I really want a good help

Chapter 114 Final Victory

Chapter 114 Final Victory
Yubao has been smooth since he lost alignment with zs.

The hands are no longer sore, the eyes are no longer hurt, and the hit rate of skills is much higher.

However, he knew that this was not his problem, but his opponent's problem.

If the opponent moves higher, the hit rate of the skill will drop, and if the opponent has stronger laning suppression, then he will have fewer make-ups.

Whether you can carry is not necessarily because you are strong, it may also be because your opponent is weak.

Just like the lpl team, once they reach the secondary league, they will kill randomly.

Yu Bao changed his opponent, which is also a random killing.

However, this also illustrates a very serious problem.

That's when he left Lan Bao, and it was when his real strength came into play.

His strength is actually so strong?
Without support to hold back, directly playing a top Korean top laner like ray makes it impossible to match up.

Terrible, luckily not in my lane.

He clearly knows that he can win all kinds of top bot lane combinations only with the cooperation of top support.

If the support level is the same, his winning rate will definitely drop a lot.

But this game is like this, and support is also part of strength.

You can't find a good assistant, blame me?
And on the road, it is really miserable now, it smells sad, and those who see it cry.

Jess was dying and began to produce flesh, but he still couldn't match the line.

He could only shrink under the tower, trembling.

The game time is only seven and a half minutes.

But fortunately, Lucian's condition is gone.

In order to push more lines and consume more, Chen Mo's Lucian basically wiped out his mana.

And the three biscuits were all eaten.

Ray seems to have seen the taste of experience and economy, it's ready to eat!

It was too difficult, Jess looked at the red crystal and two long swords on his body and fell into deep thought.

Lucian was out of sight and finally able to eat meat.

Very good!
It only takes a simple calculation to know that Lucian needs eight seconds to go back, and then walks back again, and it takes 25 seconds at the fastest.

Therefore, I have almost 33 seconds to eat soldiers.

Be optimistic about the time in the upper right corner. After 30 seconds, you must retreat in a straight line.

Ray has calculated everything, this is the instinct of a professional player, the instinct to resist pressure!

However, ten seconds later, a Lucian came back from the river.

It seems to be saying to myself, hey, are you surprised or not?


Ray has already been knocked out, how did his condition recover so much?

Therefore, you must be calm when playing games, and you must not lose your mind.

Who said that returning blood and blue must go home?
Did you know that since s7, there is something called candied fruit on the map?

A click, there are six pieces of pulp.

Chen Mo seemed to be on his way back, but in fact he just went to the river to find some fruit to eat.

This smell is too positive.

However, Jess thought that Chen Mo was returning home. This poor information directly led to Jess Q hammering on the long-range minions.

If I want to retreat now, there is no place to retreat.

Ping A starts, takes wAAqaa, waits to be hammered away by Jess, and once again baptized with the holy gun, the ultimate move is full.

Jess, was single-killed again!
Ray, has been autistic.

He felt that he no longer knew how to play this game.

The feeling of being in prison that I have never experienced before, and the bitter taste spread in my mouth.

If he loses this game, he must be an absolute blame man.

As for the bottom road, you can't switch up again. No one wants to learn the lesson learned by the top laner a second time.

You can't fight even if you come up, so why come up?
If he kills two sheep with one tiger again, will this game still be played?
"This Jess is really miserable. I can feel his despair."

"Actually, I really don't blame Ray, who made this wave change, it was Shuizi who commanded it."

"Jess: play hairy, 15!"

This kind of suppression at the level of quitting Internet addiction, passers-by might just hang up and quit the game when encountering it.

But the competition can't, and the players' psychology is not so fragile, they still have a chance.

Dazui's economy is such an advantage that he became the team's darling in the next period of time.

All kinds of resources are full, and all are given to the development of Dazui.

Team fight to protect Dazui!

Use this rhythm to compete with Lucian with your big mouth.

Lucian's rhythm is also terrifying. After Shen Youda, he became even more arrogant, daring to hit anyone in the face.

