My place is on fire

Chapter 900 A good master from China!

Chapter 900 A good master from China!
Luo Yanning and Mu Wei were both beneficiaries of taking [Spirit of Plants and Plants].

[Spirit of Grass and Trees] has sold dozens of pieces so far.

So far, there has been no case of any abnormality in the body of customers after taking it.

Although [Spirit of Grass and Trees] has not been inspected by any organization, nor is it certified by any authoritative organization.

But in terms of medication safety, it is still very guaranteed!

After Marx and Luo Yinning completed the transaction, they couldn't wait to experience the effects of [Spirit of Plants and Plants].

Luo Yanning took him directly to his practice room and protected him once.

After all, Marx bought nearly 200 billion worth of elixirs at one time this time, so it was only natural that he should provide some additional "law-protecting" services.

"Is it okay to take it directly? Are there any other precautions?"

Marx looked at the spirit of vegetation that had been cut open by Luo Yanning with a flying knife, with a look of anticipation on his face.

Luo Yanning smiled and nodded: "Yes, just take it orally. The rest is to wait for the medicine to take effect."

"Okay! I can't wait any longer." Marx said with a smile, then raised his head and squeezed the essence of the spirit of vegetation into his mouth.

Then, following the method taught to him by Luo Yanning, he sat in a posture with his five hearts facing the sky, gently closed his eyes, and began to wait for the medicine to take effect.

The spirit of vegetation is slightly sweet in the mouth, and soon enters the stomach along the esophagus, and then begins to spread throughout the body.

It was like swallowing a ball of warm air. After the air ball entered the body, it turned into countless small airflows and radiated away towards the limbs and bones.

The warm and comfortable feeling is like lying on the beach in Hawaii and sunbathing leisurely.

There was no pain in the process of [Spirit of Plants and Plants] taking effect, only incomparable comfort. The expression on Max's face was joyful, and he soon entered a state of "tranquility" similar to Buddhism.

Luo Yanning has protected many people who have taken [Spirit of Grass and Trees], and her experience is quite rich. As long as they enter the "sediment" state, basically there will be no accidents.

Until the user has absorbed all the medicinal effects of [Spirit of Plants and Plants], the user will come out of the "sedimentary" state. During this period, even if someone is talking around him, he will not be disturbed.

A person in this state is like a three-year-old child in a deep sleep. Even if you pick him up from the ground and hold him aside, he will not wake up.

"Master, I introduced you to such a big customer, is there any reward for me?"

After Mulvey saw Marx "entering concentration", he laughed and asked his master for a reward.

Luo Yanning asked with a smile: "What do you want?"

Mu Wei smiled and said: "I want the master to guide me to learn the cosmic energy guidance technique for one day! I heard from the senior brothers and sisters that having a master to guide me is more efficient and easier to sense the energy than learning and comprehending it myself! "

"That's it?" Luo Yanning shook her head and smiled, feeling that Mu Wei, the young apprentice, was too easily satisfied.

It is only natural for a master to guide his apprentice, but now Mu Wei regards it as a reward. It seems that he is still very unqualified as a master!
Mu Wei smiled and nodded: "Yes! That's it! I heard that Senior Sister Xiao Du began to absorb cosmic energy to strengthen her body after sensing Qi. Her strength has improved a lot! I learned almost a month late, and I am too behind. There are too many, I really need the master to give me some extra lessons!”

Luo Yanning said with a smile: "We have a saying in China that chasing a sheep is also driving, and driving a group of sheep is also driving. Let's do it this way. It's better to choose a day than to catch it. Send a message to the brothers in the group and let them all Come over to the practice room and have a group class today."

"Okay, Master! Just wait a moment, I'll be right away!" After hearing Luo Yanning's suggestion, Mu Wei happily went to gather people among his fellow apprentices.

He didn't feel unfair or taken advantage of because others shared the "compensation" that should have been his.

Luo Yanning's several apprentices have different statuses and come from various walks of life. There are princes from the royal family like Mu Wei, rich daughters like Gao Yaling, and martial arts families like Zhao Rui.

There are also ordinary girls like Du Enya and Zheng Qi who have no status. They have always been very happy with each other, very harmonious and friendly.

Mu Wei never felt that he was superior because he was a prince of the royal family. When he met Du Enya and Zheng Qi, he was not ambiguous at all when he called him senior sister.

