I really want a good help

Chapter 112 Level 4 Tower Jump

Chapter 112 Level [-] Tower Jump
Before the game started, Ray also tried to lower his posture as much as possible.

Ask the jungler to come on the road more: "This kind of crispy skin is easy to catch, right?"

"Well, I'll come if you suppress his blood a little bit." Seven analyzed and said, "However, it must be Lucian's top laner."

Regardless of whether it is Lucian's top laner or not, it is indeed the most important output point.

And the output of this hero, to be honest, highlights a weakness in the later stage.

That is to say, the early suppression is not bad. If the opponent does not have a normal ad in the bot lane, once Lucian is stunted, he can basically enter the stage of chronic death.

Because Lucian is stunted, beating someone is scraping.

The game has officially started!
Chen Mo took his corruption potion and walked on the road again.

Although the damage with the Dolan sword will be higher, but in terms of consumption capacity, potions are still more useful.

Because in Chen Mo's talent, he ordered a time-distorting tonic, which can restore half of the potion's effect in an instant, and the rest will return slowly.

This effect is very effective against fighting and anti-killing. If there is no potion, it will not be triggered.

And this Yidi team also arranged for a unique skill that they had hidden for a long time.

Analysts plus players, analyze and predict ability.

At the first level, there is a rule where a hero will stand. Every opponent in the rank is different, so this position is actually difficult to guess.

But when it comes to competitions, it's different. Sometimes many players don't know their habits.

In this round of the Yidi team, everyone came to the river in the lower half of the area together, and then began the countdown.

"Three, two, one!" With Zoe's voice, the countdown ended, and a hypnotic bubble shot directly across the wall of the blue buff, and blew towards the grass where the blue buff was!

A bubble sound effect shows, Hit!
There is a Morgana hiding in the grass.

When Lambo plays Morgana, he can't help but stop at this bush, and the analyst analyzes it through big data.

Judging the probability that he will stand in this place in this round, it is as high as 70.00%.

And this sound of bubble hit also verified the analyst's conjecture.

After the hit, everyone rushed forward, and the time Morgana was asleep was enough for everyone to rush in front of him.

Directly output a meal, and give him an instant win.

And Ray's Jess was also praying crazily, give me the head, give me the head!
A hammer fell, followed by a passive level A.

Massive damage poured in, and 400 yuan appeared above Jess's head.

"Wuhu, take off!" Ray said excitedly in Chinese.

This head, well held, wonderfully held!
The first blood is 400 yuan, with Jess, how can I lose on the road?

Right time and place and people!

You boy, so what if you are strong, do you know what destiny is?
Go home and directly make a long sword and add another red, and Jess, who went out with Dolan's long sword red, is invincible!
"Jess got the first blood, what is this wave, perspective?" Wang Deji was shocked, "Is this professional player playing a game with us?"

After the start of the playoffs, almost every game has a very magical operation and operation, which makes people deeply feel the gap between ordinary people and professional players.

What kind of analysis is this so that you can guess your position blindly without vision.

Then swarmed up and got the first blood.

This first blood, I have to say, is really beautiful.

"Then Lucian is in trouble. Jess is 400 yuan ahead, and he didn't lose any skills." Gu Yao couldn't help worrying about Chen Mo.

No matter how deep a person hides, the concerned eyes can't be hidden.

This made some keen people seem to have discovered something. It seems that this commentator has a unique view on AD players.

And Chen Mo, who was on the top lane, also had a bit of a headache when he saw Jess' first blood.

If there is no head, Lucian can easily bloody Jess, but if there is a head, it will be more difficult.

"Lanbao, you are really there. Zs hid on the road, but he didn't escape your persecution."

A barrage broke the defenses of many Zs fans, Zs is really too miserable.

When people are at the road station, the assistant can give a big gift bag to the road, which is really overwhelming.

Jess came to the road with a smile, ready to kill Lucian in order to avenge the miserable world of the previous one.

Chen Mo stood in the first bush on the road, blocking his vision and waiting for the soldiers to gather.

In the first wave of small soldiers, neither side has any aggressive intentions yet.

They are all trying to find out. You must know that when two long hands are facing each other, whoever moves A first will definitely fight against A.

You have to resist the output of a wave of minions first, which is quite uneconomical.

And because Lucian has the q skill to penetrate the body, he has certain advantages that can be consumed by looking for opportunities.

However, Ray is also very cautious, trying not to form a three-point line with the soldier Lucian.

This thing, if it is exposed, it is pure prostitution. After all, Lu Xi'an is calm and leisurely, and the current skill bars are all white.

That is to say, after this skill is released, no mana is consumed.