How to say Shen, he is also a player who has won the s championship. Even if his operation is a little bit worse now, it is still quite essential to play Shen to give a big opportunity.

Every time you give a big time, it is very important to land and you will definitely be able to give ridicule.

In this way, the opponent is very afraid.

The current Lucian is still of the dilapidated and black-cut genre.

Because of Lucian's characteristics of six shots or even eight shots per second, he can trigger the rundown at the maximum frequency.

The same is true for black cutting, the fastest speed to hit all broken armor penetration percentages, the damage is naturally high.

Then it can be matched with the damage enhancement of the strong attack, whether it is hitting crispy skin or meat, the effect is good.

One disadvantage is that it is very slow to hit giant meat, no matter how you break armor, it is still incomparable with the percentage damage.

Another disadvantage is the problem of too short hands.

The damage is high, but in the later stage, when you face long hands and can't touch anyone, if you dare to go up, you will be given a second in an instant.

The hero Lucian has been popular for many years since it was developed.

Every year, it becomes too hot, but the number of blame is not usually too many.

From s4 onwards, a good round was sent away because of a hook, and then all kinds of Lucian picked and didn't win. He only had superficial advantages, which made people distrust this hero even more.

Although Lucian played very fat and boasted a lot in this round, most people still prefer Dazui's late-game ability.

No hero can resist the spray of the big mouth, and the gold content of the percentage damage is quite terrifying.

However, Lucian and Dazui haven't met each other so far. As the core of the team, both sides are well protected, and both sides have quite accurate information on each other's position judgment.

This allowed the c positions on both sides to develop their own core equipment.

Chen Mo is not in a hurry, this team not only has himself, but also a clockwork.

Moreover, his real advantage lies in the fact that his level is still much ahead.

Although the opponent's big mouth is fat, there are always people following him to protect him, so he can't keep up with him in terms of experience.

Lucian demolished a tower on the road in 9 minutes, but it was still not a blood tower.

But since the opposite side doesn't come, it can threaten the second tower.

Chen Mo boldly brought the line of soldiers to the second tower, and began to wear down the blood volume of the second tower.

Then summon teammates to approach as bodyguards, and a Shen who can fly on the road at any time.

Such Lucian, even if it seems that only one person is demolishing the second tower, in the eyes of the Yidi team, it seems that there are thousands of troops behind him.

Therefore, the second tower is also allowed.

As long as Dazui can develop to make his own sheep knife hurricane, there is nothing to be afraid of.

After pushing down the second tower, there is really no way to go deeper.

There is only so much a top laner Lucian can do.

If you go deeper, you will be giving away the head.

The next thing to do is to turn your own advantages into the team's advantages.

This game, no matter how well one person plays, ultimately cannot be separated from the team.

If teammates have no advantage, no matter how great your own advantage is, it will be in vain.

So, Chen Mo then went home to change lanes, and went to dismantle the defensive towers on the road.

Given the team economy, teammates have never dared to stay away from Lucian, and they must give him enough protection.

The same is true for Dazui, wherever he goes, there are at least two bodyguards by his side.

Which side of the adc can't afford to lose.

When Chen Mo discovered this, he quickly asked his teammates to play the vanguard.

I am alone in the bottom lane, if there are only two people on the opposite side, I can still handle it.

Zoe's skills can be dodged, and Jace has almost no damage.

As for the Pioneer Group, Dazui could only walk there, and Chen Mo could tp at any time.

Destroy the defense tower, watch the timing, tp headed to the battlefield, and once again played two for two with the opponent.

Lu Xi'an took two more heads, and Dazui took two more, and Chen Mo's aggressive perfect output also put himself in a dangerous position. The heads were taken by Dazui, and Dazui got 500 yuan!

The c positions on both sides are fat.

Chen Mo is currently leading the ranks, and Dazui waits for his strong period, and waits for another 10 minutes before Dazui will be able to block the attack distance and kill.

The time Lucian slid over, maybe his blood was already gone.

Therefore, what Dazui should be careful about is Lucian's ultimate move and flash.