Gao Yaling also had a fierce fight with a group of junior sisters. She never regarded herself as the daughter of a rich family. There was no distinction between seniors and juniors in the same sect. They were all brothers and sisters.

Luo Yanning, the master, was naturally very pleased to see the harmony and friendship among the apprentices, and this was what he wanted to see.

Black Dragon Martial Arts School, among the group of fellow disciples.

"Brothers and sisters! I have good news for you all!"

"Mu Wei? I saw today's news. When you return to China, you don't tell us in advance. Are you afraid that we will kill you?"

"Junior brother, did you really invite Marx to the scenic spot? He is the richest man in the world! That's amazing!"

"Junior brother, how is your relationship with Marx? Can you get me an autograph?"

"Let's first listen to what good news Junior Brother Mu Wei has brought. I have a hunch that this good news will be good for everyone."

Mu Wei became famous in the group of fellow disciples, and several senior sisters and brothers were all online.

"Junior Brother Mu Wei, please tell me the good news! Is it like what Junior Brother Shi said? Everyone has a share?"

"Master asked me to summon my brothers to come to his practice room. This afternoon, he will personally guide everyone in the cosmic energy guidance technique."

"I'm going! Junior brother, why didn't you tell me earlier! I'll be there soon!"

"I'll be there right away too!"

"Let's go together!"

When Gao Yaling and others heard that Luo Yanning was going to class, they were all excited. They all put down what they were doing and went straight to the scenic spot. So far, among Luo Yanning's several apprentices, only Du Enya and Zhao Rui have sensed Qi, thus officially stepping into the threshold of cultivation.

Gao Yaling, Shi Mingsheng, and Zheng Qi have not yet sensed Qi and have not yet entered the threshold of cultivation.

When Luo Yanning was teaching in person, everyone's ability to comprehend was obviously better than usual on their own, so when they heard that he was going to teach in person, everyone was very excited, and one came faster than the other!

Counting from the first message Mu Wei sent in the group of senior brothers, less than ten minutes later, several senior sisters and brothers arrived.

"Junior Brother Mu Wei did a good job! You really don't forget to share the good things with the senior sisters!"

"If I can sense Qi today, Junior Brother Mu Wei will be the biggest contributor!"

"Junior Brother Mu Wei, thank you for your hard work on the road. Welcome back to the scenic spot."

Except for Zheng Qi, who is still going to school in the city and will not be able to come for a while, she posted a series of crying emoticons in the group, feeling extremely regretful.

Mu Wei quickly summoned all the senior sisters and brothers who were "staying" around the scenic area to the master's practice room.

The Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area enjoys the blessing of the [Zhong Ling Yuxiu] skill, and the aura in the air is much richer than in other places.

Even for people who have not sensed Qi and cannot practice, staying in a place with strong spiritual Qi will have a very obvious effect on strengthening the body.

Therefore, Gao Yaling, Shi Mingsheng, Zhao Rui, Du Enya and other Luo Yanning's apprentices have now "stayed" in the scenic spot and settled here for a long time.

Gao Yaling and Shi Mingsheng are both rich people worth hundreds of millions. Naturally, they don't have to run around for a living. The savings in their hands are enough for them to live a very comfortable life in the scenic spot.

Zhao Rui and Du Enya are not only Luo Yanning's apprentices, but also employees of the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area. Not only can they stay in the scenic area with peace of mind, they even get paid!
Only Zheng Qi is still young and has just entered college this year. Due to academic problems, she spends most of her time in school and only comes to the scenic spot on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

The senior brothers chatted for a few words at the door, and then entered the practice room together.

"Hello, master!"

As soon as they entered the door, everyone greeted Luo Yanning in unison. It didn't matter whether he was older or younger in private, but when Luo Yanning was preaching and receiving his vocation, as a disciple, he should show the minimum respect.

"Everyone, sit down. Let's stop talking nonsense and get started. Sensing the sense of Qi is the most basic and important step in the first step of cosmic energy guidance. Qi can be found everywhere in the universe, and some Qi is extremely chaotic. , cannot be absorbed by the human body, but there are also some qi that resonate very well with our human body. We can feel these qi and guide it into our body..."

Luo Yanning has explained the principle of "qi sense" to a group of disciples several times. However, he explains it in a different way every time. He tries to explain it from more perspectives that are more conducive to the understanding of the group of disciples. The key to sensing Qi.

As Luo Yanning said, sensing the sense of Qi is the most critical step in practicing [Cosmic Original Energy Guidance Technique]. Only by sensing the sense of Qi can you officially enter the path of cultivation.

