I really want a good help

Chapter 113 The respective trump card

Chapter 113 The respective trump card

Single kill is not terrible, whoever has the advantage is embarrassed.

Jess, a recognized top laner, saw Jess and directly defaulted to the top lane to resist the pressure.

There are four skills at the first level, and eight skills at the third level.

Still leading by one head, was single-killed!

The audience said everything, some people said that Ray was the ghost of Team Yidi.

Some people say that zs once again proved his personal ability.

Some people also said that this ray probably played a match-fixing match, how could a professional player be able to do this.

There are various opinions, and the only thing that remains the same is that the top laner jumps over the tower and kills, and it is even useless to dodge.

Although Jess has tp, the pawn line loss is still heavy. Without artillery pawns, the defense tower has two swords and one long-range pawn.

Jess's heart was bleeding, and what was even more unacceptable was the ease and comfort of this wave of solo kills.

From the beginning of the line, it is methodical and understated.

He clearly knew that his blood volume was not safe, but he still couldn't leave, because as long as he could make a set first, Jess could fight back.

However, in the face of the risk of anti-killing, the opponent's skill hides so comfortably and confidently, just a small sliding step in the shortest distance.

The pursuit is not to hide skills, but the fastest single kill.

Ray has already started to break out in a cold sweat. After this fight, I don't know how many people on the Internet will say that he is an actor.

Can't even beat the first blood, will you play?
When Jess tp went online, I found it even more painful.

Because after killing people, Lucian resisted the line of soldiers, which made the line of soldiers go slower.

This wave line is still a push line.

The little soldiers under the tower also got a long-range shot, and the line of soldiers had to go back.

How do you play when this soldier line goes back?

When Lucian came back again, the line of soldiers had already started to push back, and the second round of torture began again.

Sai Wen originally agreed to come to the road to catch, but there is no way, you have been suppressed to such a blood volume, and the pig girl can completely replace the pig girl when Lu Xian cooperates with a large number of soldiers.

This jungler went to gank and was replaced, which may not be a big deal in the passerby game, but in professional games, it is almost declared gg.

It's just that Saiwen didn't expect that he would be solo killed within 5 minutes after taking first blood.

If it hadn't been for his good temper these past few years, Sai Wen would definitely come up with a few classic words, what kind of career do you do with such a dish, go home and grow cabbage.

What a joke?

Lucian, the top laner, can slowly rise to level six with a little control of the pawn line.

Before the sixth level, Jess could still smell a little experience, but after the sixth level, it seemed that the other party didn't even let him smell the experience.

At the sixth level of the card, a flat A is followed by a sliding step. After A fires a bullet, then a W flashes to Jess's face.

Another bullet followed by Q!

Jess flashed decisively to distance himself, and Chen Mo's Lucian immediately made a big move, but the other party didn't flash at this time.

The big move to wash your face can only rely on walking, and no matter where you go, Chen Mo can follow the changing dance steps, the bullets are consistent, and all the bullets are poured on Jess's face.

And Jess kept trying to move and pull, but he still couldn't get out of the range of the bullet.

Because Chen Mo produced a pair of shoes, and at the same time, he also increased his movement speed by 5.00% through the potion.

Straw sandals with potion, the movement speed is too much ahead, and the acceleration of Jess' transformation can't be accelerated, how to play?
Before all the bullets were fired, Jess died again!
Level seven beats level four!Jace was another corpse.

Full screen 666!

"This Lucian, is this Kjess?" Ray couldn't help cursing.

"I think it's the id on the opposite side who beat you." Seven shook his head, feeling a bit of bitterness. This game is boring.

Take a look at the gap in top lane, 47 to [-].

More than double the pressure!
The audience in the audience finally couldn't help cursing, and the fans of the Yidi team couldn't take it anymore.

"Are you sorry for us, are you right for us to fight like this, Geneva, refund the money!" Someone shouted!
"This Jess is playing with snake skin, and he won't be beaten into such a virtue if he catches anyone casually."

"Simply, I wasn't that good when I was an actor."

It's okay if the situation operation can't beat it, the line is exploded like this, they can't bear it.