The talent of calmness and leisure is still a bit perverted, and the ability to prostitute is extremely strong.

Of course, Jess also brought it. As a hero who needs Goddess Tears, he also lacks mana very much.

However, the disadvantage of Jess' skills is that he cannot penetrate soldiers, and Lucian stands behind the soldiers, so he has no chance.

Jess now has an extra long sword in his hand, so he can take the initiative naturally.

When the melee soldiers on both sides were exhausted, they also found the angle for the cannon to shoot.

Immediately came a q first, but Chen Mo took a step down and easily turned off the q skill.

This was unexpected by Jess, but the transformation had already started, so he hit it directly.

This wave of blood exchange is not necessarily a loss.

Before Jess came up with the hammer, Chen Mo hit a flat A. As soon as he was hit by the hammer and lost blood, he immediately drank the first corruption potion.

While the blood volume is instantly restored, the damage will also be accompanied by the additional damage of the corruption potion.

This extra damage is equivalent to going out with a long sword.

QAA directly hits the damage of a strong attack. When the strong attack is equal to A three times, it will trigger an additional damage plus vulnerability.

It starts at sixty points, and then adds 12.00% extra damage.

It is equivalent to the effect that you can hit one hundred and twelve with one hundred points of damage, which is equivalent to having an extra long sword.

The potion strengthens the attack, and at the same time the medicine king is out, this wave of blood exchange is definitely possible to fight.

But after all, Jess has an extra long sword, and Aery also comes with extra damage.

In terms of exchanging blood, Jess should still make a small profit, but what he didn't expect was that he wanted to chase more A, but was pulled away.

This is the effect of the Time Distortion Tonic, which not only increases the recovery amount, but also increases the movement speed by 5.00% when recovering.

Don't underestimate this 5.00%. The starting hero generally has an initial movement speed of more than 300.

5.00% means more than fifteen points, which is equivalent to half a shoe.

And this movement speed is the key to distance in the early stage.

This made Jess could have made an extra A, but failed.

He had no choice but to back off, and Ray couldn't figure it out all of a sudden, why he had less A.

Then before switching back to the cannon form, Lucian stole another shot.

Jess, who switched back to the cannon form, wants to click back immediately, otherwise he will be clicked for nothing.

Right now, Jess is getting a little bloated!
What the other party noticed was that he had been awarded a flat A, but what Chen Mo noticed was that six soldiers had been killed.

Now there is the seventh one being hit by an A. Chen Mo's next shot hit the little soldier with an A, and Jess responded in kind and hit it back.

And Chen Mo shot a q skill, and the q landed on the soldier.

Suddenly grab the second success!

At the same time, knowing that the other party has to wait for the death of a minion with full blood to advance to the second level, it is absolutely impossible for him to be promoted to the second level instantly!

Jess realized something was wrong and wanted to retreat, it was over.

Lucian tapped the e skill in seconds, directly e came over to AA twice to tie A, and then relied on the approaching sliding distance, and then made an extra A, and hit a total of three times to tie A!

All of a sudden, Ray realized that something seemed to be wrong with him.

Overconfident in the long sword advantage of the first level, the basic details of the line, it seems to be exploded?

Now, the two bottles of blood medicine have been wiped out.

And Lucian only took a sip of the corruption potion, isn't this a big loss for the line?
Failed to grab the second, the consequences are quite serious, Jess has already lost the qualification to take the initiative to exchange blood.

The pawn line began to push slowly towards Jess. Except for the first wave of pawns, Jess had no way to continue to form a three-point line with the minions at all.

Jayce needs CS, and CS gets hit.

Chen Mo's piercing q is the best he has ever seen, bar none.

Because he has no experience with Lucian, maybe there are better ones, and he can't meet them either.

It can only be said that this q skill is really accurate. When ray is shaking and swaying from side to side, he can't dodge this pawn piercing q.

"That's a good q, why does it feel like I took my head for nothing?" Ray looked at two-thirds of his health, and couldn't help but start to doubt his life.

Could it be that he was going to be beaten home by Lucian?
Top laner Lucian, is it so smooth?

The second-level Jess tried to hit back the lost HP with a qe. When the shot was empty, Jess lost the qualification for laning.

When Jess was trying to return under the tower, Chen Mo had a premonition that he had run out of blood bottles, and he was carrying Ailey and calm, so he only had those two bottles of medicine.

And the key shot of the second level was missed, so it is possible to return.

Chen Mo directly crossed the line of soldiers and stepped forward, then shot the w skill at the longest distance, interrupting the return journey, and when firing w at the same time, he took another mouthful of corruption potion.

Let the amount of blood consumed be a little more.