Once flashed close to the face, six shots per second, Big Mouth is also instantly killed.

The Xtreme team took the vanguard, and the rhythm accelerated.

Put it in the middle, and then push two defensive towers.

"The other side is starting to get anxious, let's just keep procrastinating." Yu Bao said confidently.

Although all six defensive towers were lost, Yubao was still confident, because he got killed in every round of team battles.

With your own equipment, you should be able to have a three-piece set in about 10 minutes.

As for Chen Mo's Lu Xi'an, he had already won the black cut and the yellow cross in 7 minutes, and the third piece was the artillery!

It's normal for Extreme Team to be anxious. Lineup economics is not dangerous. Otherwise, what's the point of the early lineup and the late lineup?
Many heroes are destined to be stronger in the later stage, and Yubao is also very strong. He has not been caught playing Dazui so far. With various key first-hand skills, even if he is squatting in the grass, he can react in a flash and dodge .

This amazing reaction speed was also praised by the commentator, and the number of successes was so many that it was impossible to doubt that he relied on luck.

It seems that the extreme team has an advantage, but the economy is only ahead of more than 3000, because Shen's development space is too low.

There are no threads he can eat everywhere, and he and Morgana are basically dual support.

As the game time continued, after 25 minutes, the Yidi team gradually became stronger.

As long as the fort of Dazui is safe, it will advance all the way, and anyone who gets close will be shot to death.

Yubao is also very competitive, he has a good grasp of Dazui's attack distance, and he will never waste any extra mouthful.

At present, Dazui's record is six bars and zero, and Lucian's record is eight bars and one.

But on the side of the Yidi team, the horn of counterattack began to sound.

In 5 minutes, six defensive towers were reversed continuously.

Pull the economies of the two sides into the gap again to less than one thousand!
"It's too bad, although Lucian is also fat, but the output in the later stage is still not comparable to Big Mouth."

"No, Yubao is about to take off."

"It feels like this is Lucian's solo show, but the final winner should still be Emperor Yi."

The audience has gradually discovered the strength of Big Mouth. How can someone spit out a few mouthfuls before they lose blood? The development of this hero is really outrageous.

And Jess has also become a joke. As the first Sun Yan Jess in the game, his role is no longer poke.

It is to help teammates resist damage, but it seems that a piece of meat suit may not be able to resist.

It can't be said that the Xtreme team has no chance when they see the fat mouth of the sky. With a Jess with a sun flame and two long swords, maybe the team battle still has a chance to turn the tide.

The game time was 31 minutes, and Chen Mo had already become the first level [-] hero on the field.

The Yidi team, relying on Zoe's hypnotic bubbles, once again caught the eye troll.

Then wrap it and kill it!
Then take down the dragon!
With the big dragon in his hands, Gu Yao felt a heart-wrenching feeling. Without trolls, Team Xtreme would have to let go of the big dragon, and as a jungler, it was impossible not to ward off.

Therefore, under Zoe's magical bubble, the troll did not hide, and naturally became the blame man who lost the dragon.

Lemon was very annoyed, why didn't she know how to go a bit more.

Mistakes are fine at any time, but mistakes in life and death are really fatal.

The Wing Emperor team took down the big dragon, and the horn of counterattack immediately sounded.

The whole team advances towards the middle!

The most troublesome thing about the baron buff is that you have to waste a lot of skills to clear the minions buffed by the baron buff.

This skill will lead to inability to cd all of them when receiving a group.

This is the reason why the big dragon buff group is so difficult to pick up.

But lucky saw another point, the dragon buff's minions are too bright, and my clockwork ball is not obvious.

Perhaps, the big dragon buff is not just completely beneficial to the Yidi team.

Lucky started hiding the ball, first hiding the ball in the wall.

Then the various skills of the teammates were thrown out, distracting the opponent's attention.

As long as one or two people are out of focus, it's fine.

The ball is in tons of minions, and with Morgana's w skill, the troll rushes forward.

The opponent has a short attention span and is not on the ball!
It's now!

