Great Power Technology.

Chapter 84 What Are We For?

Chapter 84 What Are We For?

Synopsys' resignation wave soon caused a more serious chain reaction. By this time, the decline of various Western manufacturers' branches in China had completely surfaced, not only in terms of personnel, but also in terms of supply chain. Something went wrong.

The supplier of the office building proposed an advance payment requirement on the grounds that they were in danger of bankruptcy and had to pay back in advance.

The office equipment provider is no longer responding quickly to their requests, the printer has been broken for 5 days and still no one has come to fix it.

The representative of Synopsys in China made a phone call to the other party's company, but the other party's reply made him unable to answer the call at all.

"Sir, we understand your appeal very well, but you know, our company's business is very busy recently, and we can only postpone the processing of some less important customers."

".We are not that important customers? That's not how you treated us before!"

"Before was before, now is now. Sir, with all due respect, there is not much time for you to stay in Huaxia, not to mention that I heard that you have no contract at all, so what does it matter if the printer is repaired or not?"

"I'm going to sue you!"

The representative scolded angrily.

"This is your right. However, our maintenance SLA is 15 days, that is to say, as long as we come to repair within 15 days, it will not be considered a breach of contract. I just have a question, your company, still Can it last until day 15?"


The representative hung up the phone angrily, and he circled around. The office that was originally full was almost half empty, and the rest of the people were already ready to move.

This is the reality he has to face.

This company really can't survive.

At least, their business in China has completely collapsed, and there is no longer any possibility of reversal.

On the other hand, for several days, Ye Zhou has been nervously writing his thinking program framework on his computer, but he is not using computer language, but natural language.

After all, thinking programming does not need to be compiled, as long as the logic is clearly described, and then it can be operated in the subconscious sea of ​​strings.

This saved him a lot of time, but it also brought new troubles.

There is no way to verify the program framework written in natural language.

Only when you actually enter the simulation, can you correct the program according to the simulation results.

It's going to be a long job, but luckily, he still has time.

After a busy morning, Ye Zhou finally put down his keyboard and prepared to cook something for lunch, but unexpectedly, Chen Hao arranged a surprise for him.

In other words, scares are more appropriate.

It was an official media interview.

"You can just say a few words. After all, you have done such a big thing, you have to accept an official and summarize it. Originally, out of your protection, the superiors did not allow you to show your face, but I thought about it. After all, the deal is done. , the threat to you from abroad has been greatly reduced."

"So, I applied to the above, let you make this statement! Young people, don't be timid, since we all said yes, then do it with confidence and boldness!"

In desperation, Ye Zhou had no choice but to rush the ducks to the shelves and prepare for a few minutes before sitting in front of the camera to be interviewed.

The person who interviewed him was a beautiful woman who has recently become popular among state media reporters. Every time he saw her on TV, Ye Zhou felt his heart was icy.

After a few simple greetings, Bingbing brought the topic to the point in a well-trained manner and started the formal interview.

She should have communicated with Chen Hao in advance, so the question did not involve technical sources or confidential information, which made Ye Zhou heave a sigh of relief.

"Hi Gong Ye, I'm Bing Bing. It's a great honor to meet you for the first time today. To be honest, I'm not used to calling you Gong Ye, because if it was before, the person sitting opposite me would I always want to be called 'Xiao Lao'."

Ye Zhou smiled and replied:
"Then you can call me Ye Xiao, or Xiao Ye."

"Haha, you are indeed a young man. You are very humorous. But let me call you Ye Gong. It is also a kind of respect to call you a person's profession."

"No problem, then I'll call you Reporter Wang too."

"You can call me Bingbing, that's what they call me, that's what you young people call you. But speaking of young people, you are indeed the best group of young people I have ever seen in my career as a reporter, University How does it feel to be the leader of the country's strategic projects at the age of just graduating?"

Ye Zhou pondered for a moment, then replied:
"It's exhausting, but it's worth it."

"Of course it's very tiring, I can understand it. Before coming here, we visited the Spark Factory in Miyagi Prefecture. The conditions there are very simple. You have been working under such conditions for more than a month. Isn't it difficult? "

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"It's not difficult. The physical difficulties are the least important. In fact, most of the real difficulties occurred before the completion of the factory. Besides, I should be the one who is relatively relaxed among all people."

"Why do you think so? Can you give me a few examples? As far as I know, the colleagues who have worked with you have different ideas from yours—in their eyes, you are the most The busy one. When I was at the Starfire factory, I heard you sometimes even worked 18 hours a day."

Ye Zhou was taken aback for a moment.

What Bingbing said is indeed true, because he is the only person who can fully inspect the installation process of the lithography machine, so all installation reports and test reports need to be reviewed by him, plus the already extremely high-intensity work of other people , Feedback to him, it is necessary to increase the size again.

However, from another perspective, it was true that he didn't feel how difficult he was.

After thinking for a moment, he replied:

"I was really busy at the time, but I didn't find it difficult. There are two reasons. The first is that when I was working, other people were also working, and no one had an easier time than the other."