This Lucian is a bit disgusting.

Chen Mo's push line was very slow, but this interruption made Jess prefer to return to tp, and there was no chance of returning.

I feel that I have to lose a lot, so I still won't return, and the pawn line is not far from entering the tower.

Let's go back after eating all the experience, you can't lose experience.

The current version update also greatly reduces the experience of the first blood, especially this kind of first blood where everyone has assists, the experience is almost equal to zero, so Jess is not able to grab the second and loses the opportunity.

Lucian, who pushed the line slowly, waited for another wave of soldiers before completely pushing the line of soldiers into the defense tower. This wave brought six long-range soldiers and two melee soldiers. Just announced gg.

So it is impossible not to eat, but at this time, Lucian is already level four.

As for Jess, he didn't know where the details went wrong, and he only had half of his health.

This laning suppression also dumbfounded the commentator and the audience.

"What's the matter, got the first blood and was crushed under the tower?"

"This Jess is playing with snake skin. He missed a single shot. He eats every pawn-piercing Q. Of course he can't beat him."

"Is there such a possibility that ZS's Lucian is too strong, and the accuracy of this Q is a bit outrageous."

"Whether Jess is too good or ZS is too strong, this is a question, but Jess has one blood, I can't accept that he can't beat Lucian!"

The audience scolded Jess one after another, but Jess was also promoted to the third level thanks to the experience of the minions. When all the eight minions in this wave are eaten, he should also be promoted to the fourth level.

Then he took the opportunity to go home, and in the laning area, Ray suddenly felt that he was a little confused. He had been playing top lane all his life, how could he be beaten by a bot lane ADC so that he didn’t know how to play?
This guy obviously only knows ADC and can't play other heroes, so he will use this kind of strange hero to top the lane.

It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense!
Just as Jess was thinking about how to become domineering, he didn't miss any of the minions under the tower, when he saw Lucian pressing over, parallel to Jess and the defensive tower. Standing in this position, Jess couldn't escape!
What the hell, my father is here, what do you want to do?
I saw Lucian attack suddenly, a w hit Jess, Ray took the opportunity to play qe, and then transformed at the speed of light, ready to fight back under the tower.

Unexpectedly, when A fired the first bullet, Lucian had already taken the corruption potion, triggering the triple effect of accelerated recovery and burning.

Then an ultra-short-distance short e, the fastest sliding step is completed, not for displacement, but for faster firing of the next two bullets.

Four bullets, triggering a strong attack first, causing additional damage while increasing the subsequent damage amplification.

The fourth bullet, when it was still automatically fired, had already raised its hand and pressed it, with the holy light penetrating the body.

This is Lucian's passive mechanism. As long as you shoot a bullet, no matter what skill you use, the second bullet will automatically come out, perhaps hidden in your sliding action, or hidden in your body-penetrating holy light among.

In short, as long as the hand speed is fast enough, you can shoot six shots per second, perfectly deceiving the defense tower.

A short e also slipped off Jace's qe cannon, and at the same time, he dealt his own damage at the fastest speed, plus the attack interval that got stuck in the defense tower.

After all the damage has been dealt, the defensive towers will start to bite!

Jess, on the other hand, had already died in the air in the form of a hammer. Before the hammer hit Lucian, he had already fallen on the spot and died suddenly.

The only question before death is, how dare he?

Level [-], kill level [-] Jess under the tower?

Outrageous, outrageous, but it did happen, and the damage calculation was extremely accurate. Jess completed the kill before even touching Lucian.

And the defense tower, within this distance, can only hit Lucian twice with A, and Lucian will get rid of the hatred of the defense tower when he pulls between the two towers. He still has half of his health, which is still quite safe.

This wave, which looks gorgeous and elegant, actually has a chance of being counter-killed. If the opponent predicts that the cannon is a little lower, then use flash to avoid the transparent holy light, dodge behind you, and hammer the shape Knock into the center of the defensive tower by yourself, and you will be counter-killed.

Fortunately, this ray is not a script like a robot, and it doesn't have the ability to react and calculate.

Because, if anything, he wouldn't be consumed by himself like this.

Therefore, the success rate of this wave of tower jumping is still quite high, and the facts have proved that there is really no problem.

Ray, under the camera, is already in pain, as if wearing a mask of pain. At this time, no one can help him clean up. His skills are all there, first blood is the first priority, equipment is ahead, and the tower has been jumped.

So what is there to say?
Indeed, ray's laning ability is more than one level behind zs.

It's hard to believe, but the fact is that a top laner who had entered the world championship was crushed by an ad player who stepped up temporarily!
(End of this chapter)

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