Because they had never seen Chen Mo in the top lane, their expectations for Chen Mo's top lane were very low at first.

As a result, he was slapped in the face with a skateboard shoe, and then he thought that the hero of the skateboard shoe might be his unique skill, so he took it by surprise.

This Lucian should be normal. Unexpectedly, the game time was 6 minutes, and he got two solo kills.

The time was not too much, just stuck at 6 minutes, and the sound of a solo kill was heard in the middle, and it was upgraded to six.

Already had two solo kills on the road?
Lucky is already too high, I have General Chen Mo, who can change my life against the sky!

One person can not only undertake the suppression of shai on the road, but also play the role of adc in team battles.

Wonderful, wonderful!
In the true sense of the word, the good news is frequent, and the clockwork in the middle lane can be played easily and without pressure.

What Lucky is most afraid of is psychological pressure. Chen Mo knows this very well. As long as other roads can be stabilized, you can always trust Song Yang.

But once there is a problem with other roads, he will be anxious. Although the operation is still gorgeous, he can't calm down when analyzing and judging the situation.

This is also the reason why Chen Mo has to be serious about killing. Lucky can't use [-]% of his strength if he doesn't kill the opponent.

After two solo kills, going up the road and threading the line has become inevitable.

Seven had to put his thoughts on the bot lane, and finally waited until Zoe also reached six, so he quickly came to the bot lane with four packs and two.

And Clockwork didn’t choose to support the bot lane, let’s figure out a way for the bot lane, if you can survive, you can live, if you can’t survive, there’s nothing you can do, Clockwork is still relatively weak in the early stage, and it’s easy to break the rhythm.

So Clockwork chose to go on the road to help Lucian expand another wave of advantages.

It is an inevitable choice to help the good or not to help the bad.

Bottom lane laning, this round is worse than the last round, the opponent knows your depth, and fights more fiercely.

It was also a lane change, and Shen and Morgana had a miserable time in the bottom lane, and they were doubled.

When Lucian was on the road, he was in a hurry. Not only did he have a great advantage, but he also got more resources to help.

The troll climbed up with clockwork, and Jess was full of blood and had to wait for death under the tower, unless he hid directly behind the second tower.

However, it is obvious that hiding like this is unplayable. Even if there is a one-tenth probability that the opponent does not come, a Jess still has a kiss experience.

However, he lost the bet again.

In professional games, once a point becomes a breakthrough, it will always be taken care of.

A wound must be torn to death, let a small wound turn into a big wound, and finally tetanus will kill you.

Jace, died for the third time.

This game has little to do with him, so he also wants to understand.

I remember that in the passerby game, there was a kind of Jess's style of play, which seemed to be out of the sun.

This round is really useless, why don't you use Sun Yanjies to help the ad resist some damage?

The four packs and two packs in the bottom lane were also successful, and the heads were all given to Da Zui.

With no pressure to make up the knife, Dazui currently has zero missing swords. If there are no missed swords, and two more heads, the growth rate is quite amazing.

This reassures Yubao a lot, I want to take advantage of the hero in this round!

No matter how badly your Lucian's operation is, the damage of the same equipment is not as good as that of Big Mouth, and the percentage of magic damage is increased by one or two hundred yards, which is not for viewing.

When I grow up, I will spit you all to death!

In this game, I can only rely on Yubao to counterattack.

After four packs and two packs, the two in the bottom lane pushed a wave of defensive towers hard.

Eight minutes ago, the defensive tower was just a piece of paper. Once it was four-packed and two-packed, the one-blood tower would almost certainly be taken down by Dazui.

Lucian, the top laner, no matter how great the advantage is, there was no Canyon Herald to push you 8 minutes ago, and the armor resistance of the defense tower on the top lane made Lucian lead his troops and not move.

Therefore, after 8 minutes of game time, Dazui won the blood tower and got 600 yuan again. With two heads, although the experience is not as good as the top order, but economically, Dazui has surpassed Lu Xian!

Now it seems that the key to victory lies in the hands of their respective aces.

ps: I had my wisdom teeth pulled out today, and now it hurts to drink water. I didn’t eat for a day, so I drank some porridge. The update is slightly less, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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