Luo Yanning unreservedly shared her various insights on [Cosmic Original Energy Guidance Technique] to a group of apprentices. Under the influence of [Teacher Halo], the understanding of a group of apprentices increased by 50%. After listening to Luo Yanning's explanation , all of them were thoughtful.

"Okay, that's all I can say. It can only be this thin at most. It can't be any finer. You guys can taste it again and see if you can feel the breath."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. It doesn't matter even if you can't sense it yet. I have full confidence in you and you will be able to sense it sooner or later."

"What you are facing is not a question of whether you can sense Qi, but a question of sooner or later."

Luo Yanning smiled and comforted a group of disciples. What he said was actually true.

According to the instructions for use of the [Super Scenic Area System], a person's physical constitution is strong, and the higher the value, the greater the chance that he will feel Qi.

As Luo Yanning's direct disciples, they have all taken Tianyang Dan. Zheng Qi, who has the lowest constitution, has a constitution of more than 140 points. The chance of sensing Qi is very high!

As for the Krypton guys like Mu Wei and Gao Yaling, who have billions of dollars in krypton gold and have purchased [Spirit of Plants and Plants] from Luo Yanning, and their physical fitness has soared to about 300 points, theoretically speaking, the probability of sensing Qi is higher!
Sure enough, after listening to Luo Yanning's lecture, Mu Wei and Gao Yaling both felt something in their hearts. They opened their eyes at the same time and looked at Luo Yanning with joy!
"Master! I, I, I feel it! I feel the aura you mentioned!"

Mu Wei felt very excited after listening to the class for the first time. He felt that he was blessed with good luck today!
"Congratulations to Junior Brother Mu Wei!"

"Congratulations, little Muwei! My sister is so envious of you! I just took one class and I felt the energy. This speed is almost catching up with your senior sister Xiao Du. It took her more than half a day to feel the energy."

Mu Wei smiled happily and said: "Hahaha, then I wish senior sister and senior brothers to feel the sense of Qi as soon as possible and embark on the path of formal cultivation!"

Mu Wei could sense Qi so quickly, and Luo Yanning was no exception. In addition to the Tianyang Pill he gave as a gift, he also purchased a Spirit of Plants and Plants from himself.

Tianyang Dan plus the spirit of grass and trees, plus Mu Wei's original physique, directly piled up his "value" into a superman with more than 300 points.

According to the system's introduction to [Cosmic Energy Guidance Technique], to practice this skill, the minimum physical fitness level must reach 50 points.

People with a physical constitution lower than 50 points will 50% not feel the sense of Qi. Only those with a physical constitution of 0.002 points will have a certain chance of sensing the 'Qi sense'. This chance is about %!
On the basis of 50 points of physical fitness, for every 10 points of physical fitness, the chance of sensing Qi will also increase by 10%.

Kryptonians like Mu Wei and Gao Yaling who have taken the combination of Tianyang Dan + Spirit of Plants and Plants are several times more likely to sense Qi than ordinary people, and their chances of success are naturally much higher.

"Master! Me! Me! Me! I feel it too! I feel it! Hahaha! On the way here, I had a hunch that it might happen today, and it actually happened!"

It took less than three minutes after Mu Wei felt the Qi feeling. Gao Yaling finally felt the Qi feeling this time, and she was naturally extremely happy.

"Don't be too anxious to be happy. After sensing the Qi, introducing cosmic energy for the first time to temper the body is the most critical step. Following my instructions, Mu Wei and Gao Yaling sat down again, with their five hearts facing the sky..."

Luo Yanning did not get carried away just because his two disciples had awakened. He continued to guide several disciples in their cultivation, and gave Mu Wei and Gao Yaling their cultivation advice.

On the road of cultivation, Luo Yanning can be regarded as a veteran. It cannot be said that he has rich experience, but at least he is still online.

Unlike when I first came into contact with [Cosmic Original Energy Guidance Technique], I didn't have any information about this. I could only rely on system prompts and perseverance to persevere.

At this moment, he told his two apprentices about the pitfalls he had stepped into in cultivation and the lessons he had learned. He did not leave any tricks behind and taught anyone who could be taught!
Luo Yanning, the master, really wanted to break up all his experiences and lessons, knead them into pieces, and then put them in the mouths of several apprentices.

If he can do this, he can definitely be regarded as a good master of China!

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