"The second is that I didn't bear the pressure of other staff. They didn't know whether they would succeed from the beginning to the end. Even some peripheral staff didn't know what they were doing, but together After the order was issued, they still rushed up."

"It's already hard to do it with all your strength when faced with a task for which you don't know the outcome; if you don't even know what the task is, that's the real difficulty."

Bingbing on the opposite side sighed with emotion, and then continued to ask:
"What about you? Why do you know that we will succeed this time?"

"I don't know either, I just don't care."

"I don't know, and I don't care?"

"The manufacture of chips is a complex system engineering, which not only includes lithography machines, but also involves many upstream and downstream links. Even if we have sufficient theoretical preparations, there is actually an element of luck in the first-time success. But , I don’t care at all whether we can succeed this time, what I care about is that sooner or later, we will be able to do it. Do you understand that?”

"It's understandable. You have a strong self-confidence. This kind of self-confidence is not for you personally, but for the entire Huaxia, right?"


"Then may I ask, where does such self-confidence come from?"

Bingbing looked at Ye Zhou expectantly. In her expectation, Ye Zhou should answer questions such as "5000 years of cultural heritage", "strong people", and "wise leadership". The highlight of this interview.

But she didn't expect that Ye Zhou's answer was not what he expected.

"Because they don't deserve it."


Bingbing asked in surprise.

"You know, it's a bit inaccurate to say that, but I still hope it gets aired. Those Westerners, they don't deserve it."

"Their character has never been noble, not even for a minute. The so-called high-quality illusion is actually based on the right to speak built on a rich material foundation."

"They advocate concepts like freedom, human rights, etc., but they never really pay attention to the lives of the bottom people."

"They meddle in other people's family affairs everywhere, but they can't even manage a bunch of messy things in their own family."

"Not to mention certain countries that are controlled by plutocrats."

"Because they are unworthy, they are confident that these strategic technologies and technologies that will completely change the destiny of mankind in the future should not and cannot be in their hands."

"We may be slow, but in the end, the right to speak will return to our hands."

"This is where my confidence comes from. When you look around the world and see that everyone else is not worthy, you should know that you are the only one who is worthy."


Not only Bingbing, but also the staff members who were discussing quietly outside fell silent.

Everyone was thinking about Ye Zhou's argument.

Because others are not worthy, all, only we are worthy.

This thinking is deviant, but it cannot be refuted at all.

After a long time, Bingbing continued to speak:
"This point of view is very impactful. Then, following your words, I have another question. You said that we are the ones who should master these strategic technologies. Have you ever thought that after mastering them, we should use What does it do?"

Ye Zhou took a breath, and then asked:

"Do you know how much the cheapest smartphone on the market that can log in to WeChat and use video calls smoothly costs?"

"Eh, a thousand?"

"Wrong. Up to 300 yuan. But, you know what? It's [-] yuan. In our vast rural areas, most families can't afford it or are reluctant to pay it."

"Most of these people who can't afford a smartphone are the left-behind elderly or widowed elderly in rural areas. Their children either don't have enough money, or they really don't want to part with the 300 yuan. In short, they won't buy it for them. .”

"At most, they will use an old machine."

"They have never had the opportunity to be exposed to the latest technology in their entire lives - they have survived the most difficult days for decades and still cannot enjoy the benefits of technology."

"You are a good reporter, and you have done many programs on people's livelihood, but I bet you have never seen the envious eyes of old people in rural areas when they look at other young people using their smartphones to make video calls with others."

"Because these elderly people have already learned to hide their emotions well."

"For a 300 yuan smartphone, the price of the chip is about 20-30 yuan. But if the chip industry is fully localized, the price can even drop to less than 5 yuan."

"Then, the price of a mobile phone that costs 300 yuan is reduced to 280. The difference of 20 yuan can make thousands of children buy a mobile phone with video Smartphones for calls, this is the law of the market.”

"This is just a simple example. Similarly, if the price of the screen is lowered, if the price of the camera is lowered, if the price of the battery is lowered, more elderly people will be able to watch a movie on the Internet on a lonely night. Look at the faces of your children."

"In other aspects, someone is doing it. What I am doing is just chips. I just do my part from a certain aspect."

"So you ask me, what do you want to do with these strategic levels of technology."

"I won't answer you to fight for hegemony and dominate the fate of mankind. Our organization was not established for this purpose."

"What we want to do is to make our people live better in a possibly extremely small range."

 I originally wanted to save this chapter for posting tomorrow, but after finishing writing, I felt that I had to post it, otherwise it would be uncomfortable.

  So, it's still posted today.

  This chapter is a formal ending of the chip plot, similar to the end of a dungeon, but it does not mean that there will be no chip plot later, because the process of global management revolves around the chip.

  Including this chapter, a total of 1 updates have been updated today, which is interesting enough.

  After that, it will be updated normally, [-] per day, otherwise I will die suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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