Clockwork's sudden big move, the moment the opponent focuses on the troll!

Although Chen Mo's Lu Xian is a top laner and the AD of this team, what he wants to do now is to be an assassin.

Chen Mo outflanked him from the side. He didn't need the help of his teammates. He was alone, ready to become a catastrophe for the crispy opponent!
And this sudden shock wave caught the opponent by surprise. Yubao is very strong, and his reaction speed is among the top three in the league.

Even with such a well-hidden shock wave, he was still dodged by his flash reaction.

After Chen Mo went around, he directly used a big move to kill Jess, which was no different from killing a cannon.

But it also exposed her position, Zoe relied on the push stick she picked up, qrq push stick followed by a round to tie A, and directly disabled Lucian!

However, Lucian's level is very high, and it is still impossible to kill him instantly.

And Big Mouth was frantically outputting his teammates, and Shen had already given a big move to the troll, but he still couldn't save him.

The troll evaporated, Dazui output while retreating, and gradually approached the wall of f4.

At this time, Chen Mo had already come behind him. At this time, Lu Xian only had more than 100 HP on his body. As long as Dazui turned his head and pointed at him, Lu Xian would die in battle.

But Chen Mo knew that he didn't have his own vision, otherwise, the r skill would have been thrown over.

So, here is my only chance.

Chen Mo stood at f4, separated from Dazui by a wall and a bush.

If he wanted to survive and kill Dazui who was full of blood, there was only one way. While doing full damage, he was fast enough so that the opponent couldn't touch him.

But can it be done?
"Lu Xi'an was disabled, but why didn't he leave? If Lu Xi'an dies here, the Yidi team will break the road." Wang Deji shouted, looking at such an interesting team, if they fall here, they can't enter. It's really a pity for the finals.

I saw that Chen Mo's Lu Xian moved, relying on the advantage of vision to attack first!
A shoots a shot, and then immediately uses the sliding step to slide out from the wall on the right of f4, and then connects A to Q skills.

When the last two rounds were tied, Da Zui finally turned around and hit a flat A.

However, the combination of these four shots and the ruined blood sucking caused Chen Mo to take another sip. The amount of blood that could be killed with one shot became two.


Six shots per second!
From birth to death, Dazui only made an A once, and this time, he couldn't even kill Lucian!


"Fuck, what is this operation?"

"Damn it, Dazui is just like that?"

"It's horrible, is it really so silky, what a fast gun!"

Many spectators were scared away from the things in their hands. How dare he, walking around alone, his mouth full of blood in seconds, is this a person?
Cheers, shock, incredible, countless emotions linger in the hearts of the audience, the impact brought by this scene is simply nuclear explosion level.


The hope of the entire village of the Yidi team is only such a big mouth. If the big mouth is dead, the rest of the people will not have the ability to resist.

Clockwork is still alive, Shen is still alive.

Although Lucian has temporarily lost his combat power, he can suck blood back if he just points at A soldiers.

If he is alive, it means that Xtreme Team still has the ability to push towers.

Lu Xi'an sucked blood from the A soldiers behind him, and the others chased him crazily. The Yidi team without a big mouth was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. They could only run and were not qualified to fight back.

They were killed one by one, and with the sound of ace, everything turned into nothingness!
I can't stop it!

Ultimate Team is going to win!
With Lucian and Clockwork, the tower demolition is too fast!
Chen Mo directly tp to the vicinity of the high ground on the road, and the pawn line here naturally pushed over, and Chen Mo broke through the high ground as quickly as possible.

Teammates come directly from the middle, ignore the high ground towers, and cooperate with the minions to output the defensive towers with all their strength.

When the members of the Yidi team are resurrected, no matter what the hail of bullets, they will not be able to stop this group of crazy A crystals, because they are going to win!
The BO5 game of life and death, the final curtain call, and the final victory belong to the Xtreme team!
"Let's congratulate Xtreme Team for winning the final victory!" Wang Deji shouted hysterically. This is the most exciting BO5 he has ever explained!
(End of this chapter)

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