and our working hours are [-]:[-]."

"Think about it for yourself. With your products, if something goes wrong, I need to wait until 9:10 or even [-]:[-]. If they do, I don't have to wait at all."

"Who do you think I should choose?"

At that time, Xu Ziwen wanted to struggle again, so he raised the issue of intentional breach of contract compensation to the other party, but unexpectedly, this question immediately aroused the anger of the other party.

"Intention to breach the contract? Hehe, I'll give you a compensation, isn't it just 3%? The total is only more than 30. Are you short of more than 30? Are we short of more than 30? The letter of intent is not a contract, and it has to be deducted." Liquidated damages really belong to you.”

"That's really interesting. Do you know what Micro Fusion said? They paid in full for the losses caused by our breach of contract with Synopsys. Did you hear me clearly? It's full payment, not deducted from the contract amount!"

"I think you have been in a foreign company for a long time, and you don't understand the way we Chinese people do business at all."

"Business is about satisfying both parties. If you threaten liquidated damages at every turn, who will be satisfied?"

"Yes, you used to have the technology, so it's no problem to follow your way. But do you think it's still the same now?"

"Let me tell you, starting today, as long as you are in China, you have to follow our rules!"

As if the other party's words were still ringing in his ears, Xu Ziwen sighed, stood up and got in his own car, ready to return to the company.

In fact, according to his level, this car should not have been allowed for him to use, but today there are too many account managers leaving Synopsys China, and more than half of the high-level people have left, so he was upgraded and got a special car.

In the beginning, vanity did satisfy him for a long time, but after a few days of business, he seemed to gradually understand the reason why those seniors left.

I really can't go on.

He took out his mobile phone, called his foreign supervisor, and reported the situation to the other party. He thought that the other party had already understood the situation and would understand his efforts, but he didn't expect that what he waited for was only angrily cursing .

"Why didn't you go earlier? Why did you have to wait until they went to work? Don't you know what time it is now? Do you think we can still rest on the dividends of technology without any worries?"

"I upgraded you to let you take on more responsibilities, to make you work harder, not for charity!"

"Let me tell you, the easy days are gone! You have to work as hard as they do! They work overtime, and you work overtime! They get up early, and you have to get up early!"

The other party's words were mixed with a bunch of English swear words, Xu Ziwen frowned when he heard it, but at the same time he was a little stunned.

It turned out that this is the case.

It turns out that the reason why Huaji, Micro Fusion, and even domestic companies have to work so hard, in the final analysis, is because the technology in the past is not as good as others.

That's right, skills are not as good as people, so I can only work hard.

You can only use time and pay beyond the normal range to fight for the slightest chance.

It's ridiculous. Before, I thought it was because the leaders of foreign companies were more humane, and I thought it was because foreign laws were more sound.

Ha ha.

It turned out that everything was just for profit.

When they lost the opportunity to make money while lying down, these so-called human natures were immediately lost, and the whips in their hands immediately began to wave.

The foreign supervisor on the phone was still cursing endlessly, and Xu Ziwen suddenly felt angry.

Damn it, I don't seem to owe you anything, do I?

Yes, the salary of Synopsys is high, but it is also based on the fact that I can create benefits.

It's all a contract relationship, what kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be?
Thinking of this, his impulse became more and more uncontrollable.

When the word "FXXK" rang again on the phone, he slammed his fist on the steering wheel, and then roared into the phone:
"I'm qnmlgp! I won't serve you anymore! Don't do it! If you curse one more word, I will immediately buy a plane ticket to go to your ugly country's old home and kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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